Vote on Gay Marriage

Should we have Gay Marriage??

  • Yes

    Votes: 81 59.6%
  • No

    Votes: 47 34.6%
  • I dont know

    Votes: 8 5.9%

  • Total voters
Well Gays have been doing this for years... even in the 60s and 70s.

Why you waste so much time on this?

Why can't you just go on and get marry and have kids, and get
a job and you and future husband buy house, cars, and things like that...?

Instead of focusing so much who you really love...

I just don't understand....

I know that I can't have the things I want... people won't let
me do the things I want.... but I just back off and just sit
back and accept things the way it is.... because
LIFE is TOO short.

We are getting older and older everyday... don't be fixated on
stuff... Move on and do something else with your life.

Everybody isn't happy... Even a rich man isn't happy.

I got this face... and I gotta live with this face for the rest of my life...
I know that having surgery is available, but I hate having operation.

And there are people who are paralyze, they wish they could do things...

And there are people who are born with no legs and no arms....

I know a guy who doctors are cutting off his limbs because he got bad case of diabetes...

And you... you have no problem at all... and you are wasting your time on getting gay marriage.
Oh come on.
I wish I can have a normal face like yours... and I wish I can live a better life.
Well Gays have been doing this for years... even in the 60s and 70s.

Why you waste so much time on this?

Why can't you just go on and get marry and have kids, and get
a job and you and future husband buy house, cars, and things like that...?

Instead of focusing so much who you really love...

I just don't understand....

I know that I can't have the things I want... people won't let
me do the things I want.... but I just back off and just sit
back and accept things the way it is.... because
LIFE is TOO short.

We are getting older and older everyday... don't be fixated on
stuff... Move on and do something else with your life.

Everybody isn't happy... Even a rich man isn't happy.

Youre right life is too short, life is too short to spend the rest of it with someone I dont really love.

I cant believe that you really suggested that I just leave the woman I love so I can marry a man because its more socially acceptable. Thats a total crock and Im deeply saddened at your obvious prorities. You much rather do something that wont cause someone to look at you funny, you a tide and true example of someone who just takes the easy way out of everything. It would be easier for me to just say to heck with it, im straight, i give up. But I would be miserable. And to me, I much rather be happy and have the world look at me funny than miserable and have everyone think Im perfect.

In the end love conquers all. Why didnt the African American people just give up on wanting to be free? Or why didnt women just give up on wanting to be able to vote?

Maybe thats the reason you keep complaining about things in your life, you are too quick to give up on thing. I rather live the rest of my life fighting to be happy than spend my life sitting and being miserable.

I do focus on things such as a job, and school. I have a bachelors in Psychology with a minor in philosophy from a very nice university in Boston. I have an amazing job as a house parent at the arkansas school for deaf. I have a 2003 tahoe that I paid for my self, I have an amazing life. And I am lucky enough to also have an amazing girlfriend. And I will fight for the rest of my life to be with her and nothing anyone says or does will ever make me lose hope.

I do not want to get married right now, or any time soon. And I also never have any desire to have children. But im not selfish its not just about me, its about the thousands of other gay and lesbian people who also want to get married. Even if I didnt want to get married, i would still fight for the right for other people to get married because I believe its my duty in life to not be selfish and to wish the best and most complete filling life that is possible to every single human on this earth.

If straight people were denied the right to marry and only gay people could marry, Id still be out there fighting for their right to get married. I dont just focus on gay and lesbian topics, I have many causes that I argue for. Im a strong supporter of animal rights, I am strongly against FGM Female Genital Mutiliation, I volunteer at soup kitchen to help feed the hungry.

To just sit on my butt and be miserable because someone says no to me, just isnt my personality. I am dependable, strong willed, and faithful to the issues I feel are important.

Why dont you try getting off your butt and fighting for something you believe in? It just might make you feel a little better about your self.
Youre right life is too short, life is too short to spend the rest of it with someone I dont really love.

LOVE is just a 4 letter words

I cant believe that you really suggested that I just leave the woman I love so I can marry a man because its more socially acceptable. Thats a total crock and Im deeply saddened at your obvious prorities. You much rather do something that wont cause someone to look at you funny, you a tide and true example of someone who just takes the easy way out of everything. It would be easier for me to just say to heck with it, im straight, i give up. But I would be miserable. And to me, I much rather be happy and have the world look at me funny than miserable and have everyone think Im perfect.

