Vegetarian verus Meat eater

You don't have to follow Dreama's advice but yourself. Remember, everyone offer their share and knowledge... You don't have to do what everyone says but decide yourself either you want to be Vegan or not.

I accept pros and cons about health between Vegetarian, Vegan and Meat eaters from any ADer's posts. I decide for Meat Eater because I beleive in eat unprocessed meat is right for me. I tried to be vegetarian for 2 weeks - impossible because I feel tired easy and feel being "lazy"... I need meat once to twice a week to strength my health. I cannot live without dairy products.... I eat them EVERYDAY...

I really don't mind to listen Vegetarian and Vegan's view on health Nutruition.

I agree with you, there is no need to pressure on others to be vegetarian or vegan or meat eaters. I am very neutralized around the meat eaters, even I let my mom cook the meat on my own pan at my own home. I only play the debate that's all.
Dreama is whining about everything.

I'm not going to buy her damn story, she's just practice to make us to become vegan and want meats to be phased out.

Your right, I need get something from deer meats.

Nor meat eater or vegan are healthly, that it.

Well don't come whining to me when you develop cancer or heart disease.
The links, I provided in previous post #10, say that hormone and antibiotic are also banned in England, too.

I have another link here... It still says that Hormone and antibiotic in animals are banned in England.

Article: Cannibal Animals and the Food Chain

Well I'm afraid your links are incorrect. Don't forget I LIVE in England. You can smell factory farmed units if you take walks around the country side. The stench is horrible. I also visited an agricultural college. The state the pigs were kept in was terrible and that's at an agricultural college.

The soil association produce meat that is free from Antibiotics and growth hormones but the meat produced by them is rare and has to be got via mail order. You can't simply get it from any local supermarket.

ALL factory farmed animals are given a coctail of drugs. That is the only way to keep them alive. Sadly Factory farming is still the main way of producing meat in Britian.
I read posts of many former vegetarians who carefullly arranged their diets so they would be most nutritious and STILL they got Iron deficiency so severe they had to be given Iron injections, not mere pills. Injections. To get back to normal. Quite many had to drop off the vegetarian style altogether.

I knew about them from various Vegetarian forums I visited out of curiosity and I was suprised how often posts like that came up.


Well I also post at a vegan website and don't know of ANY cases of people suffering ill health due to their diet.

When I first went vegan I didn't take B12 supliments so suffered ill health. After I started on taking these and then my health improved.

I have no problem with lack of iron, calcium or anything else. I'm legally blind and don't always detect obsticals when I'm not paying enough attention. I would have thought if my bones were frail I would know soon enough. Why when I bumped my head on the top of a low bridge was my skull not fractured? The reason is that my calcium intack is obviously sufficent to give me fairly tough bones.

I won't bother trying to make you go vegan/vegitarian. I merely resent people saying that my vegan diet is unhealthy because it is simply NOT true. My diet has never been healier.

Besides. I believe in educating people as to the way things REALLY are as there are so many lies spread by the meat and dairy industry. If you don't want to listen, that's up to you but I flatly refuse to stop educating people on this matter.
Well I'm afraid your links are incorrect. Don't forget I LIVE in England. You can smell factory farmed units if you take walks around the country side. The stench is horrible. I also visited an agricultural college. The state the pigs were kept in was terrible and that's at an agricultural college.

The soil association produce meat that is free from Antibiotics and growth hormones but the meat produced by them is rare and has to be got via mail order. You can't simply get it from any local supermarket.

ALL factory farmed animals are given a coctail of drugs. That is the only way to keep them alive. Sadly Factory farming is still the main way of producing meat in Britian.

Well I born and raise in England and live in Germany for over 22 years now. We still visit England time to time because my family and friends live there. Of course we talked about this issues since BSE (Mad cow scandal). To my knowledge, they have many Butcher shops around, you can shop than shop the meat in Supermarket ?

I will find out more about this issues and will check with my family and friends about this.
To my knowledge, they have many Butcher shops around, you can shop than shop the meat in Supermarket ?

