To quote you from earlier pre-ban posts "Do your own research".
You said Dershowitz said the prosecutors should be charged with perjury. That would make it your research.
To quote you from earlier pre-ban posts "Do your own research".
To quote you from earlier pre-ban posts "Do your own research".
I did mine:
Alan Dershowitz Slams Angela Corey’s Affidavit in George Zimmerman Trial For Using False Information and Being Sloppy | Video |
Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz believes the prosecution team in the George Zimmerman case should be investigated to see if they committed a criminal act.
Dershowitz: Zimmerman prosecutors should be investigated - Manchester Independent |
Investigated is a whole lot different than charged.
And in your case, all he said was you don't indict based on false information. Didn't say that the indictment was based on false information. That remains to be seen after all the evidence the prosecution has is known.
So, what was he claiming had false information in it? The indictment maybe?
He didn't claim anything had false information in it. He was commenting on a bunch of "ifs". If the prosecution had....if the prosecution did.....if the prosecution knew.
And he uses words like if and may be because he doesn't know for sure. He doesn't have the information from the investigation that the indictment is based on.
Do you know Dershowitz's history? Just curious.
You said Dershowitz said the prosecutors should be charged with perjury. That would make it your research.
Your reading comprehension kind of sucks. How the heck did you ever get your PhD? You should get a refund.
And you asked where he said it - that would make it your research. I even showed it and you are trying to argue that he never said it - when he did. And yes, everyone and their brother knows who Dershowitz is, even dogs know his history. Possibly even the neighborhood cat.
But, at least you didn't question the source like you normally do ...
Yeah, slipped and fell twice hitting his head twice receiving two cuts on the back of his head (one higher and one lower) and then somehow slipped toward the front and mashed his front face into the ground and getting a broken nose in the process, too.
He had two cuts to his head during the incident per the photo. We'll have to wait and see what the court shows.
Yeah, damn neighbor photoshopped GZ's head injury.
Guess we'll need to wait and see what the court provides.
Like I said, we'll never know until we have all the facts on hand the court will show in great details. No need to go overboard on the assumption game. Just wait until the court start to provide details and evidence.
Nice to know you can see all the possibilities.
But more likely, it was taken supposedly 3 minutes after Trayvon was shot. The blood looks like it was already starting to dry. That was before it was cleaned up to see how bad the cut really was. Head cuts always bleed a lot and look worse than they really are before they are cleaned up. So the photo is misleading about how bad the wound was.
But if you want to suggest photoshopping, that's fine too.