People will always be miserable. I went to college and I was an intern
at B.E.T and I had a job at Kmart, I had myself an apartment....
I did find a nice man... and but.... I was still miserable.
If I have everything, I would still be miserable. Being miserable is
life, and we can't do anything about it... We always want something.
We need to control our desire... Look at all the animals... they do
the same thing over and over again... they don't go out and protest,
they do things because of instinct... and if we humans have instinct...
then we wouldn't have to worry about money, fancy clothes, education,
and stuff... when we were babies we can't talk or know how to walk.
But a baby deer knows it must get up and walk or else wolves will eat it up.
My dog doesn't come to me and say it is miserable.

In the end love conquers all. Why didnt the African American people just give up on wanting to be free? Or why didnt women just give up on wanting to be able to vote?

Love is just a 4 letters word. Because it all makes sense.
Politicians were looking out for themselves... to get more votes... so they promise women and african americans for freedom and women and african americans promise to vote for the politicians. But I see that politicians are using gays in a negative ways to get Christians vote because Christians are the majority and there are few gays... so politicians don't wanna lose their jobs to support gay people with few little votes.

Maybe thats the reason you keep complaining about things in your life, you are too quick to give up on thing. I rather live the rest of my life fighting to be happy than spend my life sitting and being miserable.

Well maybe if you help me out with my problem, then I will help you... That is part of life... making a bargain, deal?

I do focus on things such as a job, and school. I have a bachelors in Psychology with a minor in philosophy from a very nice university in Boston. I have an amazing job as a house parent at the arkansas school for deaf. I have a 2003 tahoe that I paid for my self, I have an amazing life. And I am lucky enough to also have an amazing girlfriend. And I will fight for the rest of my life to be with her and nothing anyone says or does will ever make me lose hope.

There is too many I I I I, you only think about yourself.

I do not want to get married right now, or any time soon. And I also never have any desire to have children. But im not selfish its not just about me, its about the thousands of other gay and lesbian people who also want to get married. Even if I didnt want to get married, i would still fight for the right for other people to get married because I believe its my duty in life to not be selfish and to wish the best and most complete filling life that is possible to every single human on this earth.

refusing to marry a man and refusing to have children with him, that is selfish.

If straight people were denied the right to marry and only gay people could marry, Id still be out there fighting for their right to get married. I dont just focus on gay and lesbian topics, I have many causes that I argue for. Im a strong supporter of animal rights, I am strongly against FGM Female Genital Mutiliation, I volunteer at soup kitchen to help feed the hungry.

There is too many I I I I.... and big ego.

To just sit on my butt and be miserable because someone says no to me, just isnt my personality. I am dependable, strong willed, and faithful to the issues I feel are important.

You need to think about other people...
someone will eventually say yes to me, if I bug the hell out of them that I am miserable...

Why dont you try getting off your butt and fighting for something you believe in? It just might make you feel a little better about your self.

you should try it... sit back and wait...
you really don't have to do anything. maybe fill out an application online or go buy lottery ticket...
Youre right life is too short, life is too short to spend the rest of it with someone I dont really love.

LOVE is just a 4 letter words

I cant believe that you really suggested that I just leave the woman I love so I can marry a man because its more socially acceptable. Thats a total crock and Im deeply saddened at your obvious prorities. You much rather do something that wont cause someone to look at you funny, you a tide and true example of someone who just takes the easy way out of everything. It would be easier for me to just say to heck with it, im straight, i give up. But I would be miserable. And to me, I much rather be happy and have the world look at me funny than miserable and have everyone think Im perfect.

People will always be miserable. I went to college and I was an intern
at B.E.T and I had a job at Kmart, I had myself an apartment....
I did find a nice man... and but.... I was still miserable.
If I have everything, I would still be miserable. Being miserable is
life, and we can't do anything about it... We always want something.
We need to control our desire... Look at all the animals... they do
the same thing over and over again... they don't go out and protest,
they do things because of instinct... and if we humans have instinct...
then we wouldn't have to worry about money, fancy clothes, education,
and stuff... when we were babies we can't talk or know how to walk.
But a baby deer knows it must get up and walk or else wolves will eat it up.
My dog doesn't come to me and say it is miserable.

In the end love conquers all. Why didnt the African American people just give up on wanting to be free? Or why didnt women just give up on wanting to be able to vote?

