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Good Grief!! you already made more enemies.. Oh Boy!!
well I guess I am not wanted in here... I guess I leave AllDeaf Forum.
Good Grief!! you already made more enemies.. Oh Boy!!
Well while I was complaining about my looks last night... I saw something on
the internet about a good looking guy killed himself.... I mean,
why people are so self destruct? I posted about the guy on my *Death*
thread... wow...A good looking guy, with beautiful eyes and
all and he dated a beautiful girl Tatyana Ali who starred in Fresh Prince
of Bel Air with Will Smith. What is going on with you people?
And...? why is that 'something else'? I have been with my partner for almost 17 years. We bought a house together, raised children, voted, paid taxes, etc .. just like you heterosexual people and what we do behind our bedroom door isn't your business.. Is "something else" about what we do behind our bedroom door?
I am against gay/lesbian/transgender/etc. to marry. That " marriage " belongs to the opposite sex - a female and male, the ones who could produce children. Why should a female and male have their eggs and sperms for ? This is the purpose for the opposite sex to produce children. As for gay/or lesbian/or transgender/or whatever that is - they shouldn't have their own eggs, or sperms in their genitles, because of the same sex can not produce children. And, of course, I am not against gay/lesbian/or transgender for what they like to do in their lives. It's about the marriage thing, I do not wish to see them to marry.
I vote NO! Agree with CyberRed! I not judgment gay / lesbian. Let God between gay /lesbian only. The Empress, Remember that need pray for them and not judgment them nothing. Because They not understand and what meaning Jesus Christ is! My some deaf friends are lesbian. My some deaf friends are gay. I respected them. I did gospel them about Bible. They knew it. Let they decide it anyway.
Well, of COURSE you're judging, EagleCherokee63, or you wouldn't have voted, and you wouldn't have bothered posting here.
That said, I must respectfully disagree with you, CyberRed, and the other "No" voters here.
(Slight caveat: I agree with an earlier poster that said that government should really not be in the business of marriage, in the first place. But since they ARE, then I have a few things to say about it.)
Marriage is about more than rearing children. Or, is it your contention that infertile people should not be allowed to marry? What about people past the age of having children? Should they, too, be denied the right to proclaim their love before their God (if they believe in one), friends, and family?
Marriage is also about more than tax benefits, as some have asserted here. While those benefits (and the 1100+ other rights afforded legally married couples in this country) might be a significant component of it for some gay people, I daresay it's not THE defining reason, as I would guess that it's not the defining reason for straight people. (Those of you that are married... what were YOUR reasons for wanting to get married??)
What many people here seem to have overlooked is that for most people, gay or straight, marriage is about love. It is about honoring - publicly, legally and spiritually - a commitment made between two people. It is about saying to the world, "I choose this person above all others, to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife".
Is it possible to have those things without actually marrying someone? Sure, I suppose if you split enough hairs, and went through a bunch of legal hoops, you might approximate some semblance of marriage... but it would never be the SAME as marriage. It would be separate AND (likely) unequal; and honestly, gay people shouldn't have to jump through hoops any more than straight people do. It is an affront to gay people in this country that they are denied this very basic human right, just as it was an affront to the Deaf community back in the late 1800s (and today!) when Alexander Graham Bell and his cohorts were publishing studies in medical journals about why deaf people should not be allowed to marry and have offspring, else run the risk of fostering an "inferior" race of humans.
I'm sick and tired of all the varied reasons and rationalizations people give in defense of their belief that gay marriage (and gay adoption, etc.) is wrong, ESPECIALLY the folks who quote "scripture". I have YET to meet ANYONE who adheres 100% to the holy writ; in my experience, religious belief on the part of most people seems to be very much a "Pick & Choose" buffet, where they take what they like, and discard what they don't. Sorry, but that's bullshit. You either buy the whole package, or you don't. If we can look at various passages in the bible (assuming that you're inclined to do so), and single out things that are "outdated" and "outmoded" (like, oh, I don't know... the whole take on women being inferior and subservient to men, or slaves, or stoning your children to death for disobeying you, or killing someone who wears clothing made of two different fabrics, or killing someone who works on the Sabbath, etc.), then this should certainly be among the items on that list, as well.
