The Passion of The Christ


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Feb 27, 2003
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How do you feel about it when they release that movie about Jesus in rate "R"?

I have read lately on newspaper that Jewish and Catholic feel offense about this movie. :eek:
This reminds me of another movie that was released many years ago... The Temptation of Christ. It was a very controversial movie that was released during the 80's. They actually had a protest outside of theaters that were showing the movie. I don't know how that movie did but it still exists in some video rental stores.

Personally, I think that people should back off. The real story behind the Bible is darker than what people think. Yes, people were abused or beaten to death. Yes, Jesus was nailed to the cross. Yes, Jesus was beaten. Yes, a lot of blood was spilled in the Bible. So, in a way... they are "following" the Bible in more realistic detail than those boring religious movies. It's time that people realized how serious it is than just covering things up.
illustrator said:
How do you feel about it when they release that movie about Jesus in rate "R"?

I have read lately on newspaper that Jewish and Catholic feel offense about this movie. :eek:

The actor plays in that movie named Mel Gibson, right?
illustrator said:
He don't play in the movie. He is the director.

Oh, that's cool ! I like Mel Gibson.. he is funny man! LOL :thumb:
well it's rated R for a reason! you know, many years ago it was very violent and bloody and...messy so you know, the past is sometimes painful to look at, and dont think that even kids should look at things like that until they are old enough to understand. Jesus was proably naked when they hung him on the cross and nailed it against his wrists...not his hands. (I know it sounds confusing but I seen a movie one time when they said from very old records that he was nailed onto his wrists and not his hands...but I think they just try to tell that he was nailed onto his hands, just to try to make it like it's less painful on hands than wrists...I dunno but like I said it's confusing,and I'm not making it up either) so anyway it's rated R so they would tell MORE things that weren't told before...or whatever like that..just to understand what it was really like back then, you know? sure, kids know why Jesus was killed and why he saved our lives for our sins and stuff likethat...but there's much more to that and proably should not tell the kids about that until they are old enough to understand...but you know the bible can be so confusing sometimes.

and why would the Jews be offened about that? I thought they dont believe that Jesus was a son of God...Just God itself.
CyberRed said:
Oh, that's cool ! I like Mel Gibson.. he is funny man! LOL :thumb:
Yep he was great in "Brave Heart" (directed for that movie also) and the "Letal Weapons" series
Steel said:
and why would the Jews be offened about that? I thought they dont believe that Jesus was a son of God...Just God itself.

please read your location newspaper, son.
I'm looking forward to watching this movie. I'm assuming it will be really bloody, but that's not why I want to see it.
Some Jewish people are offended by the New Testement, never mind a movie about the death of Jesus. The strict religious Jewish leaders are portrayed as wanting Jesus dead, and pushing for him to be Crucified, both in the Bible, and probably in this movie.
It has always been a mystery to my why the "nails in the hands" has been such a controversy. The romans crucified lots of people, you think they would know something about where the nails were placed. Doesn't matter to me any more. I used to think the wrists, because the wieght of the human body would tear through the flesh of the hand, and the body would fall off the cross. The wrist would have been better support, because it's between two bones. However, I watched an experiment on tv, and it showed that the hands would have been able to support the wieght, with the third nail through the feet.
I am interested to see how Jesus dies upon the cross in this new movie. Whether he suffocates, or wether his heart ruptures... or by someother mean.
I'm also curious to see what kind of turn out it gets, considering Mr. Gibson was the director.
Let's be Honest Of Course the movie is Rated 'R' because of Violence. The Cross is Violence.. And May not be good to have small Children Watching it.. That is why they rated it 'R' To just Protect them for being scare.. I mean When Jesus died for your sins, the nails were real, his flesh broke, and the blood fell...This incredible and violent act paid the price that We couldn’t pay. After seeing the violence that Jesus may have suffered..I have not yet seen Passion of Christ but I will like to see that movie... I think Mel Gribson Did the Right thing to Rate that Movie "R" to Protect Children under 18.. That shows he Cares...Nobody shouldn't feel offened.. :)
ofc, it was very violent and bloody movie. Thats why it's R movie. i dont mind to watch and see what its about.

VamPyroX, you were right about it's time that people realized how serious it is than just covering things up.
I'm Christian , I don't feel offense about this movie at all...I can't wait to see this movie....