Love is just a 4 letters word. Because it all makes sense.
Politicians were looking out for themselves... to get more votes... so they promise women and african americans for freedom and women and african americans promise to vote for the politicians. But I see that politicians are using gays in a negative ways to get Christians vote because Christians are the majority and there are few gays... so politicians don't wanna lose their jobs to support gay people with few little votes.

Maybe thats the reason you keep complaining about things in your life, you are too quick to give up on thing. I rather live the rest of my life fighting to be happy than spend my life sitting and being miserable.

Well maybe if you help me out with my problem, then I will help you... That is part of life... making a bargain, deal?

I do focus on things such as a job, and school. I have a bachelors in Psychology with a minor in philosophy from a very nice university in Boston. I have an amazing job as a house parent at the arkansas school for deaf. I have a 2003 tahoe that I paid for my self, I have an amazing life. And I am lucky enough to also have an amazing girlfriend. And I will fight for the rest of my life to be with her and nothing anyone says or does will ever make me lose hope.

There is too many I I I I, you only think about yourself.

I do not want to get married right now, or any time soon. And I also never have any desire to have children. But im not selfish its not just about me, its about the thousands of other gay and lesbian people who also want to get married. Even if I didnt want to get married, i would still fight for the right for other people to get married because I believe its my duty in life to not be selfish and to wish the best and most complete filling life that is possible to every single human on this earth.

refusing to marry a man and refusing to have children with him, that is selfish.

If straight people were denied the right to marry and only gay people could marry, Id still be out there fighting for their right to get married. I dont just focus on gay and lesbian topics, I have many causes that I argue for. Im a strong supporter of animal rights, I am strongly against FGM Female Genital Mutiliation, I volunteer at soup kitchen to help feed the hungry.

There is too many I I I I.... and big ego.

To just sit on my butt and be miserable because someone says no to me, just isnt my personality. I am dependable, strong willed, and faithful to the issues I feel are important.

You need to think about other people...
someone will eventually say yes to me, if I bug the hell out of them that I am miserable...

Why dont you try getting off your butt and fighting for something you believe in? It just might make you feel a little better about your self.

you should try it... sit back and wait...
you really don't have to do anything. maybe fill out an application online or go buy lottery ticket...

Haha, lady you have really tipped your rocker this time. :bowlol:
whatever, I feel so sorry for you.

Honestly, I feel sorry for you Empress. You like to bet down everything. You us in one thread that you against this and that, then you post in another thread that you support it. Someone posted in a different thread that you the weirdest person they have met. Honestly, I don't think that, I think you just looking to start some agruements and drama. Besides, in a thread I read a while ago, you shouldn't care what other people do in their bedroom. What they do don't affect you since you think the act is nasty and don't plan on dating a single soul.

And the sadest thing is, you might be the sanest person here. You might be the standard of normal!!!
Honestly, I feel sorry for you Empress. You like to bet down everything. You us in one thread that you against this and that, then you post in another thread that you support it. Someone posted in a different thread that you the weirdest person they have met. Honestly, I don't think that, I think you just looking to start some agruements and drama. Besides, in a thread I read a while ago, you shouldn't care what other people do in their bedroom. What they do don't affect you since you think the act is nasty and don't plan on dating a single soul.

And the sadest thing is, you might be the sanest person here. You might be the standard of normal!!!

She isn't listening to me... that is why I feel sorry for her...
I tried to tell her that there are other way to get her rights....
but since she won't listen, then oh well...
Honestly, I feel sorry for you Empress. You like to bet down everything. You us in one thread that you against this and that, then you post in another thread that you support it. Someone posted in a different thread that you the weirdest person they have met. Honestly, I don't think that, I think you just looking to start some agruements and drama. Besides, in a thread I read a while ago, you shouldn't care what other people do in their bedroom. What they do don't affect you since you think the act is nasty and don't plan on dating a single soul.

And the sadest thing is, you might be the sanest person here. You might be the standard of normal!!!

Yea, that's true...

Don't let her to wasting our time.
Empress... What hell do you mean by that statement you wish you had our faces..... The looks does not count... It is the personality COUNTS.. in spite of being straight or gay whatever... Persoality does makes a person look so handsome or beautiful .. not the looks itself... It is like a beautiful big red apple.. when cut half .. ekkkk worm comes out...
I am sorry guys.. I am very against on gay marriages but I respected them.. I have a few friends whose are gays/lesbians... As long as they are happy...
Men won't give me respect or love me because of my outer appearance.

