Yes, I have... and I find them to be full of bullshit. There have been stupid translations in there that I don't even want to bring up cuz they are too complicated to explain!Originally posted by Aphrodite
Do anyone of you ever look at a dream book/dictornary to see the meaings of your dreams based on objects/symbols that you see in your dreams?
Originally posted by Aphrodite
Do anyone of you ever look at a dream book/dictornary to see the meaings of your dreams based on objects/symbols that you see in your dreams?
Apoca, yes Once dream test you, if you recogize your recurring dream is truth and listen your own dream. i wish i know your interpertation of your dream. i can't because it is very complicate and amaze! Dream is control Mind and channel Mind you are inside than see everything outside..Originally posted by Apocalypse
sometimes i dream abt school, its so realistic..sometimes i see light flashing in my dream and it is actually light time i dreamt that i was sitting on a stone wall and a huge man walked by and kidnapped me...deja vus abt that dream..also one odd dream i dreamt that me and my family was sitting in a room and eating then yesterday i went to my future to be aunts parents and when my family and i sat down and i saw my sister s plate and it just flashbacked to the dream and i asked mom if i was ever here before and she said no..weird??
Originally posted by ChelEler
The weirdest dream I have had that I remember is (in my dream) when I was chasing a friend of mine in the gym, I think we were playing tag. When my friend ran into an opened door, up the stairs, and then disappeared. I looked around in the gym, and the light was flashing vividly. I was like "KNOCK IT OFF, CHRIS!!!" It won't stop, so I woke up and found that my alarm clock light was flashing. DUH! Time to get up.
I was in junior high school that time. :roll:
Originally posted by VamPyroX
Yes, I have... and I find them to be full of bullshit. There have been stupid translations in there that I don't even want to bring up cuz they are too complicated to explain!
Originally posted by kuifje75
Absolutely I do! I don't always take them seriously, but I look on the MSN dream dictionary all the time and sometimes it does make sense for me, to help interpret my dreams. But sometimes the interpretations are tooooo broad and can be applied to many situations. So, thats why it can be vague still.
Originally posted by SilverRoxy
I have had many recurring dreams that has to do with survival. I survived thru Titanic, wars and other disasters. It was so weird and scary for me!
Does this mean that I will have to go through a difficult crisis in my future?