I'm laughing.

I can't believe people are crying over this poll.
You gay people really wanna get marry to each other?
Wow. Well stop making this stupid POLL and go get some petitions and have million
of people to sign it, and tell the President and House of Rep and Senate that
you wanna get marry legally.
Im not crying. I just think youre statement was overtly hypocritical.
You think that gay people havent started petitions? That we havent written our congressmen and women? That not single letter of protest has been sent
to anyone? My self I have sent over a 100 letters personally from me and with my GSA (gay straight alliance) both in highschool and college I have been a part of over 40 different letter writing sessions. As well I have been a part of over 70 protests located in the state of Arkansas to get public awareness for LGBT issues. Also every Friday we have something we call Friday visibility where LGBT people and straight allies get together and stand on a street corner, or go to the state captiol to stand and build visibility for LGBT issues. We also have numerous groups, big, huge, nationally funded organizations founded for the sole purpose of lobbying to the senate and congress for LGBT equality. Groups such as, Lambda Legal, HRC, ACLU, Soul Force, AHRC, and numerous grass roots groups in individual cities and towns across the nation.
You have no idea the length and the amount of time, energy, money and blood that LGBT persons and their supporters have put into trying to get equality. People have died over this issue, people have been murdered for being gay and lesbian or being a supporter of LGBT people.
To say that we are merely sitting on butts is such a moronic statment, but I must say that I am not surprised to hear anything moronic come from you.
You live close to memphis right? I have many friends in memphis and personally am aware of many protests, many petitions and other things that are going on to try to get awareness and equality for lgbt people right in the memphis metro area. Just go to MCA on National Coming out Day, or Rembering Matthew Shepards death day, or National day of Silence? You will see hundreds of people protesting, getting together writing letters, and getting petitions signed. I have gone to several parades, letter writing sessions, public speakings, town hall meetings, and protests in the memphis area.
Maybe its not that we are not doing anything, maybe its that you dont get out of your narrow blind little world enough to notice anything that doesnt directly apply to or benefit you.