What are you thinking about? Part IV

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PFH might have had plans for his ya-know-what to be chopped off and sell for $$ on Ebay or so.. ehh whatever.. lol (I kid!)
BTW, I removed a mole that was starting to hurt bad off the side of my chest. Circular wound. :)

Minor in/out procedure.
Heh, just the entire southeast U.S. I would worry more about gangs than heat in DC.

Funny, my old high school in DC was just a few blocks away from the worst neighborhood in DC but I rarely ever had to worry about gangs when I attended MSSD. There are nice parts of DC (Georgetown comes to mind). I've lived in the southeast for most of my life ie, VA Beach, Charlotte NC are among the places that I've lived in and trust me, DC is worse then those places in the summer.

I would imagine that the area that my Dad grew up in without AC might be comparable to DC as it was a swampy area. Even with AC, Okefenokee Swamp is prolly a miserable place to be in the summer. My dad used to live there till he was 10.
Sure hope it doesn't rain tomorrow. At least it holds off til we get our stuff moved.
I am thinking I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow. Hubby and son are going to try and move the rest of our stuff into storage. My mother and daughter will pack some books and Pyrex that I have on shelves in the garage, but I think 2-3 loads in the Explorer and we are finally done.
Sure hope it doesn't rain tomorrow. At least it holds off til we get our stuff moved.

It rained and rained and rained.....hope you got it all out in the early AM!....Supposed to rain all weekend.
It rained and rained and rained.....hope you got it all out in the early AM!....Supposed to rain all weekend.

We had a small shower (5 minutes) with massive thunder. That's all. Lots of gray sky and mugginess, but not much rain. We could sure use some good soaking rain down here, but I would just as soon have it wait until we empty the garage.
I'm just thinking of last night and how a hearing woman in her 50's that knows sign language upon seeing a "deaf jam" video for the first time instantly saying "he's insulting the deaf community"..... She shared much more of her opinion as the video went on.
I'm just thinking of last night and how a hearing woman in her 50's that knows sign language upon seeing a "deaf jam" video for the first time instantly saying "he's insulting the deaf community"..... She shared much more of her opinion as the video went on.

Who? "Deaf Jam"? Where's the video?
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