The Toilet Paper Game

H - Haha. :lol:
I - Intriguing

Some of these threads can be very intriguing indeed. :giggle:
J- Juggle is a skill involving moving objects for entertainment or sport.

MY BIL is a juggler....:)
K - Kaleidoscope - how we should see the world (rather than in black & white).
L - Lucky

Lucky to be surrounded by all those who enrich my life! :)
M- Mystified. I feel mystified by Mrs Bucket's change in attitude to drphil, but will keep on with my training attempts at his socialization. :eek:
N - Neanderthal

Why are there some people who act like Neanderthals?
R-Rah. The cheer I give when someone notices I am right. ;)
T - Tongue-tied with hubby home early and now leaving for math tests for the apprenticeship program for air conditioning.