This hearing woman says that mental illness is a Myth - ASL video

I think everyone is aware you can't diagnose posthumously, but it is a stretch to say schizophrenia and other biologically based illness did not exist before it was named.

I didn't mean to imply that. I was simply saying that the symptoms existed, but were diagnosed as something else based on the knowledge and tools available at the time. So, while the symptoms of schizophrenia may have existed, the diagnosis of schizophrenia did not. And, we can't be sure whether someone who suffered schizophrenia like symptoms would have been diagnosed as schizophrenic today because we don't have all of the information necessary to determine that.
I didn't mean to imply that. I was simply saying that the symptoms existed, but were diagnosed as something else based on the knowledge and tools available at the time. So, while the symptoms of schizophrenia may have existed, the diagnosis of schizophrenia did not. And, we can't be sure whether someone who suffered schizophrenia like symptoms would have been diagnosed as schizophrenic today because we don't have all of the information necessary to determine that.

Right, that is what I wanted to see brought out. If anyone is being educated by this, it is important they understand it is not as (trying for tact here) concrete as someone in the grip of uncontrolled mental illness, thinks that what we call bipolar didn't exist at all before it was named.
i have mental illness worst my personal disorder, ADHH, OCD That is cause sick, someone told me many too much disorder too much that is worst Smithtr getting sick that is not good health. I go to psyciast to help change your medication That is why reason important to help you medication

That is important to mental illness

That is having Saskatoon Group Home take care watch your medication.

Thank you support to fund money for medcation coverage to my health Safety

I didn't mean to imply that. I was simply saying that the symptoms existed, but were diagnosed as something else based on the knowledge and tools available at the time. So, while the symptoms of schizophrenia may have existed, the diagnosis of schizophrenia did not. And, we can't be sure whether someone who suffered schizophrenia like symptoms would have been diagnosed as schizophrenic today because we don't have all of the information necessary to determine that.

This is what I was trying to say as well albeit poorly.