A wrangler is seen at a distance reversing towards into the midst of the heated circle. As it approaches 20 meters, the engine is killed and an asian man jumps out the driver seat, slamming the door shut. The rear of the wrangler pops open. The man reaches for a heavy duffel bag and closes down the hatch. He trods towards the formerly arguing spectators observing in curiosity.
I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, but I'm all outta gum.
I'm going to ignore all the off topic stuff in this thread unless there's some reason to jest out in humor at some of it. I take no sides, as I am a wandering nomad, to only provide my raw opinion.
I - The news
II - Personal response to the news
III - Thoughts, criticisms
Chapter I
Alright, rehash of the issue.
1. Bush and Cheney stepped down the oval office.
2. Obama walked in.
3. Guantanamo is closed down.
.3a. A few former inmates and a guard talk about their experience at Guantanamo.
4. Wolfgang Kaleck appears in the show once again, having been neglected a few years ago for his accusations against a multitude of suspects for Guantanamo+Abu G crimes.
5. Everyone in the world is seeing what we are being spoon fed with.
So, Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility. A facility created in Cuba during the 70's initially to facilitate detainees that the US thought were deemed to require high surveillance.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQXGH-OFPWE"]YouTube - Frontal21: Accused of Torture?[/ame]
This is probably the 7 minute German stream that Liebling watched.
There isn't anything that should be pointed out as a flaw in the whole video, as most of it is pure global speculation. There are no officials that speak for the newscast, it only uses existing albeit cut footage from previous documentations.
Ok, moving onwards to summarize. Major point is, even the German video stated - Obama plans to move forward, instead of living in the past.
Next up, the whole waterboarding issue. It's hard to take a stand since psychologically, we're all raised differently and have different approaches to everything. Our answers on whether waterboarding is legal or illegal will never cease to come to an end, quite simply due to our nature. Whether you think it is OK or not, your choice is respected, but don't call out against another person's view on it, they are entitled to their own.
After waterboarding, we come to the fact that a couple of Guantanamo Detainees release their personal experience with the camp. (This is in the provided supplementary news articles, not in the news documentary)
This is good, and quite a bit interesting. It's a testimony by two prisoners of Guantanamo, so it is first hand information.
This pretty much concludes much of the scenario and brings everyone who hasn't figured out what is going on, up to speed.
Chapter II.
Obama's take on moving onwards:
I hope this can apply to everyone else. For those who are against torture, it's time to move on. Whatever happened at Guantanamo isn't going to magically reverse and transflux back in time to fix itself.. Better to focus on other issues at hand, mainly future prison/detention camps and see if it still continues. There's nothing to gain from crying over spilled milk, unless you just want to point some fingers at people. Keep in mind, some don't like being pointed at.
Reflection of the German News overall:
Three words: Richard Nixon, why?
That wasn't necessary. What Nixon did isn't the same thing as Bush did. They're putting the apple in the same pile as the oranges, and I don't think that was completely necessary.. Furthermore, people who don't progress or have a reasonable background of thinking will start being like "Oh my, look at Bush, he's about to be as bad as Nixon!" (even though Nixon really didn't do much aside from being paranoid..) They chastised Nixon. They chastised Clinton. It is no surprise they now want to chastise Bush.
Waterboarding reflection - Case point in check: I got hit as a child from my dad for doing wrong things. I wouldn't go as far as to call it torture, but I did end up bleeding and having to confessed to the point of the crime I committed (which, I don't see a need for going into details here). Point here is, I took some pain for the wrongdoings I've done, and I don't see why some other people can't afford to experience the same. Note that this doesn't mean I intend to do this to my children or anything like that, incase someone attempts to launch a fallacious attack.
Musings of two Guantanamo Prisoners:
There is information pertaining to how a few individuals were treated, but do not accuse the whole prison under "Guilt by association".
What two men experienced does not pertain to the whole prison. If you observe the pictures Reba posted, and do not think negatively of it. I would say Guantanamo isn't the absolute zero, take a dump on the floor, Sergeants forcing their prisoners to do slave work while they watch overhead with a rifle. You can easily observe that there is some form of "care" for these prisoners. If anything, that looks like pretty good treatment to have a school, an exercise yard, a library of things to do. I don't think even some of the prisons in the USA have this.