I'm talking about soil association meat. Of course you get factory farmed meat anywhere but I used to feed my dog on a meat based diet (and she still gets soil association eggs which have to be bought from a farmers market that my dad goes to once a month) so I know how hard it is to get free range soil association meat and eggs. I don't trust all organic standards. Only soil association as some organic standards I feel are not high enough.
Like a buffalo, I am vegetarian. I wouldn't be surprised if everybody have to be vegetarian/vegan due to overpopulation in the future.
That's probably true in some cases. Plus no exposure to sunlight meant that they were deficent in vit D too.

But they did lack excercise which meant that their bones could not grow healthily as a child's would if they could run about and play.

My point was that rickets and bone disorder isn't just about getting enough calcium (which can be provided on a vegan diet) but getting enough excercise too.

Actually, rickets do not occur from a lackof calcium, but from a lack of vitamin C. And that is readily available in citrus fruits and some leafy green veggies.
Well don't come whining to me when you develop cancer or heart disease.

You can't expected that I would develop an disease in near future, that's not nice.

You made everything that unfair to people that who eat meats.
But many do....
As I've said before, I have no plm with vegetarians or vegans as long as they don't try to convince me theirs is healthier way of living because it's simply NOT TRUE.

Just tell me you feel sorry fo animals and that will suffice. THAT I can understand and accept.

You can try to persuade me until cows come home- and you won't convince me otherwise.
I read posts of many former vegetarians who carefullly arranged their diets so they would be most nutritious and STILL they got Iron deficiency so severe they had to be given Iron injections, not mere pills. Injections. To get back to normal. Quite many had to drop off the vegetarian style altogether.

I knew about them from various Vegetarian forums I visited out of curiosity and I was suprised how often posts like that came up.

Your arguments like "this is full of hormones, this is full of that" etc basically say VERY clearly - as long as it's free of additives is healthy.

I believe the most healthy way is the good 'ol 5 groups of food. In moderation and good balance.

Good luck with your vegan ways Dreama.


Yup, I'm agree with you.
"Another thing I disagree on is fish and chicken being considered healthy. Most sea fish contains mercury which can do quite a bit of damage to ones imune system as well as causing food poisoning if not cooked enough. "

How many people die from mercury poisoning from eating too much seafood? There is a rising danger in the fruit and vegetables we eat due to microbiologists experimenting with DNA stamping and trying to change all that without knowing what risks are. Because when they try to insert part of a DNA chain from something into another thing via "stamping" it has unknown and sometimes undesireable effects on the rest of the DNA of the fruit, vegetable, wheat etc.....beware in future... Not to get scared though, just keep this in back of your mind in next 10 years when people start coming up with unexplained allergies to wheat, corn, and those things that are having this done.
Animals have receive antibiotic to kill bacteria, hormone to make increase more pounds on meats, such as more enough for people to eat it.

If there's no antibiotic or hormone then meats would be expensive, also diffcult to find natural meats at grocery store with no antibiotic and hormone.

Vegetables does have bacteria too like spinach, tomato and lettuce.

All the same to me. It's my two cents. I like meat better than vegetables. But
some vegetables, for example: tomato, carrots, and... um, cucumber that make a pickle that are good one because something have juice itself. In addition, the pickle make juices a lot from inside.
In addition: Other vegetables has juice in themselves
are good, so, don't worry there will be no bacterias from this juice from
itself. That why, inside the skin protect against to getting the germs invaded from anywhere.

Another method: you need cut a slice with your knife from the skin of any kind of vegetable or fruit that doesn't have a juice or a less from inside.
That is great because there will be no germs, no bacteria all here from inside or around inside
like lettuce, scoop out from the pumpkin that you can get a seed, but
you must wash all these seeds from the pumpkin, and... one more about fruit: peel it off the banana, you will be fine, but depends if you notice
black or something different pulp than this yellow pulp, so you will ignore to eat on black or brown pulp, only
eat on the yellow pulpif has ripe while inside the thick skin is on yellow because ripe is very good, I like ripe is much better. I am sorry, I refuse
to eat the black pulp of the banana, I haven't tried it yet.

