Awesome deja vu experiences, you guys!
Yes I've had dreams that were so realistic... as if I am living out another life or two. Parallel lives, yeah...
Fly Free: Facing your "demons" in your dreams will dissolve the hold your fears have over you, I guarantee it! I did it -- I was floating above this nasty monster that was trying to grab at me, lol... I was scared shitless, and tried to keep myself afloat but I kept being dragged down... I was so tired of being scared shitless and so tired of keeping myself afloat, I just went down to the ground.. and shook the monster's hand, and thanked him for a well played role. He was shocked.. but started to grin, and left me alone. I also faced my another fear.. BIG waves. usually I'll have those BIG waves coming at me, and I'd try to run away... eeekkk... then I just jumped into them out of hell, and POOF I never had the wave dreams again. I just saw more fun dreams opening up to me. I learned to control my dreams, and lucid dream often... when I do "awaken" in the dreams! hehe
Now I am perplexed over this dream I had recently.. I saw an ivory body of an English or French queen laying on some kind of table... in an alley of NYC or something, with her stuff in pieces.. also ivory. This happens right after I have that Hellraiser dream scene and saying bye to a woman I just had an affair with (Never had lesbian relationships in real life) but I sometimes have those female lovers in dreams. I was thinking that the queen was probably something from a past life. Was thinking of Marie Antoinette. Hehe! People also commented how I look very similar to "Mona Lisa" years ago.
CK: Thank you! I believe in reincarnation. Otherwise, how could we get deja vu? I believe Jung may refer to deja vu as something we access info from the past and the future in the "collective unconscious" aka Akashic Records (as New agers like to call it that). This could account for the 100th monkey theory as well, when a learned behavior of cleaning potatoes started with one monkey... this monkey taught another, and so it is taught... all on one island... suddenly other islands' monkeys acquired this learned behavior of cleaning potatoes... scientists think it is that 100th monkey that made the difference, and voooooom... it was implied that the learned behavior may have been passed on psychically after having reached that critical number.
Think about it... 100th monkey theory may also refer to the biblical prophecy of 144,000 people going to Heaven (ascension)... or having Rapture. It would just take that 144,000th person to influence the rest on a global scale... so almost everybody would go to "heaven," anyway. This is about a social change.
I just could go on more, but I'm afraid I'll bore the fuck outta y'all! LOL I love mysteries, especially the human's unchartered regions of the mind and social aspects.