Next thing is, the ramblings of two men (who most likely have done something wrong, immoral, and unjustifiable) who were previously charged with committing a federal offense enough to get you on their side? It's easy to find fault in people who are not related to you, and it's harder to accept that people related to you can share the same faults.
Say Herr Heinrich Lutipold Himmler was alive today and just released from Berlin's prison. He defiles the jail, commenting that it was horrible, they tortured him and set the dogs loose, cigarette burn marks, waterboarded his butt.
Are you, say if any of us were a German citizen take what herr Himmler has to say for himself?
Remember and recall, Himmler is partially responsible for masterminding a part of what happened to the Jews. He was, and probably still is apart of the Nazi. Are you going to drop the ball and agree with das Himmler's response, and without thinking twice, going to start blaming Germany's prisons? They've got to have torture in there as well. Do we start blaming Herr Horst Koeheler? Don't forget, a torture scandal happened in German juvie prisons as well in 2006.
Look both ways before you cross the road!
Chapter III
Why so highly classified and confidential?
The information that the agents at Guantanamo retrieved from the detainees are classified. We, as John and Jane Does, won't be knowing what's in it for a good amount of time. And we don't have a reason to need to know. It's not our business, because frankly, we currently don't work in the US military.
Probably by the time your 10 year old child is 70, these documents will probably become declassified, only to be amidst skeptical scrutiny by some person in the future who has nothing better to do than criticize about the past.
Ok, he's bad, I get it like a black and white picture.
Everyone likes to point a finger blaming game. However, please don't point at Georgie w. Bush to represent the rest of America.
George W. Bush =/= the person who I thought shared my personal and moral values.
In 2000, He only represents the 271 state electoral votes that admitted him. Which was 50,456,002 (~50%) of voters at that time. That 50% of people who voted for Bush, he represents them. He doesn't represent the rest of us who did not vote for him. This applies for 2004 as well. If he gets to go to law and court, I'm glad you could be happy that he does, but frankly, I don't care about the outcome if you can keep your criticizing of America limited to the Bush Admin and those who supported it.
I did say that he doesn't represent the rest of the 50% who didn't vote for him, right?
Because, I can get offended as well when someone calls Bush "America". What Bush did was "American". Sorry. Bush is not all of America!
The art of torturing:
Course, anyone with a functional brain can understand that when someone screams in pain or agony, over what another is doing to them, something is not right. There's books on Amazon pertaining to Chinese water "torture", Ninja methods of torture, I think I have that paperback sitting on my shelf of Bruce Lee books.
However, little is going to be done to prevent future acts of "torturism". It's been around for thousands and thousands of years. If you think banning all forms of torture will help save the world, you're asking for a trip to your neurologist to see if the brain is working properly. You can't change what the past did, we have it here now and must learn to live with it.
Anything that is attempted to get suppressed in our world, never does. There's always some [insert name of third peace party organization here] just around the corner that will get erected into reality once they have the time.
There's probably more I could add, but I decided to cut it short and end here. When I start realizing I sound like Abe, I stop posting in hopes of not letting the old fool in my head get a hold of my thoughts.
I'm just here to provide criticism, comments, and feedback that can pertain to this thread to steer it back on topic in hopes of it not getting locked over bickering issues. I stand from a point of neutrality where I feel it's better to move on and discuss the actual problems being faced rather than mull over what's came and gone. I want to resurrect the old debate of being on topic, people getting a point across, and not attacking back with stuff unrelated to the actual issue.
And for people to realize when they've gone too far.
And for people to accept OR respect another's decision.
With that said and done, I bode the coming posts good luck.
PS. Be on topic. Jokes are fine, just don't drag it too far imo. Some may not have a sense of humor, others may not realize what's going on. This is coming from me, mister sarcastic. On the other hand, if you can't handle a joke.. you're hanging out with the wrong people.
Forget the Jeep, beam me up, Scotty!