Tree cutting problem

Sorry , I disagree. It needs airflow to stay dry. covering it with tarp is a bad idea unless you get rain everyday. I'd put the wood on a pallet, just put a board on top or tent the top. This way the wood can still dry out properly and not get ground moisture and grow mushrooms on the wood. Been burning wood since I was a kid and still do, so I know.

I think each piece of wood should be individually shrink wrapped and flash frozen. Keep in all the juicy goodness in each and every piece of wood. :D

Boy oh boy! I can just remember the smell of fresh cut pine tree like it was yesterday. I was just a wee little one, my daddy would toss the baby in the VW, I would clamber in, and my two sisters would climb in also. And heck, we were stronger back then, none of that messy fussing around with silly seat belts. Off we would go to the Christmas Tree Farm. Ahhh, the smell of petro and fresh dirt mixed in with distinct aroma of pine. Off we would go down the rows of picture perfect Christmas trees looking for just the right one. Once daddy declared the winning tree all cries for "look at this one" or "hey I found one" and "but I want this one waaaaaa" went unheeded. Yess sir re Bob! Them were the good old days. And did we cut that tree down? LOL! Heck No! Farmer Brown drove his tractor into position and with one swift move dug the sonofabitch right out of the ground. Root ball and all. Growing up I never knew why our 5' trees were setup crooked in the living room. It always looked as if the Angel on top of the tree was ready to jump off. And Ahhhh that fresh pine smell lingered in the living room long after the tree was set into the ground out front.