Hello, friends who play the trio game. Missed you. The local rural phone company finally got around to delivering the proper modem, so I no longer have to go to town to get on-line. What a pain. Also, my Windows XP went kaput, so I'm learning Vista. Old dogs can learn new tricks, but v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y, ha ha ha.
Outside in the yard is a
1. ruminant.
2. member of the Cervidae family.
3. native American name, wapiti.
What the heck is it?
Thanks, Byrdie. It really is good to be back on-line. It's my main means of communication.
Yes, it's a young cow elk in the yard. She visits almost every morning.
Your turn.
Kay has at least forty pairs, all over the bottom of her closet and most of mine. I have three pairs of boots: cowboy, logging, and hiking. Three pairs of shoes: black, brown, and tennis. Sandals for the beach and slippers for the cold kitchen floor make eight pair all tolled.
1. Thick bushes everywhere in this state.
2. Thorns.
3. Fruit reddish now until it's ripe.
Maine blueberries?
Close, but wrong coast and wrong color. Try again.
Yup, Oregon blackberries. Yum! Your turn, Byrdie.