Watch Your Kids Numb Nuts!

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There is a distinct and very pronounced difference between a Gorilla that has been born and raised in the wild from one that was raised by human beings in a zoo. They are intelligent creatures and have the ability to learn and adapt to their surroundings.
Adapting to their surroundings isn't the same as removing their instinctual nature which is imprinted in their DNA.
Adapting to their surroundings isn't the same as removing their instinctual nature which is imprinted in their DNA.

And their instincts are to protect defenseless babies.
And their instincts are to protect defenseless babies.
Apparently you havent seen what a domanent male ape does to his own offsprings if he doesnt approve....smh. Please read up on apes.
And their instincts are to protect defenseless babies.
By dragging them, bouncing on concrete, thru water?

I've seen gorillas in defensive stance with their babies, and they hold them clutched up tight to their chests. Harambe was dragging the boy behind him in a very unsafe position. If they had been pursued by a predator in the wild that would be a totally vulnerable position for the child.
By dragging them, bouncing on concrete, thru water?

I've seen gorillas in defensive stance with their babies, and they hold them clutched up tight to their chests. Harambe was dragging the boy behind him in a very unsafe position. If they had been pursued by a predator in the wild that would be a totally vulnerable position for the child.
exactly, the boy would have been a display object of intimidation once the ape felt threatened. Sadly some dont understand any of this ( wild is wild, doesnt matter if raised or born in captivity ) No other wild animal will care for another animal ( proven some wild animals get along at younger ages, but once matured they will turn on eachother ( was a story recently of a tiger and another animal and the tiger killed it after living together for a few years ) people thought they were best of friends... again.... THOUGHT.
exactly, the boy would have been a display object of intimidation once the ape felt threatened. Sadly some dont understand any of this ( wild is wild, doesnt matter if raised or born in captivity ) No other wild animal will care for another animal ( proven some wild animals get along at younger ages, but once matured they will turn on eachother ( was a story recently of a tiger and another animal and the tiger killed it after living together for a few years ) people thought they were best of friends... again.... THOUGHT.
You're describing humans as well. :D
You're describing humans as well. :D
Its a natural instinct... no way to avoid it. Funny you said that as I was going to say that in there but then Id ramble for another It doesnt matter what classification anything is.... they all fight, they all protect and they all do what nature intended them to do... survive.
Survival of the fittest.
Is that your child?
show us a vid of your child playing safely with a caged gorilla..
if you cant
your full of it...

So go to the zoo and put your child in a gorrila cage and post the vid
then ill admit im wrong....
Think you quoted the wrong post....
You really don't know a whole lot do you?

I am fluent in more than then one language i am fluent in the language your spokesman seems to be using

so im curious

is koko fluent in the language he is using to convey to the world how he cries?
Is your spokesman aware he does not posses tear ducts?
Because he uses the sign for tears and crying...

im curious why your Spokesman choose the signs he did after all asl has a large number of signs in our vocab and im sure your spokesman could tap the power of our language to articulate what exactly he felt he needed to sign

But he choose tears, and cry
Something he cannot understand, unless your god got argue he knows humans posses tear ducts and he a gorilla doesn't but choose it anyway to illustrate his point
Did he?

If I going to be a spokesman for something...and decided to use Mandarin ( which I know a few words)
I should be taken to account on why the hell im using a language I know little or nothing at all about to state my case

You posted a vid showing the gorilla signing..
Which either means you actually believe gorillas know asl or that at least having a gorilla use asl helps your case..
Which is what?

Since some on the thread are are using human terms for the gorilla (murder,,,executed)
Then it's fair to measure the beast as we measure humans then
It cuts both ways..
You want to be measured as a human fine
Then so be it
Bullets in the head and all.....


Would you let a caged human do that to your kid?
If not why not

And why then would the same actions done by a beast 8 to ten times stronger then an adult male be a non threat when a caged human male doing the same would be considered one?

Seems so excited triple standards at play here
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Go, Cubs, go
Go, Cubs, go
Hey, Chicago, what do you say
The Cubs are gonna win today...*stops, looks around*...sorry folks, wrong thread, my bad!
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