What are you thinking about? Part IV

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I'm thinking I love it when people prove me to be right just my being themselves. It always comes out sooner or later.:P
thinking I cant wait to get my daughter in an hour
What I am thinking about

Wow..I'm thinking I am so happy for Shel, yeah, smile...and I really would like to know what is making Loghead so Happy??? Hmmm...and we had a horrible thunderstorm last night..and I am so happy I could not hear it..but it made me miss Luke ( my dog) who used to climb in my lap like he was a 20 lb dog instead of an 82 lb. lol..I would tell him happy stories and stroke his head, and if I stopped he would shiver, yeah I miss Luke. Also thinking about PFH's body modification. I'm thinking, lol, he's getting circumcised, OMG..laughing or...geez having his tongue split...please not that. I am also, on a personal note, thinking about the fact that it seems I have come to a
place on the path I walk, that is requiring me to choose one way or the other.
Same path , but a split...this will be a life altering choice so I am doing a lot of meditation and asking for guidance, perhaps a "sign" from my Creator. I
will accept what ever lies on the path I choose..but it is something I must decide by the end of the holiday. No sense hesitating and I fear NOT!
I will let you know how it turns out...smiling..Peace to everyone and
Be, Happy, Be Well...Midnight♥♥♥ (PFH Be careful) :cool2:
Thinking about lastnight's Zumba class two deafies joined me :)
I'm thinking some neighbors are very rude. We have the nosy one over visiting with MIL and I can't start dinner with her here. She is a pain in the royal patootie!
Cool! Did they know you'd be there, or was that just by accident?

she told me they be there and hoping more will come :) My teacher is super sweet with deafies in her class :)
There's someone on my FB that I have known for years but I have come to dread going to the FB because he's always there. He's not mean.. just always there.

I had to take his RealId off in WoW so I could play. He wanted me to drop everything in WoW everytime log in Wow and just talk to him for hours. I don't mind ten mintues here and there but there's nothing I hate worse than just standing around talking and doing nothing. Since I do a lot of PvP (players verus players) I can't always answer him at once. He's saying that I ignore him in game and stuff. I am starting to resent having to give up stuff so I can talk to him.

I think I may have to remove him from FB. I'm not happy about this. I think he's the clingy sort.
There's someone on my FB that I have known for years but I have come to dread going to the FB because he's always there. He's not mean.. just always there.

I had to take his RealId off in WoW so I could play. He wanted me to drop everything in WoW everytime log in Wow and just talk to him for hours. I don't mind ten mintues here and there but there's nothing I hate worse than just standing around talking and doing nothing. Since I do a lot of PvP (players verus players) I can't always answer him at once. He's saying that I ignore him in game and stuff. I am starting to resent having to give up stuff so I can talk to him.

I think I may have to remove him from FB. I'm not happy about this. I think he's the clingy sort.

is this a copy and paste?
There's someone on my FB that I have known for years but I have come to dread going to the FB because he's always there. He's not mean.. just always there.

I had to take his RealId off in WoW so I could play. He wanted me to drop everything in WoW everytime log in Wow and just talk to him for hours. I don't mind ten mintues here and there but there's nothing I hate worse than just standing around talking and doing nothing. Since I do a lot of PvP (players verus players) I can't always answer him at once. He's saying that I ignore him in game and stuff. I am starting to resent having to give up stuff so I can talk to him.

I think I may have to remove him from FB. I'm not happy about this. I think he's the clingy sort.

It does become quite aggravating when someone wants or tries to monopolize all ur time......I received 15 VP calls in one day....from someone that is just a friend...unbelievable!...When I called him back late evening...wondering if it was an emergency or something....he only said..."oh, just wanted to talk with you.".....

My guess is that he was just "lonely"....or just plain ignorant and no manners....now I've got 5 more of his calls which I have not returned....don't plan to!
I'm thinking some neighbors are very rude. We have the nosy one over visiting with MIL and I can't start dinner with her here. She is a pain in the royal patootie!

