The Toilet Paper Game

S - Sleep - what I should be doing right now but I'm not.
X - xtrapolating ideas for our new house.

Yes, I know it's spelled slightly wrong, but you get the idea anyways.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Zebras--makes my eyes cross.
A - annoying little sneezes to scare the cats. Oh wait - they were explosive!
Better- How I am feeling tonight. Recovery from cold in progress!
C - Can't figure out what birdlady meant by the above post, but I am glad that we now all know our ABC's.
Darn- Mild swear as I forgot to commit ABC to memory. ( Totally looking it up as we go. ) ;)
E - Erk.

My definition for when I'm like "argh!"

I was going to do C - Collect

because of trying to collect my thoughts in relation to BecLak's post about speech being a blessing or a curse. It hit home, yet I can't seem to compose a decent reply. I can relate to her on so many levels!
F- Forgedaboutit New Jersey way to say don't bother. I would talk except no one understands.

I however live here in the land of great typists.
Happy- How I feel when my husband is on vacation and we spend a week doing fun things with family. :)
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Johnson County--wanna go back there and visit again. :)
K - Kissing Kangaroos!! What my daughter used to do at the zoo.