Webcamering and VP:

Vp with Sequoias and SpiceHD

Webcam with Sequoias, SpiceHD and Fei Ku.

AYAYAY FINALLY GOT VP WORKING!!!!! my man fixed.. he did it for me because its my birthday gift to have it working so i can chat with friends..

anyone wanna go on VP with me.. PM.. with ph number..
(blushing) (snickers)

Oh by the way.. it has to be rated G... lol
:dance: WHOO! I loved mine! Mine was screw up and won't work for 2 weeks and finally fixed it. :) PM if you wanna to get know me and we can chat!

DoofusMama said:
AYAYAY FINALLY GOT VP WORKING!!!!! my man fixed.. he did it for me because its my birthday gift to have it working so i can chat with friends..

anyone wanna go on VP with me.. PM.. with ph number..
(blushing) (snickers)

Oh by the way.. it has to be rated G... lol
DoofusMama said:
AYAYAY FINALLY GOT VP WORKING!!!!! my man fixed.. he did it for me because its my birthday gift to have it working so i can chat with friends..

anyone wanna go on VP with me.. PM.. with ph number..
(blushing) (snickers)

Oh by the way.. it has to be rated G... lol

:applause: YESSSS u did!!!! had fun chatting w/ u again on VP!!!!

Wow, Impressive.. you've got brand new vp...
by the way congrats...

One day could we have chi-chat each together when have free time.. *wink*
i have vp and web cam :dance2: .....if u guys are interest to chat with me pm me then

i did vp with sep and spicehd ...

web cam with sweetheart and seq lol
Oakley_04 said:
read again...its Webcam not VP :slap:

Let me quote it for you.

Have any of you chatted with anyone from AllDeaf on webcamera or VP? List who you have chatted.

I've chatted with CookieMonster, Tweetybird, Eternity, VamPyroX, and Malfoyish on webcamera.

Looks bold.
Why she ask anyone if they have VP or not.
Neo said:
Let me quote it for you.

Looks bold.
Why she ask anyone if they have VP or not.

Just because I ask that question doesn't mean I have it, I notice more members here have gotten VP, and uses it more than webcamera. I can created a thread anyway or any how I want to, Don't jump the gun. :whistle:
Cheri said:
Just because I ask that question doesn't mean I have it, I notice more members here have gotten VP, and uses it more than webcamera. I can created a thread anyway or any how I want to, Don't jump the gun. :whistle:

I have VP and I don't like.

Logitech Pro 3000 with Camfrog are better than VP from my test.

VP's LUX too high and shutter too low.

If someone dont understand what I talk about LUX and shutter then here for you.


Who cares about technical stuff with VP and webcams. The average user doesn't care about it as long it works and can understand each other, that's about it.
qwerty123 said:
uh shutter applies to photography, not videophones. you compare apples with oranges.

lux with videophone? me not understand.

Read Wikipedia first before u said that u dont understand what i talk about it.. :roll:

My webcam do have shutter. Shutter is not for photography only.