Seems this neighbor is trying to tell MIL that it is a mistake for us to do the construction and she is planning on fighting the Town Council over the plans. Well, "too bad, so sad", the council already approved it with a unanimous vote. This neighbor still is upset that we never came back to Florida to visit with my in-laws before FIL died. Well, my in-laws came up every year and stayed a month and we were not aware of the extent of FIL's illness until 9 months before his death. MIL did not want my kids to remember their grandfather as a sick person, she wanted them to have the happy memories. My FIL specifically asked that we not know until the end. Once MIL told us that we needed to hurry, we packed up and basically ruined our credit, by the way we left, but in 5 weeks, we were on the road. He died the day before we got there. That's why this neighbor is so angry with hubby. All I know is, she has had one problem or another with my husband ever since he was a small child. (in-laws bought this house when he was 4 and this neighbor was the first in the neighborhood, MIL was the 2nd and the lady across the street the 3rd.). Whenever I see this neighbor, I just remember the old saying, "kill them with kindness" and "smile like you don't know any better and they will wonder what they have missed". :giggle:
It does become quite aggravating when someone wants or tries to monopolize all ur time......I received 15 VP calls in one day....from someone that is just a friend...unbelievable!...When I called him back late evening...wondering if it was an emergency or something....he only said..."oh, just wanted to talk with you.".....

My guess is that he was just "lonely"....or just plain ignorant and no manners....now I've got 5 more of his calls which I have not returned....don't plan to!

15 vps in one day? That's a tad much. :shock: I don't blame you. I get texted in FB that much or in the game..
Seems this neighbor is trying to tell MIL that it is a mistake for us to do the construction and she is planning on fighting the Town Council over the plans. Well, "too bad, so sad", the council already approved it with a unanimous vote. This neighbor still is upset that we never came back to Florida to visit with my in-laws before FIL died. Well, my in-laws came up every year and stayed a month and we were not aware of the extent of FIL's illness until 9 months before his death. MIL did not want my kids to remember their grandfather as a sick person, she wanted them to have the happy memories. My FIL specifically asked that we not know until the end. Once MIL told us that we needed to hurry, we packed up and basically ruined our credit, by the way we left, but in 5 weeks, we were on the road. He died the day before we got there. That's why this neighbor is so angry with hubby. All I know is, she has had one problem or another with my husband ever since he was a small child. (in-laws bought this house when he was 4 and this neighbor was the first in the neighborhood, MIL was the 2nd and the lady across the street the 3rd.). Whenever I see this neighbor, I just remember the old saying, "kill them with kindness" and "smile like you don't know any better and they will wonder what they have missed". :giggle:
Sounds like she thinks she's the queen bee since she was the first one in the neighborhood. Keep "killing" her with your kindness.
Great thing about having 4 teenagers. Is...We have our own moving crew!! Yay! The move is completed and nothing got wet on the way.. took us a couple of trips....
Great thing about having 4 teenagers. Is...We have our own moving crew!! Yay! The move is completed and nothing got wet on the way.. took us a couple of trips....

Hope nothing got broken, either...my 3 boys did a great job when we moved last month also....We're still asking each other occassionally..."do you know where that is"?...and I say "I've no clue"....still looking for some of our computer equipment/tools, etc.....Know it's around here.....somewhere!...Hope you enjoy the nice country environment/atmosphere....peace & quiet from all the city "hustle and bussle" and of course, the crime.
We had to move some items some 6 months back. One was a TV (those gigantic tube TVs :lol: ) One of our great friends was actually a bit careless in how he moved that TV, and turned out that after the items were moved, that TV no longer worked. Gave us a GREAT excuse to buy a new, FLAT screen TV that weighs WAYYYYYYYY lighter! :lol:
I'm thinking I know of a lot of people that are going to end up with stress related physical illnesses because they cannot let anything go and are consumed with defending that which was never questioned.
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