Sorry, oral deafies here, I agree with DI here. Bell isn't a hero at all. There were deaf people who could speak before Bell, too, so he didn't pioneer that. Erasing deaf people from the human race is impossible, since there are so many possible causes of deafness. I don't even think that deafness is something to be hated. It is the most interesting of all conditions (to me at least).
Also, DUT is an interesting choice of terminology. What do you call a hearing person who fully accepts Deaf Culture and is fluent in ASL?

Whatever it is, I try to be one.

I'm anti-audists and will NEVER force deaf people to become "hearing".
I am a hearing person, but I despise oralism, too. Speech should be a choice. I actually agree with your points here. Bell did use his money and fame to try to erase deaf people and force them to speak. Speech should never be forced on deaf people. Hearing people should be required to learn to sign, I think... (I do.) English literacy is more important for deaf people, not speech.