I had baby boy last june, it was hilarious moments that I had than other 4... (yep i have 5 kids now) eh...

Thursday June 6th, I had mild contractions which i ingored and it was my kids' last day of school.. went out with them to their feildtrips. Alot of people were worried that I could have give birth right in bus or the trips

so then.. Friday June 7th, I woke with strong contractions, I ingored again and kept on what I need to run the errands. I took my son to dentist, I drove (10 min drive).. I had to pull over twice and take breathing stuff... went in dentist office. Dr were saying that i lied to him that it is 3-5 min apart which i told him its only 15 min apart.. <snickers>.. I went in their bathroom, I noticed that I was bleeding and the plug released, I was jumping joy!... So we went back home, I had to pull over 4 TIMES to do breathing stuff... And stopped food store to get some icecreams for my kids, I felt bad that they went thru with my trauma. they were like :confuse: so then, I called my coaches and my sister in law who also pregnant and it was her first.. Finally I went in Hospital at 5:30pm. Everyone were there. My sister in law was :confuse: because i was

all the times. Dr said that look like we had

... about at 6:15pm, my water broke.. and gave birth baby boy.. Allen Earl... I was very happy that I had natural experienced because my other 4 previous were induced..
Yep.... no more!! Tube tied is on schedule... still on BC.. (pray and hope no more)

(why delay, due to heart problems)
But I am proud that I have wonderful kids

but me