This hearing woman says that mental illness is a Myth - ASL video

I do think mental illness does exist because nobody would want a mental illness which caused them to be so ill and not themselves at all, i cannot imagine having a mental illness but I have heard so much about it. It cannot be a myth at all because it is a real thing and nobody would make it up as its a hard condition
But Cognitive Behavioral Therapy might show you to take more control of that illness.
i have problem my seziure for risk my medication. oh my god .i am scared because without medication not good. i reason my medication must to appropraite to medication. I hope be health. i wish be happy i am glad of you. i hope be happy final my medication better improve my medication. i am happy
wow that is true mental illness. I thinks good support to mental illness. I need to help you I am better health. I think good point i important to health is better improve health. I wish be health
I do think mental illness does exist because nobody would want a mental illness which caused them to be so ill and not themselves at all, i cannot imagine having a mental illness but I have heard so much about it. It cannot be a myth at all because it is a real thing and nobody would make it up as its a hard condition

that's right, deafteen. furthermore, most people who have mental illness deny that there is anything wrong with them. when i was diagnosed as bipolar 2 years ago, i kept insisting to my sister and attending psychiatrist that there was nothing wrong with me and that i didn't need to be hospitalized. how mistaken i was.
what i think would be funny (in an ironic way) would be if this woman or a relative of hers suffered from a mental illness sometime in the future. i wonder what her stance would be then?

let's not create mental illnesses where there are none. the dsm is full of enough valid diagnoses as it is. if we add the number of diagnoses you want, the dsm is going to turn into the next version of "war and peace."
what i think would be funny (in an ironic way) would be if this woman or a relative of hers suffered from a mental illness sometime in the future. i wonder what her stance would be then?

Not necessarily. People can still carry on denying mental health problems even if their nearest and dearest have one, or even if they have one themselves. It's called denial.
Not necessarily. People can still carry on denying mental health problems even if their nearest and dearest have one, or even if they have one themselves. It's called denial.

denial would be less likely to happen if one of her relatives (or this woman herself) had a serious psychiatric disorder like schizophrenia, bipolar with psychotic features or atypical bipolar (to name a few).
denial would be less likely to happen if one of her relatives (or this woman herself) had a serious psychiatric disorder like schizophrenia, bipolar with psychotic features or atypical bipolar (to name a few).

Believe me it happened.
we can't say for a fact whether or not this woman would deny or accept mental illness in her case or that of a loved one. i'm willing to bet though that she'd accept a diagnosis if she (or a relative of hers) were diagnosed with a serious mental illness. while it's possible that she could be in denial initially, sooner or later she will need to come to terms with the reality of such a situation.
what happened?

My mom didn't believe she had a mental health disorder. My dad didn't believe my mom had a mental health disorder. He did believe that I had asperger syndrome though. He got me diagnosed with a dr called Digby Tantan.
speaking of mental illness, i was doing a search earlier today on youtube for various videos on the subject (as well as individual mental illnesses like bipolar and schizophrenia) and am *very* happy to know that the number of informative, helpful videos outnumber those like the one lucia posted. thank goodness for that.
My mom didn't believe she had a mental health disorder. My dad didn't believe my mom had a mental health disorder. He did believe that I had asperger syndrome though. He got me diagnosed with a dr called Digby Tantan.

that doesn't mean that everyone is in denial once they're diagnosed with mental illness. for many people, they may suspect a mental disorder of some kind based on their symptomatology, see a psychiatrist and are relieved to know that what they have actually has a name. i know this was definitely the case for me even though it took me a year to fully accept my diagnosis.