U.S. credit rating downgraded again!

It's certainly better than no budget at all.... The Ryan plan is a start.

I take it as no. :ty: for answering my question.
It's certainly better than having no budget at all. :)

Yeah, no budget means people are not doing their job. If I had people in business who failed to come up with a planned budget for the next year, I'd fire them. Ignoring to do their fiduciary duties to come up with a budget plan for three years tells us something about them.
Yeah, no budget means people are not doing their job. If I had people in business who failed to come up with a planned budget for the next year, I'd fire them. Ignoring to do their fiduciary duties to come up with a budget plan for three years tells us something about them.
would you fire people in business who come up with failed/ridiculous budget plan too?
:lol: the number of people not participating in the workforce is still on the rise. Unemployment is only down because people have given up. And how about those gas prices! Or food prices?! What happened to cutting the debt in half? That's what he said he would do....

You have to separate what politicians say vs what can actually be done. They all lie, it's part of politics.

Sure, if we had a one party system Obama could do it, but because of separation of power he can't. No president can deliver all that is promised, we don't have that system.
Oh my, thanks for make me laugh.

See #24

Your argument is becoming more pointless now.

You are welcome to the laugh but that is to be expected from someone who has no clue.

You and Jiro need to go back and re-read #23

Bush's debt is directly related to the actions of the Clinton Presidency, I never said a word about Clinton's debt (Jiro needs reading glasses)(see #24). Clinton's actions as president allowed sleeper cells to be planted in America and on 9/11 America saw the results of Clinton's ham to America defense. Then Bush had a huge mess on his hands, subsequently a huge debt.

Nevertheless, this issue is being re-hashed from the other thread.
yup! especially since you have no problem with Paul Ryan supporting auto bailout and TARP in the past :lol:

That would be contrary to the assumption you made in post #41 not to mention totally unrelated.
You have to separate what politicians say vs what can actually be done. They all lie, it's part of politics.

Sure, if we had a one party system Obama could do it, but because of separation of power he can't. No president can deliver all that is promised, we don't have that system.

Ah, more excuses....
You are welcome to the laugh but that is to be expected from someone who has no clue.

You and Jiro need to go back and re-read #23

Bush's debt is directly related to the actions of the Clinton Presidency, I never said a word about Clinton's debt (Jiro needs reading glasses)(see #24). Clinton's actions as president allowed sleeper cells to be planted in America and on 9/11 America saw the results of Clinton's ham to America defense. Then Bush had a huge mess on his hands, subsequently a huge debt.

Nevertheless, this issue is being re-hashed from the other thread.

lol, It isn't Clinton's fault because Bush failed to response about 9/11 to be happened, it already planned about few months in 2001. The transfer of national debt from Clinton to Bush are much smaller, not large as Bush to Obama.
You have to separate what politicians say vs what can actually be done. They all lie, it's part of politics.

Sure, if we had a one party system Obama could do it, but because of separation of power he can't. No president can deliver all that is promised, we don't have that system.

Yup, our president isn't dictator and no way for him to refuse to listen by using presidential order without congressional approval.
lol, It isn't Clinton's fault because Bush failed to response about 9/11 to be happened, it already planned about few months in 2001. The transfer of national debt from Clinton to Bush are much smaller, not large as Bush to Obama.

I guess you are one of those people who think the WTC happen in a day. Well I got news for you: Rome was not built in a day and the 9\11 took years of planning, all under Clinton's watch.
You have to separate what politicians say vs what can actually be done. They all lie, it's part of politics.

Sure, if we had a one party system Obama could do it, but because of separation of power he can't. No president can deliver all that is promised, we don't have that system.

You are correct. The American people fell for the lies that Obama was telling them and I can only hope they don't this fall election.
I guess you are one of those people who think the WTC happen in a day. Well I got news for you: Rome was not built in a day and the 9\11 took years of planning, all under Clinton's watch.

Your guess is wrong.

No, not all under Clinton's watch, some are from Clinton AND some are from Bush.
Saying excuses are your favorite word and lack of presidential power without congressional approval is reasonable.

He had both houses of congress for 2 years... :lol: So yeah....more excuses
He had both houses of congress for 2 years... :lol: So yeah....more excuses
