want to hear your opinions about cochlear implant

You are showing that you are lacking in self-confidence with that particular gloom and doom attitude of yours. It's not a characteristic trait one would find to be admirable.

With that type of attitude, you are only making the people around you feel uncomfortable.

I agree. It's never too late to change the kind of attitude for better.
relying on technology is a big sucker. I witnessed my hubby when he lost his processor. :shock:

That is one concern I often have with people who are too reliant on technology and nothing else. Many people who grew up with cochlear implants never learned to read lips since it went against the concept of AVT.

If it breaks, they act as if it's the end of the world. It is okay to get upset over it, but to start putting down people for not relying on technology is just absurd.

If anything, odds are that people who are not reliant on technology would fare much better in the wild than the people who are. Survival of the fittest is a real concept, however we are able to sustain many lives on Earth because we have the technology to do it. Without it, Earth wouldn't have a population of more than 500 million at the most.
That is one concern I often have with people who are too reliant on technology and nothing else. Many people who grew up with cochlear implants never learned to read lips since it went against the concept of AVT.

If it breaks, they act as if it's the end of the world. It is okay to get upset over it, but to start putting down people for not relying on technology is just absurd.If anything, odds are that people who are not reliant on technology would fare much better in the wild than the people who are. Survival of the fittest is a real concept, however we are able to sustain many lives on Earth because we have the technology to do it. Without it, Earth wouldn't have a population of more than 500 million at the most.

That just drives me nuts. Seems like the less tools are given, the better. *shrugs*

Hang in there. You're going to be activated again shortly. That'll get you up and running again! :)

Kinda sad that his whole life depends on the CI. SMH
That is one concern I often have with people who are too reliant on technology and nothing else. Many people who grew up with cochlear implants never learned to read lips since it went against the concept of AVT.

If it breaks, they act as if it's the end of the world. It is okay to get upset over it, but to start putting down people for not relying on technology is just absurd.
High five Banjo, that's a big issue with hoh people too. They were taught to depend on technology and are up shit creek without it.
I meant them talk to you without sign language. Major language everyone knows is English and if you cant understand someone because you cant hear then how can you be friends (this includes no help without interpreter.)
Again, you can speechread and use your residual hearing. That is what we audilogically hoh people do. As a matter of fact, my senoir year of high school I went through the entire year without hearing aids or a 'terp and still made honor roll!
Kinda sad that his whole life depends on the CI. SMH

Some of you are making it look like that supposedly a deaf, hearing-impaired or hard-of-hearing or CI user is going through some challenges out there in the hearing world, the only solution is to become more "Deaf". It doesn't necessarily have to be "one or the other". Cause the person meeting more of the oral-deaf, hearing-impaired, hard-of-hearing, late deafened, CI users or those whose background may be similar to theirs could also always be another option.

Some of you are making it look like that supposedly a deaf, hearing-impaired or hard-of-hearing or CI user is going through some challenges out there in the hearing world, the only solution is to become more "Deaf". It doesn't necessarily have to be "one or the other". Cause the person meeting more of the oral-deaf, hearing-impaired, hard-of-hearing, late deafened, CI users or those whose background may be similar to theirs could also always be another option.

SMH = shake my head.

I find it kind of amusing when Deaf people feel sorry for those who have to rely on technology, when we ALL rely on technology. I mean I even get all flustered and upset for the whole day when I forget my watch!!! Don't even get me started if I lose/forget my cell phone.

However, they do have a point. If they are so reliant on it that they can't function without it, it's time to prepare for alternatives. If my CI dies early because I forgot to recharge or whatever, I don't have a problem to continue to be completely deaf. It just annoys other people because they have to actually come over and tap me. :)
SMH = shake my head.

I find it kind of amusing when Deaf people feel sorry for those who have to rely on technology, when we ALL rely on technology. I mean I even get all flustered and upset for the whole day when I forget my watch!!! Don't even get me started if I lose/forget my cell phone.

However, they do have a point. If they are so reliant on it that they can't function without it, it's time to prepare for alternatives. If my CI dies early because I forgot to recharge or whatever, I don't have a problem to continue to be completely deaf. It just annoys other people because they have to actually come over and tap me. :)

Keep in mind: I don't have a watch, nor a cell phone. I only have this laptop, and a regular clock. I don't even own a vibrating alarm, or deaf related alarm clock. I don't have a doorbell flasher.

And the laptop is generally only for VP, Emails, and some forums. I could live without all that.

Oh, two things to add to the horror: I dont have a bank account. I'm also seriously thinking about changing my transportation methods to foot only or public transportation.
Keep in mind: I don't have a watch, nor a cell phone. I only have this laptop, and a regular clock. I don't even own a vibrating alarm, or deaf related alarm clock. I don't have a doorbell flasher.

