That's my opinion what I believe what is right and best for future. We fear that gay marriage would ruin institute of marriage. And gay marriage would encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people makes you tall. (notice that gay/lesbian have jump fast within 10 years? I guess you don't)
You poor misguided creature.
The notion of "preserving the sanctity of marriage" is utterly absurd. To me, it's just another example of the 'circle the wagons' mentality where "the privileged" get to say, "I have something, and YOU can't have it! It's mine, mine, ALL MINE!"
Good grief, grow up. We teach our children to play nicer than this.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with extending the same concept of marriage between a man and a woman to homosexual, loving couples.
And while we're on the topic, what on earth are you exactly defending marriage FROM? The vile, evil that is homosexuality? Pahlease. How hypocritical is it to talk about defending the traditional concept of family when what you're really doing is denying that very tradition to those who WANT to enter into matrimony. At least call it what it really is, if you're going to put a title on there... it's not the DEFENSE of Marriage Act, its the DENIAL of Marriage Act.
For those of you that want to 'defend' the 'sacred' institution that is marriage, I think a better use of your time and resources would be spent figuring out a way to do something about our nation's divorce rate. Deadbeat dads. That kind of thing. Somehow, straight folks have managed to mess things up quite handily on their own in that regard without any help from gays and lesbians.
And for those arguing their point from a religious perspective: spare me. Until you can prove that YOU live the EXACT word of the Bible, word for word, including every single prohibition in Leviticus, etc... any argument you raise - using 'God's word'/the bible as your answer - isn't worth the pixels on the screen used to display it.
I'm sick to death of how some people pick and choose their scriptures to serve their own personal whims and prejudices. Therein lies greater evil that they'd ever have us believe homosexuality is.
And what's this lunacy about hanging around tall people? Are you living in Narnia?? Middle Earth, perhaps??