That is my opinion from the above. I hope it helps.
But I not good knowledge about biology of fruits or vegetable.

:topic: But I don't have to knowledge about too many words, and please forgive with English grammar, thank you.
"Another thing I disagree on is fish and chicken being considered healthy. Most sea fish contains mercury which can do quite a bit of damage to ones imune system as well as causing food poisoning if not cooked enough. "

:eek3: I didn't know about that, I thought few seafood contain mercury. If I cooked enough or fully-cooked on seafood that contain mercury,
so, mercury will be gone when it is done?

My goodness, how do you know that about most seafood contain mercury?
I'd better to switch to non-seafood like beef, ribs, or vegetable.
I will against the pollution, I want to clean
environment like no boat engine, or something not used from the plant.
(I am feeling so concerned about seafood right now)
Also, remember that not all seafood has this problem. Mercury is not just spontaneously present; it has to be systemically absorbed from exposure, such as in the water or bedrock in which the body of water flows through.
Well don't come whining to me when you develop cancer or heart disease.

oh look, that's an actual kindness from an ethical vegan!

in all seriousness, this morning i met several longtime -- 7-15+ years -- vegans and vegetarians at an event, "walk for stop child abuse" where i'm volunteering at. a few of them were reflecting on their diets and reconsidering theirs because of cysts and cancers which are developing in various parts of their bodies. especially colon and cervical. they hadn't eaten meat for ages.

please don't come whining and crying to us when you develop cancer, colon disease, heart disease, ucler, and so on and on.
oh look, that's an actual kindness from an ethical vegan!

in all seriousness, this morning i met several longtime -- 7-15+ years -- vegans and vegetarians at an event, "walk for stop child abuse" where i'm volunteering at. a few of them were reflecting on their diets and reconsidering theirs because of cysts and cancers which are developing in various parts of their bodies. especially colon and cervical. they hadn't eaten meat for ages.

please don't come whining and crying to us when you develop cancer, colon disease, heart disease, ucler, and so on and on.

Wow, thanks for support. :)
While I read whole the article, and I am still glad that I am vegetarian. I don't want to have cancer, risk of heart attack, strokes, dirty colon, etc. Seems too much pain compare to vegetarian lifestyle. I'd rather to have weak body than having pain strokes or heart attacks or cancers..

Before I became vegetarian, I was used to be a big hot dog lover, not cooked, a raw hot dog, just eat it with the ketchup, also was used to chop many hotdogs like probably 5 hotdogs and put in the bowl then mix with ketchup, then eat them all.

But later I decide to be vegetarian because I have too soft heart for animals, and when I start being vegetarian, at the first days, I feel so hungry. I feel like I must eat every minute, but I got used with it. Also since I stopped eat the meat, I don't feel any pain in my stomach anymore for long time. I feel much better being vegetarian because everytime I eat the meat, the picture of death animals like cow hanging, horse with spladder stomach, chopped head chicken, etc. appear in my mind which makes me feel sick.

Anyway, while reading this article, I am still glad that I am vegetarian.

You still will have heart attack. I happen know my favorite comic artist: Mike Wieringo who is vegetarian. And I'm shock that he have heart attack yesterday. :(
iF Magazine

He is only 44 years old.
You still will have heart attack. I happen know my favorite comic artist: Mike Wieringo who is vegetarian. And I'm shock that he have heart attack yesterday. :(
iF Magazine

He is only 44 years old.

there is only one respond to this news -- "duh". it is preposterous to think that vegetarian or vegan diet will render them immune to the diseases. it's brainfuck to start with.

condolences to all of mike wieringo's family. his comic, tellos, is his greatest work ever i read. may flying spaghetti monster bless his spirit.

pacman it's no problem. some vegetarians and vegans can be anal with their holier-than-thou attitude. nothing on earth can irk me more than theirs.