Let's be honest here, The whole point of why this movie is ' R ' rate is because it not for the children's eyes....Not all children would understand ' Jesus ' and why he died and etc....

I don't really understand why they felt offense by this movie...when we know not all children can sit and watch a bloody movie ...
Steel said:
we dont recieve the newspaper anymore...

Then read the news online, then!! The Jews were upset that the movie might make people anti-Jewish, but that is not the case at all.. They had a panel of different ethinics and religions to watch the movie together.. They all were very impressed with the movie and felt it was not favoring any religion at all..

Do your homework, dude! :thumb:
I have read various articles on the movie. Yes, some Jews may have thought that it was anti-Semitic to them, but Gibson has emphasized that he is not placing the "finger of blame" on any religion when he first had the screenplay in mind.

Gibson kept most of the film pretty much authentic, down to the actors speaking Latin and Aramaic, (with subtitles of course) while keeping to the New Testament accounts of Christ's last 12 hours of his life.

However I will watch the movie even though Im an atheist myself. Reports has Billy Graham commenting that the movie was worth 50 years of Graham's sermons. It did move Graham to tears at the end.

Some people are taking their kids to watch the movie even though it is rated R due to the violence of Christ's Cruxification.
VamPyroX said:
This reminds me of another movie that was released many years ago... The Temptation of Christ. It was a very controversial movie that was released during the 80's. They actually had a protest outside of theaters that were showing the movie. I don't know how that movie did but it still exists in some video rental stores.

Personally, I think that people should back off. The real story behind the Bible is darker than what people think. Yes, people were abused or beaten to death. Yes, Jesus was nailed to the cross. Yes, Jesus was beaten. Yes, a lot of blood was spilled in the Bible. So, in a way... they are "following" the Bible in more realistic detail than those boring religious movies. It's time that people realized how serious it is than just covering things up.

I know it's been quite controversial -- when Mel Gibson decided to produce and work on that movie, there was some outcries of protests about it. Gibson, who I am aware is quite religious, felt he should do something about the history about Jesus and how it eventuated in the story of his cruxification and so forth. Actually show what happened at the time of Jesus' presence on Earth and what people did and react to Jesus's appearance and attempts to help people and pass along his teachings he learned from God.

I reckon that's the main purpose of this movie was to make the general population/audience have a fuller understanding and seeing the 'big picture' in the life of Jesus.
I understand why it is rated R..which is good! in case of children and some squeamish who cant stand the sight of blood and not gonna go see it as it would hurt my heart to see Jesus crucified on the cross. I watched a movie one time ( i forget the name of it) and it showed Jesus crucification and it just tore me up so bad! I cried and cried! I couldnt even sleep that night! was so sad and painful to watch him suffer something terrible like that..i swore myself id never see it again and now this dang movie is coming up and i dont want to see it!! Its tooooo heartbreaking!!! :cry:
Defee said:
I understand why it is rated R..which is good! in case of children and some squeamish who cant stand the sight of blood and not gonna go see it as it would hurt my heart to see Jesus crucified on the cross. I watched a movie one time ( i forget the name of it) and it showed Jesus crucification and it just tore me up so bad! I cried and cried! I couldnt even sleep that night! was so sad and painful to watch him suffer something terrible like that..i swore myself id never see it again and now this dang movie is coming up and i dont want to see it!! Its tooooo heartbreaking!!! :cry:

You are pretty much just like me.. I cried on all sad movies and even true stories movies.. let me guess is ur favorite Channel Lifetime? Cuz that is my Favorite Channel.. Cuz they have so much true stories movies.. and they always make me end up crying.. :cry: :cry:
women... :rolleyes: You two are so much like my mom...of course she cries when she see alot of sad movies so I dont see anything wrong with women doing that...because they are women!

but for men? I dunno...some say it's pathetic for a man to cry and some say it's just normal for a man to cry...but depends on what he crys about anyway...but women can cry about ANYTHING and dont see anything wrong with it
illustrator said:
He don't play in the movie. He is the director.

Kind of ... I just learned that the only
time Mel Gibson acted in this movie
when you see someone crucify Jesus
that is the only time
you WILL see Mel Gibson's strong hand nailing,
thats it. You'll NOT see his face at all.
You're right that he's the director
for this whole thing.

Another Good point of the movie:
so many Jews misunderstood
and they felt offended that "Jews killed Jesus"...
but we just learned that it's really from
everyone ALL of our sins killed Jesus,
NOT Jews only.