Shame on any of you who voted "No". Certainly, you're entitled to your opinions, and I will be the first defend your right to have and express them... but I find it deplorable that anyone here would be so mean-spirited and cruel to deny the covenant of marriage to two consenting adults who love one another.
You are very WRONG veiw that here!!! I not judgment why RedheadGrrl set it up vote here and give them opinion thats all!! It FREEDOM SPEECH! You are big misunderstand!!! You cant control say me and CyberRed! saying vote NO, Why RedheadGrrl thread here vote here??? You are soo silly!! since what you said I wouldn't bother post here?!?!? It made sense?!?!?!?You not read IT!!! I saying God between gay/lesbian only.... It means I not judgment them. READ BE CAREFULLY!!! You are biggest MISUNDERSTAND!!!
Well, of COURSE you're judging, EagleCherokee63, or you wouldn't have voted, and you wouldn't have bothered posting here.
That said, I must respectfully disagree with you, CyberRed, and the other "No" voters here.
(Slight caveat: I agree with an earlier poster that said that government should really not be in the business of marriage, in the first place. But since they ARE, then I have a few things to say about it.)
Marriage is about more than rearing children. Or, is it your contention that infertile people should not be allowed to marry? What about people past the age of having children? Should they, too, be denied the right to proclaim their love before their God (if they believe in one), friends, and family?
Marriage is also about more than tax benefits, as some have asserted here. While those benefits (and the 1100+ other rights afforded legally married couples in this country) might be a significant component of it for some gay people, I daresay it's not THE defining reason, as I would guess that it's not the defining reason for straight people. (Those of you that are married... what were YOUR reasons for wanting to get married??)
What many people here seem to have overlooked is that for most people, gay or straight, marriage is about love. It is about honoring - publicly, legally and spiritually - a commitment made between two people. It is about saying to the world, "I choose this person above all others, to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife".
Is it possible to have those things without actually marrying someone? Sure, I suppose if you split enough hairs, and went through a bunch of legal hoops, you might approximate some semblance of marriage... but it would never be the SAME as marriage. It would be separate AND (likely) unequal; and honestly, gay people shouldn't have to jump through hoops any more than straight people do. It is an affront to gay people in this country that they are denied this very basic human right, just as it was an affront to the Deaf community back in the late 1800s (and today!) when Alexander Graham Bell and his cohorts were publishing studies in medical journals about why deaf people should not be allowed to marry and have offspring, else run the risk of fostering an "inferior" race of humans.
I'm sick and tired of all the varied reasons and rationalizations people give in defense of their belief that gay marriage (and gay adoption, etc.) is wrong, ESPECIALLY the folks who quote "scripture". I have YET to meet ANYONE who adheres 100% to the holy writ; in my experience, religious belief on the part of most people seems to be very much a "Pick & Choose" buffet, where they take what they like, and discard what they don't. Sorry, but that's bullshit. You either buy the whole package, or you don't. If we can look at various passages in the bible (assuming that you're inclined to do so), and single out things that are "outdated" and "outmoded" (like, oh, I don't know... the whole take on women being inferior and subservient to men, or slaves, or stoning your children to death for disobeying you, or killing someone who wears clothing made of two different fabrics, or killing someone who works on the Sabbath, etc.), then this should certainly be among the items on that list, as well.
Shame on any of you who voted "No". Certainly, you're entitled to your opinions, and I will be the first defend your right to have and express them... but I find it deplorable that anyone here would be so mean-spirited and cruel to deny the covenant of marriage to two consenting adults who love one another.
This is getting so ridiculous!
I didn't vote on this poll.
Not every gay people out there want/are for same-sex marriage.
Keep on the good fight, InTheGenes.
There's simply no valid reason for disallowing gay marriages. The Consitution is supposed to mean equality for All. Gay and Lesbians happen to be American citizens too.
I could answer those who try to use religion as a reason to vote against gay marriage.. except there's a huge but:
The Consitution also is supposed to support Freedom from Religion. That means allowing people be whatever religion they want or none AND also means that the government itself cannot be religious or support any one religion. So with that.. religion is not a valid reason to use as a (legal)decision on gay marriage. Marriage is handled by the government, which remember, is supposed to be SECULAR.
Think about it. That means gay marriage being illegal is actually UNConsitutional.