That is why I never got a man to love me.

If I look normal, I would have a boyfriend now to kiss me and not ashame
to take me out to dinner or theatre...
And I would have gotten marry by now with many healthy babies.

But since I have disfigure face, no men want me.

How can I be heterosexual when I never have those moments with a man?

What do I call myself Homosexual or Heterosexual?

And all of my life I was in love with men that I can't have...

What I do is... forget LOVE, and just sit back and accept life the way
it is, we all can't have what we want.
Men won't give me respect or love me because of my outer appearance.

That is why I never got a man to love me.

If I look normal, I would have a boyfriend now to kiss me and not ashame
to take me out to dinner or theatre...
And I would have gotten marry by now with many healthy babies.

But since I have disfigure face, no men want me.

How can I be heterosexual when I never have those moments with a man?

What do I call myself Homosexual or Heterosexual?

And all of my life I was in love with men that I can't have...

What I do is... forget LOVE, and just sit back and accept life the way
it is, we all can't have what we want.

There is nothing more annoying than someone that keeps complaining about the exact same things over and over but refuses to do anything to try and fix their problems.

No pity for you, and its just my opinion but your not having a boyfriend or any respect has NOTHING to do with the way you look.
There is nothing more annoying than someone that keeps complaining about the exact same things over and over but refuses to do anything to try and fix their problems.

No pity for you, and its just my opinion but your not having a boyfriend or any respect has NOTHING to do with the way you look.

Yea, she need see specialist and let her to figure out with problem.
Empress... I do not feel sorry for you... You have to deal with your problems not ours... Sounds like youre thriving on SELF PITY...
I have a few amazing and awesome gay/lesbian friends, I don't judge them nor do not care what they do in their relationship whether its in private or in public etc....It's their life and their business to do whatever they want, It's not my place to tell them how they must live their life or who to love...

But for marriage, that's something else.... :-/
Empress, I'm surprised you mentioned that surgery's available. I didn't know this but for you to say surgery's available because your looks are stopping you in Life and then avoiding surgery makes absolutely no sense to me. If the surgery, as you put it, would give you more options in life, what is stopping you? Don't say your'e afraid because that's no excuse compared to the benefits. Come on, IMAGINE the possibilities! You have nowhere to go but UP!
Empress, I'm surprised you mentioned that surgery's available. I didn't know this but for you to say surgery's available because your looks are stopping you in Life and then avoiding surgery makes absolutely no sense to me. If the surgery, as you put it, would give you more options in life, what is stopping you? Don't say your'e afraid because that's no excuse compared to the benefits. Come on, IMAGINE the possibilities! You have nowhere to go but UP!

Well while I was complaining about my looks last night... I saw something on
the internet about a good looking guy killed himself.... I mean,
why people are so self destruct? I posted about the guy on my *Death*
thread... wow... :eek2: A good looking guy, with beautiful eyes and
all and he dated a beautiful girl Tatyana Ali who starred in Fresh Prince
of Bel Air with Will Smith. What is going on with you people?
Well while I was complaining about my looks last night... I saw something on
the internet about a good looking guy killed himself.... I mean,
why people are so self destruct? I posted about the guy on my *Death*
thread... wow... :eek2: A good looking guy, with beautiful eyes and
all and he dated a beautiful girl Tatyana Ali who starred in Fresh Prince
of Bel Air with Will Smith. What is going on with you people?

No, You aren't supposed to post about suicide and no one want hear about it.

If you got it then need go and see counselor or someone would help. :roll:
I am against gay/lesbian/transgender/etc. to marry. That " marriage " belongs to the opposite sex - a female and male, the ones who could produce children. Why should a female and male have their eggs and sperms for ? This is the purpose for the opposite sex to produce children. As for gay/or lesbian/or transgender/or whatever that is - they shouldn't have their own eggs, or sperms in their genitles, because of the same sex can not produce children. And, of course, I am not against gay/lesbian/or transgender for what they like to do in their lives. It's about the marriage thing, I do not wish to see them to marry.
I am against stupid people having babies outside marriage and also stupid people in marriage having babies, but neglecting their kids and caring only about themselves, collecting welfare, SSI and blowing them away on drugs or clothes for themselves.

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