Watch Your Kids Numb Nuts!

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The gorilla wasn't murdered.

One thing they did was harvest some of his sperm.

I don't know about this gorilla but usually large animals are cremated after necropsy.
Yeah I posted a link about the harvest of some his sperm. He was murdered to me. I know animals have necropsy done on them , I have a niece that had to do with
necropsy desert tortoises . People would find one and think it's lost in the desert and bring the poor thing home and feeding it the wrong kind of food and my niece had to try care for the tortoise and she would tell all the about necropsy . A lot the tortoise dies that people took home. :( My niece worked at a zoo in Boston and it was too upsetting for her. The public were feeding the animals junk food and throwing things into their cages that they would eat and get sick . Some people should not be allowed in zoos ! My niece also worked San Diego zoo .
The females are confused. They think he's just "missing." The zoo keepers should have let them observe and touch his dead body. Then they wouldn't need to keep looking for him.
I know they keep trying to find him , I agree the females should had been allowed to touch and small his dead body . Animals know what death smell like .
He was executed for being an ape. 10 minutes before he was minding his own business.

Yeah I posted a link about the harvest of some his sperm. He was murdered to me. I know animals have necropsy done on them , I have a niece that had to do with
necropsy desert tortoises . People would find one and think it's lost in the desert and bring the poor thing home and feeding it the wrong kind of food and my niece had to try care for the tortoise and she would tell all the about necropsy . A lot the tortoise dies that people took home. :( My niece worked at a zoo in Boston and it was too upsetting for her. The public were feeding the animals junk food and throwing things into their cages that they would eat and get sick . Some people should not be allowed in zoos ! My niece also worked San Diego zoo .
Murder is a word definition that refers to the deliberate killing of a human by another human. The word does not apply to any other species.
Murder is one human being unlawfully killing another human being. That's the definition. This was the lawful killing of an animal.
I know what murder is but I still can call it's this if I want. I am not going to worry about the definition when it come to my feeling.
For me, I blame on parents for lack of responsibility.

their was only one parent present.
the rush to condemn "them", illustrates a good point why mob justice is an awful thing.
I was wondering if he was brought to a taxidermy to be put on display somewhere. I hope he was buried like you said . :(

odd question...
(drags fat joint,)
exhales smoke in shape of bananas...)

a stuffed gorrila...mmmmmm

im sure those palaces in england and the royal haunts have some lurking around, with the stuffed bears and stuffed.......coyotes and jeelyfish so on...things..
that lurk...

(drags fat joint, pondering the deep meaning of things,,,,,,,,,)

i read someplace....the inca would stuff their dead kings...and on certain days bring them out, sit em down on chairs, and spend the day with with them dancing and doing what the inca would do, probably sacrifice a lllama or two, along with people,
crazy inca
I refuse to 'blame' the parents OR the Zoo for what happened. All we know is what we SEE. We were NOT there at that very moment to know what was going on with the zoo folks and the mother. Losing a kid is very very easy to do- even in a damned department store. Even if the kid was in a stroller- they can climb out of that easily. It was an accident. I know fault lies with both of them but that's where it ends for me- I'm not going to add on to that fire thank you.

SMH... hate that the poor mother is getting crucified for this. It's insane. My faith in humanity and people who armchair judge just gets lessened by the day. Especially when somebody goes :D all the time.

I don't see what the purpose would be for the zoo to taxidermy the poor gorilla... I doubt the zoo would be worrying more about money than the respectful disposal (for lack of a better term sorry) of Harambe. Also agree that he wasn't murdered.

Glad to see though that they did harvest sperm to keep his species alive.
I blame Obummer
The most ignorant statement I ever read throughout this whole ordeal was by a so called wildlife expert on CNN earlier this morning. The captions read " ... another thing people don't realize about the dangers of using tranquilizer darts is .. what if they missed and hit the child?"

So ... bullets are less lethal?
There are a lot of so called 'experts' not being very expertsy .... (I just made that word up).

For one thing, Gisela Kaplan pretty much trumped every "Gorilla expert" out there that said Harambe was a threat. If he had been a threat to the child, and was attempting to harm or kill the child, he would have charged at it, while beating his chest in an attempt to intimidate - he didn't do this.

It was FEAR that killed Harambe. A visceral and irrational emotion.

There are a lot of so called 'experts' not being very expertsy .... (I just made that word up).

For one thing, Gisela Kaplan pretty much trumped every "Gorilla expert" out there that said Harambe was a threat. If he had been a threat to the child, and was attempting to harm or kill the child, he would have charged at it, while beating his chest in an attempt to intimidate - he didn't do this.

It was FEAR that killed Harambe. A visceral and irrational emotion.


“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”: FDR’s
i have no issue with anyone who believes gorrilas are save creatures for wee 4 olds to play with in a cage...

as long as its their kids they are sacrificing...

so far though

i havnt seen any volunteers.
which means
either they lack the courage of their convictions or their full of it

the best argument for the case of gorrilas being non threatening and save for children to play with is to have vid of children playing and bieng with caged gorrilas without any harm or aggression finding the child

so where are all the volunteers?
There are a lot of so called 'experts' not being very expertsy .... (I just made that word up).

For one thing, Gisela Kaplan pretty much trumped every "Gorilla expert" out there that said Harambe was a threat. If he had been a threat to the child, and was attempting to harm or kill the child, he would have charged at it, while beating his chest in an attempt to intimidate - he didn't do this.

It was FEAR that killed Harambe. A visceral and irrational emotion.


how is an irrational fear?

would you let a caged man do that to your kid?
if not why not?

why would you let a caged gorrila?
The most ignorant statement I ever read throughout this whole ordeal was by a so called wildlife expert on CNN earlier this morning. The captions read " ... another thing people don't realize about the dangers of using tranquilizer darts is .. what if they missed and hit the child?"

So ... bullets are less lethal?
The article states, they were afraid the tranqulizer wouldnt work fast enough and the gorrilla would become confused, possibly killing or falling on the child in the moat killing both as they would both drown. Or he would start throwing the child due to confusion. What if they did hit the child with the dart... Thats an overdose already since its for a 400# gorilla, Have you ever had major surgery and they put you out... remember going out and waking up.... Yeah I was confused too. Took a bit to get my bearings together.
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