The Toilet Paper Game

S = Sexy

What everybody is, in their own way !
S - Sex

C'mon, now, really? Actually, that wasn't good enough.

S - Superfluidity; an unusual state of matter noted only in liquid helium cooled to near absolute zero and characterized by apparently frictionless flow
T - Tricks - some people here are will to perform some! :lol:
X- XXX- as in where the thoughts of people who are posting in this thread are going.
y- yearning - the feeling of wanting to be in touch with others
[toilet paper tube] - Chunnel - A long underground tunnel from England to France.
A - awe - what I am in after reading this thread. :shock:
B-Bashful - what I felt like after reading this thread.
D - dreading having to log off and go to last gathering. Boo.
E-Exasperated with restaurants that serve alcohol to children by mistake.
Flaming- for the Tiki torches my husband hopes to buy for our back deck.