What are you thinking about? Part IV

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I just heard that Rand Paul has been filibustering the Senate the past eight hours against the passage of the Patriot Act extension and amendments. Awesome!
Thinking about the odd paradox. The people who are mid-aged regrets not going to school; the people who are in their 30s and under regrets going to school.

I must say I'm glad to have attended university. The regret I have is that my degree isn't good for much, lol.

Seems alot of people in their 50's are going back to school. Even my mother is going back.

Hard to believe people regret going to school....maybe it's the loans. Or missing the start up boom

Sometimes life get in the way of attaining an education for some people. Good on your mom for going to college now! What is she studying?
Dixie, you've had a rough week. :hug:
I hope your friend gets well quickly and your cousin stays on top of her meds.

Thank you LoveBlue. My friend who is battling breast cancer is supposed to get the results back tomorrow I believe. I've been praying about that all week hoping she will be given a clean bill of health.

However, my cousin who was diagnosed with Addison's Disease over the weekend has taken a turn for the worse. Her bone marrow is not replenishing itself and they have done a biopsy of her bone marrow and I think they are to get the results tomorrow or Friday. I am hoping and praying it is not leukemia, although it sounds all too much like it.

I found out this morning that my family that lives in Clarksville is alive and ok after last night's tornado that ripped the town apart. They sustained minor damage to their property, however a friend from their church was killed and two children had to be mediflighted to Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock. This weather is getting horrible and those who are less fortunate are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thinking how will I read An Incomplete Education: 3684 Things You Should Have Learned But Probably Didn't and a Short History On Nearly Everything when they come in the mail. I expect myself to read through them and write notes on the side. Hopefully I learn a lot of things and would expand my knowledge that might give me a idea on picking a career.

Now that spring semester is over. I got plenty (DONT YOU FAIL ME) time to get a idea on what to do. Should be good... >_<
Seems alot of people in their 50's are going back to school. Even my mother is going back.

Hard to believe people regret going to school....maybe it's the loans. Or missing the start up boom

I think it's comorbid of the two: they have the loans while not finding the jobs that require their degrees.
I seriously regret not being able to continue my college education. Hopefully I will be able to resume my studies and finish in a couple of years depending on how things go on the job front.
thinking how weird that the weather in Phx is much much nicer (temperature-wise) than MD's weather. When I left MD, I was feeling so yucky from sweating all day at work and when I arrived in Phx, the air was refreshing, cool, and most important...dry!
thinking how weird that the weather in Phx is much much nicer (temperature-wise) than MD's weather. When I left MD, I was feeling so yucky from sweating all day at work and when I arrived in Phx, the air was refreshing, cool, and most important...dry!

Yupp....... One of the reasons I did not move to MD
And you should be proud of yourself. You are an ethical person.

Thanks..it is so hard to work with this person knowing she got pregnant with my friend's husband and my friend is barely holding it together emotionally. I just got to make the best of it because I wont risk losing my job over their soap opera drama.
Personally I think few places are more miserable places to be in during summer time than DC. I believe it when they say it was built on a swamp.

Heh, just the entire southeast U.S. I would worry more about gangs than heat in DC.
It's the humidity from what I am told.

That is it in a nutshell! There are times when it can be good, but not often. I much prefer the weather and climate in Florida to Missouri. The dry heat was too unbearable for me. The winters were brutal for me.
Glad I got everything worked out with certification agency for medical assistant exam. After, calling the bank, I find out they never cashed my money order:shock: Now, I am going to start fresh, they will send me a new application and this time I will make a copy! I don't want to fill ripped off like I thought I was.
Heh, just the entire southeast U.S. I would worry more about gangs than heat in DC.

Now isn't that the truth! The humidity here is so ridiculous that I can just stand outside in the shade and I will start sweating. Let's just say the humidity makes it very unpleasant working in the chicken houses!
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