Vegetarian verus Meat eater

But also being meat eater is not unhealthy, expensive, unfriendly, bad for enviroments. There is always two sides to the story :)

With respect also
I used to be a vegetarian for four years and now I eat meat of all kinds.

I don't think vegetarians have any significant advantages over omnivores. Large scale studies have consistently showed that people who do eat meats sparingly while eating abundant of plants do live longer. There is no proof that pure vegetarian diet would make them live longer. Studies on centurians reveal that they do eat little meats and none of them are strict vegetarians.

Meats offer a lot that plants don't offer.... examples are vitamin B12, converted omega-3 acids (DHA and EPA), highly absorable iron, and certain amino acids, not found in plants such as taurine. While your body can convert omega 3 acids to DHA/EPA, it's VERY weak and not enough to confer benefits of omega-3 acids and taurine, an amino acid used extensively for heart muscle, is not always converted enough on time while you can get it directly from fish. Those are something that eldery people do need since their metabolism is a lot slower and conversion slightly impaired due to aging.
I used to be a vegetarian for four years and now I eat meat of all kinds.

I don't think vegetarians have any significant advantages over omnivores. Large scale studies have consistently showed that people who do eat meats sparingly while eating abundant of plants do live longer. There is no proof that pure vegetarian diet would make them live longer. Studies on centurians reveal that they do eat little meats and none of them are strict vegetarians.

Meats offer a lot that plants don't offer.... examples are vitamin B12, converted omega-3 acids (DHA and EPA), highly absorable iron, and certain amino acids, not found in plants such as taurine. While your body can convert omega 3 acids to DHA/EPA, it's VERY weak and not enough to confer benefits of omega-3 acids and taurine, an amino acid used extensively for heart muscle, is not always converted enough on time while you can get it directly from fish. Those are something that eldery people do need since their metabolism is a lot slower and conversion slightly impaired due to aging.

Correct. I only eat the meat if I have to. Like when I ride on the greyhound bus and they only stop at McDonalds, I got tired of only eat the fires so I just go ahead eat the burger with meat inside.
Animals have receive antibiotic to kill bacteria, hormone to make increase more pounds on meats, such as more enough for people to eat it.

If there's no antibiotic or hormone then meats would be expensive, also diffcult to find natural meats at grocery store with no antibiotic and hormone.

Vegetables does have bacteria too like spinach, tomato and lettuce.

Cheap meat is very bad for you. You can get food poisoning that way. Plus whoever heard of vegitables being crammed with antibiotics.

It is also very cruel for the animals to have them crammed into factory farms.
Meats offer a lot that plants don't offer.... examples are vitamin B12, converted omega-3 acids (DHA and EPA), highly absorable iron, and certain amino acids, not found in plants such as taurine. While your body can convert omega 3 acids to DHA/EPA, it's VERY weak and not enough to confer benefits of omega-3 acids and taurine, an amino acid used extensively for heart muscle, is not always converted enough on time while you can get it directly from fish. Those are something that eldery people do need since their metabolism is a lot slower and conversion slightly impaired due to aging.

Humans don't need Tarine. Only cats and some dog breeds plus human babies but that can be got from breast milk.

Omega 3 can be got from flax seed oil. That's where I get it from.

B12 is the only thing that's not available on a vegan diet but it's perfectly possible to get that from supliments like I do.

I did try to be vegan over 10 years ago but my neibour perswaded me to go back to being a pescotarian. I let her perswade me because their is so little about proper vegan nutrition in braille and I wasn't online back then. She did try to get me to eat lamb too but I put my foot down with that. She was all very well meant, but I feel very much that it was the wrong thing to do. I wish I had stuck to my vegan diet. Still better late then never. I think sticking to a vegan diet is the best decision I ever made and I am certainly not lacking in anything.
Pros and cons of eating red meat

Every time we turn around it seems that there is some expert or some study telling us that another food is "bad" for us. And given a little more time, there will be another person saying that the food is, in fact, "good." Red meat -- a category that includes beef, pork and lamb -- has been subject to this time and again and it is getting difficult to keep track of all the things that it can -- and cannot -- do.

Fortunately, an Independent columnist neatly summarized the benefits and risks of eating red meat.


High in zinc, which is important for a healthy immune system.
Contains more iron than most foods, and it is more easily used by the body than iron from other sources
Also a good source of other vitamins and minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, selenium and b vitamins.
Excellent source of complete proteins
A high-protein diet based on lean red meat has been shown to help weight loss

An increased risk of bowel cancer was found for people who ate more than two servings of red meat per week.

The Mediterranean diet, which is low in red meat, has been shown to decrease the risk of Alzheimer's disease

Excessive amounts of red meat can lead to a higher risk of osteoporosis due to an acid byproduct from digesting very large amounts of protein.

Eating red meat every day can double the risk of Arthritis
Red meat is high in saturated fat and cholesterol

A recent study found that rating more than one serving of red meat per day can double the risk of breast cancer, especially in young women.
Pros and cons of eating red meat - Slashfood

I still eat processed red meat (lean meats)... I only eat once a week sometimes not... twice a week rarely.
...I still eat processed red meat (lean meats)....
Do you mean that you eat sausage, hot dogs, deli meat, bacon, packaged sandwich slices, etc., once a week? How often do you eat unprocessed red meat?
Do you mean that you eat sausage, hot dogs, deli meat, bacon, packaged sandwich slices, etc., once a week? How often do you eat unprocessed red meat?

Occchhhh I should correct unprocessed meat instead of processed meat... Thank you for remind me...