And the laptop is generally only for VP, Emails, and some forums. I could live without all that.

Oh, two things to add to the horror: I dont have a bank account. I'm also seriously thinking about changing my transportation methods to foot only or public transportation.

You are a cheap illegal immigrant, aren't you?
You are a cheap illegal immigrant, aren't you?

I just have this disdain of the government and banks.

For the phone thing - I hate being obligated to answer to people. My last phone bill: 33,000 texts.

For alarm clock - never really needed it. I have very good internal clock.
SMH = shake my head.

I find it kind of amusing when Deaf people feel sorry for those who have to rely on technology, when we ALL rely on technology. I mean I even get all flustered and upset for the whole day when I forget my watch!!! Don't even get me started if I lose/forget my cell phone.

However, they do have a point. If they are so reliant on it that they can't function without it, it's time to prepare for alternatives.
If my CI dies early because I forgot to recharge or whatever, I don't have a problem to continue to be completely deaf. It just annoys other people because they have to actually come over and tap me. :)

That's the whole point. I dont care if one uses a CI or whatever but to be unable to function without it when there are alternatives. That, to me, is not good.
Some of you are making it look like that supposedly a deaf, hearing-impaired or hard-of-hearing or CI user is going through some challenges out there in the hearing world, the only solution is to become more "Deaf". It doesn't necessarily have to be "one or the other". Cause the person meeting more of the oral-deaf, hearing-impaired, hard-of-hearing, late deafened, CI users or those whose background may be similar to theirs could also always be another option.
Um Hohtopics, we're not saying that the answer is to become a radical voice off Deafie. We're saying that it's a good idea to have ASL and speechreading as a tool for not perfect listening situtions and when CI/HA go kerflooey.
I mean when technology goes all fucked up, talking to oral dhh people isn't going to do much good.
You are showing that you are lacking in self-confidence with that particular gloom and doom attitude of yours. It's not a characteristic trait one would find to be admirable.

With that type of attitude, you are only making the people around you feel uncomfortable.
Take it a little easy on the kid. First, he seem to be doing alright. Plays baseball, is on the track team, has friends from school and so forth. He may just be going through a bit of a down period but will be activated shortly. Besides, if one doesn't approach the deaf culture to the extent you think he or she should mean it has to be perceived in a negative light.
Take it a little easy on the kid. First, he seem to be doing alright. Plays baseball, is on the track team, has friends from school and so forth. He may just be going through a bit of a down period but will be activated shortly. Besides, if one doesn't approach the deaf culture to the extent you think he or she should mean it has to be perceived in a negative light.

Its okay, you don't see the issues either.
. I dont care if one uses a CI or whatever but to be unable to function without it when there are alternatives. That, to me, is not good.
Exactly! People who were raised auditory verbal or oral only are freaking LOST without their assitive devices or lost when it's not prime listening conditions! Hohtopics, WHY are you so automaticly dismissive of ASL as a possible thing that could be helpful? Fine, we get the idea that you're one of those HLAA types who would willingly wear one of those " I am Hearing Impaired" buttons.
But what you and many other HLAA "the key is residual hearing and speeachreading" people do not get is that, those types of interventions aren't 100% helpful ALL the time!
Fine, we get the idea that you're one of those HLAA types who would willingly wear one of those " I am Hearing Impaired" buttons.

WOAH ok by your standards I must one of those large print oral types because I wear a "partially sighed and hearing impaired" so people I deal with in the community(.e.g. the bank) can be aware of my needs.But yet I mainly use pop and dbma in my social life and no very few non Deafblind people and im learning braille. Also thinking about getting a badge that says "trace the letters of what you are saying into my hand and I will give verbral responds."
A thought from the past. Think back-those that became deaf till the actual date of their of their Cochlear Implant activation-were you "helpless"?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Take it a little easy on the kid. First, he seem to be doing alright. Plays baseball, is on the track team, has friends from school and so forth. He may just be going through a bit of a down period but will be activated shortly. Besides, if one doesn't approach the deaf culture to the extent you think he or she should mean it has to be perceived in a negative light.

Um, I wasn't talking about Deaf Culture.
I don't have a problem with people using CIs or getting them. If it works for you, good for you. If you'd rather not use a CI, that's fine with me too.
k by your standards I must one of those large print oral types because I wear a "partially sighed and hearing impaired" so people I deal with in the community(.e.g. the bank) can be aware of my needs.But yet I mainly use pop and dbma in my social life and no very few non Deafblind people and im learning braille.
Large print oral types?
Maybe it's a country difference. You very rarely if ever see someone who has all the tools in their toolbox, wearing a " I Am Hearing Impaired, Please Speak Clearly" button.