U.S. credit rating downgraded again!

You are obviously not understand about Democratic Party.

You are voter and you are free to vote whoever in or out, if you don't like it so toobad and you have to accept whatever you don't like in our political system, OR move out of USA.

I don't care about your concern with political system.

But what he said was right.....
What excuse? We closed down one dead end war and are in the process of closing the other one, unemployment is down, you are paying less taxes and interest. Honestly, what more do you want?

:lol: the number of people not participating in the workforce is still on the rise. Unemployment is only down because people have given up. And how about those gas prices! Or food prices?! What happened to cutting the debt in half? That's what he said he would do....
Some of national debt during Obama era are inherited from Bush era.

You are repeating everything from the other thread. So here is a repeat also:
Much of the debt Bush had came from Clinton's presidency.
You are repeating everything from the other thread. So here is a repeat also:
Much of the debt Bush had came from Clinton's presidency.

Debt? What debt from Clinton's presidency? It was a surplus.
But what he said was right.....

Certainly. During those three years not once did the Democrats offered a budget plan to call their own. Nein! Why not? But Republicans did...and on more than one occasion, too.
Certainly. During those three years not once did the Democrats offered a budget plan to call their own. Nein! Why not? But Republicans did...and on more than one occasion, too.

did you like what Republicans offer? was it fiscally sound? was it promising?
and what's the detail of Republican's budget plan anyway?
It's certainly better than having no budget at all. :)

so you're 100% comfortable and in agreement with Paul Ryan's budget proposal? yes or no will suffice.
But what he said was right.....

Whatever, you favored him based on his political view.

I disagree with Republican Party's budget plan, period and I'm glad it is already shot down in the senate.
You are repeating everything from the other thread. So here is a repeat also:
Much of the debt Bush had came from Clinton's presidency.

Oh my, thanks for make me laugh.

See #24

Your argument is becoming more pointless now.
so you're 100% comfortable and in agreement with Paul Ryan's budget proposal? yes or no will suffice.

Is anyone ever 100% comfortable with such a large scale plan?
Whatever, you favored him based on his political view.

I disagree with Republican Party's budget plan, period and I'm glad it is already shot down in the senate.

Well of course you do.... No surprise there.
Is anyone ever 100% comfortable with such a large scale plan?

so you're not very comfortable with his budget proposal then? sounds like it's no good. I mean I'm not surprised.... after all... this is the guy who supported auto bailout and TARP..
Bingo, you just corrected his ignorant comment.

Actually he didn't...... He made the all to common mistake of confusing deficit and debt. Although Clinton had a budget surplus, debt still increased by 1.1 trillion during his 2 terms. Not too bad though compared to others
so you're not very comfortable with his budget proposal then? sounds like it's no good. I mean I'm not surprised.... after all... this is the guy who supported auto bailout and TARP..

It's certainly better than no budget at all.... The Ryan plan is a start.