I eat processed meat rarely. (I don't eat processed meat every week or monthly... but very rarely).
Occchhhh I should correct unprocessed meat instead of processed meat... Thank you for remind me...

I eat processed meat rarely. (I don't eat processed meat every week or monthly... but very rarely).
Thank you. I wanted to be sure.
Good luck with your future children to get ricket or bone issue, also calcium deficincy is serious problem on children too.

Vegan children don't get rickets or bone disorders. These things aren't just diet related anyway. Kids who don't get enough excersise are also prone to bone disorder like the little jewish children who had to stay in hidding and not move about too much during the Nazi occupation and they had problems with rickets wether they ate meat or not.

When compare with other meat, turkey, chicken and seafood like fish are more healthier than beef, pork and other red meats.

Pork is the most unhealthy meat as the pigs are the most intensively farmed so practically ANYTHING is more healthy then that. Factory farmed chicken is also very unhealthy because the overcrowded conditions require great amounts of antibiotics. Also as the birds are so stressed out their immune systems suffer and many of them carry things like E coli and salmonella.

Fish is not as healthy as people recon because of mercery in sea.

Who cares about vegetable only, that's not enough for my hunger then I rather to eat full meal with meat, 2 of vegetable, grain (like bread) and other but depends on kind of meal. I bet that you are trying to make all people to become vegan and banned on kill of animal for food, that isn't gonna to be happen.

I'm trying to educate people. While it would be nice if everyone Did become vegan I would settle for a ban on FACTORY FARMED MEAT. If people only ate genuinely free range animals (which is what our ancestors did) that would be a great start.

For vegan, you need take alot of vitamin and mineral pills to keep maintain on health.

Not true.
I take a B12 supliment which saves label reading on what contains suplimented B12 in vegan food and what doesn't. Not all vegans take supliments.

For your information I feel I pop pills a good deal LESS now I'm vegan. I only need 1 veg1 tablet a day plus my lactose free tegretol which comes in liquid form. I no longer take tegretol, hayfever tablets (I've replaced that with Echinacia) and far less pain releif tablets then I did in the past.
Vegan children don't get rickets or bone disorders. These things aren't just diet related anyway. Kids who don't get enough excersise are also prone to bone disorder like the little jewish children who had to stay in hidding and not move about too much during the Nazi occupation and they had problems with rickets wether they ate meat or not.
While they were in hiding they also were malnourished because they weren't able to get enough food.
I don't understand what is healthy about diet that requires you to take bunch of artificial supplements.
Like Calcium, Iron, various Vitamins.

The best, healthy way is always from natural source.


And you think cramming animals into huge disease ridden sheds is natural. They get lots of antibiotics and growth hormones which will be naturally passed on to you along with all their diseases which means more trips to the doctor which in turn means more popping pills.

I take B12 tablets because I'm visually impaired which makes it hard to read food labels. Many vegans don't bother with supliments and are still very healthy.
While they were in hiding they also were malnourished because they weren't able to get enough food.

That's probably true in some cases. Plus no exposure to sunlight meant that they were deficent in vit D too.

But they did lack excercise which meant that their bones could not grow healthily as a child's would if they could run about and play.

My point was that rickets and bone disorder isn't just about getting enough calcium (which can be provided on a vegan diet) but getting enough excercise too.
While they were in hiding they also were malnourished because they weren't able to get enough food.

Dreama is whining about everything.

I'm not going to buy her damn story, she's just practice to make us to become vegan and want meats to be phased out.

Your right, I need get something from deer meats.

Nor meat eater or vegan are healthly, that it.
Yes, you are right they are unhealthy. Sadly though they are NOT banned in England as far as I know.

The links, I provided in previous post #10, say that hormone and antibiotic are also banned in England, too.

I have another link here... It still says that Hormone and antibiotic in animals are banned in England.

Article: Cannibal Animals and the Food Chain
Dreama is whining about everything.

I'm not going to buy her damn story, she's just practice to make us to become vegan and want meats to be phased out.

Your right, I need get something from deer meats.

Nor meat eater or vegan are healthly, that it.

You don't have to follow Dreama's advice but yourself. Remember, everyone offer their share and knowledge... You don't have to do what everyone says but decide yourself either you want to be Vegan or not.

I accept pros and cons about health between Vegetarian, Vegan and Meat eaters from any ADer's posts. I decide for Meat Eater because I beleive in eat unprocessed meat is right for me. I tried to be vegetarian for 2 weeks - impossible because I feel tired easy and feel being "lazy"... I need meat once to twice a week to strength my health. I cannot live without dairy products.... I eat them EVERYDAY...

I really don't mind to listen Vegetarian and Vegan's view on health Nutruition.
Many vegans don't bother with supliments and are still very healthy.

But many do....
As I've said before, I have no plm with vegetarians or vegans as long as they don't try to convince me theirs is healthier way of living because it's simply NOT TRUE.

Just tell me you feel sorry fo animals and that will suffice. THAT I can understand and accept.

You can try to persuade me until cows come home- and you won't convince me otherwise.
I read posts of many former vegetarians who carefullly arranged their diets so they would be most nutritious and STILL they got Iron deficiency so severe they had to be given Iron injections, not mere pills. Injections. To get back to normal. Quite many had to drop off the vegetarian style altogether.

I knew about them from various Vegetarian forums I visited out of curiosity and I was suprised how often posts like that came up.

Your arguments like "this is full of hormones, this is full of that" etc basically say VERY clearly - as long as it's free of additives is healthy.

I believe the most healthy way is the good 'ol 5 groups of food. In moderation and good balance.

Good luck with your vegan ways Dreama.
