U.S. credit rating downgraded again!

Is it surprise? That's no to me because our political system is in huge screw up.
But but but...... Obama promised to fix it :confused:

Obama couldn't anything without approval from the congress and the congress need seriously involve to resolve the debt problem instead of depends on our president only. The president has no authority to take control of budget and debt problem without approval from the congress.

I'm blaming all of systems, really all of them, including Americans over USA.
Also the word "promise" is Obama's favorite word to say and I'm heavily disturbed by him saying that he promises about anything will fixed. I don't think any presidents should say promise because it is one of dangerous word and will have consequence if the president promises to do something.
and ...... wait for it ..... here it comes ......

It's never Obama's fault.
Just a outsiders view but i think there is way too many politicians taking kickbacks from big companys to actually start changing the US for the better.
But but but...... Obama promised to fix it :confused:

Let's see, a majority Democrat senate chamber, the Democrats refused to pass a budget plan or even provide a budget plan (but Republicans have in the House where they are the majority) for over three years. Correct?
Let's see, a majority Democrat senate chamber, the Democrats refused to pass a budget plan or even provide a budget plan (but Republicans have in the House where they are the majority) for over three years. Correct?

The democrats don't agree about how republicans are on way with budget.

The budget plan by republicans are not bipartisan so they need work on compromise.

You need understand about different view on Democratic Party.
The democrats don't agree about how republicans are on way with budget.

The budget plan by republicans are not bipartisan so they need work on compromise.

You need understand about different view on Democratic Party.

:aw: How hard can it be to understand the Democratic Party view when all it is is take from the wage earners and give to the donothings?
:aw: How hard can it be to understand the Democratic Party view when all it is is take from the wage earners and give to the donothings?

You are obviously not understand about Democratic Party.

You are voter and you are free to vote whoever in or out, if you don't like it so toobad and you have to accept whatever you don't like in our political system, OR move out of USA.

I don't care about your concern with political system.
You are obviously not understand about Democratic Party.

You are voter and you are free to vote whoever in or out, if you don't like it so toobad and you have to accept whatever you don't like in our political system, OR move out of USA.

I don't care about your concern with political system.

What is there to understand about the Democratic Party other than the fact that under their watch for the last three years the national debt has gone up trillions and trillions of dollars and they promised change which they have not, and probably will not, delivery?
And the excuse for the first 2 years???

What excuse? We closed down one dead end war and are in the process of closing the other one, unemployment is down, you are paying less taxes and interest. Honestly, what more do you want?
What is there to understand about the Democratic Party other than the fact that under their watch for the last three years the national debt has gone up trillions and trillions of dollars and they promised change which they have not, and probably will not, delivery?

Again, you can't get out of a recession unless you pump money into the economy. And, it is still less than the republicans created.
Again, you can't get out of a recession unless you pump money into the economy. And, it is still less than the republicans created.

:shock: You are kidding, right?

We just had the discussion, on another thread, about the report that in Obama's three years in office he has risen the national debt more than Bush did in two terms.
Perhaps you should go back and read the posts.
What is there to understand about the Democratic Party other than the fact that under their watch for the last three years the national debt has gone up trillions and trillions of dollars and they promised change which they have not, and probably will not, delivery?

Democrats have other solution to deal with national debt that republicans disagreed.

Well, there is no promise anymore because both parties should work together to resolve the skyrocketing of national debt.

If not so all of us, including you are screw up.
What excuse? We closed down one dead end war and are in the process of closing the other one, unemployment is down, you are paying less taxes and interest. Honestly, what more do you want?

Again, you can't get out of a recession unless you pump money into the economy. And, it is still less than the republicans created.

Oh yup, true enough. ;)
:shock: You are kidding, right?

We just had the discussion, on another thread, about the report that in Obama's three years in office he has risen the national debt more than Bush did in two terms.
Perhaps you should go back and read the posts.

Some of national debt during Obama era are inherited from Bush era.