Ooh Dreams, i love dreams. Me, i tend to have vivid dreams and once in a while I get dreams that are so real except everything is different like parallel worlds. I fondly call those dreams parallax dreams. (Think Sliders, except via dream path) Different earth, different life, same me.
Good example of diffy dreams I've had:
1) Post-apocalyptic Earth: My parallel self hid out in the ruins of my family's house Anne Frank style, because of USSR (that still existed and became the supreme world power) seeking to eliminate the remaining Americans.
2) 1,000 Year Journey: (VERY weird dream fyi) I was last of those unique few that is quasi-immortal. Every 50 years, I would have to seek out a mate and concieve a child in where the mother would die at childbirth and my lifeforce would get transferred to the baby which grows to a full adult within 48 hours. Countless incarnations later, I decided to one day end the cycle after I have learned all and seen all I wanted. It felt like it was actually 1,000 years but when I woke up (after I "ultimately died" in the dream) and I actually forgot where I was and was highly disappointed to be still alive.
3) War of the World: Different time frame, where technology was more advanced, different factors uses covert robots to eliminate enemies. We all hid out beneath the earth and found one of those robots headed our way so I had to go and try to destroy it, but it was a new prototype that would spell doom for our faction so I sacraficed myself to disable it (it had already injected toxic chemicals in me right before) and left it behind for my surviving factions to learn from it.