The Making of a Word: Audism ...And More

Passivist, sr171soars - Excellent! :thumb:
Eve said:
Don't kid yourself, this word is used as a weapon against the deaf world as well. If you don't agree 100% with the individual weilding the weapon, you WILL be labeled.

Ummm...I don't know about that as being used against the deaf. I would agree with words like denial, stubborness, and a bunch of other words but I don't think audism would be one. Heck, most of the hearing never heard of it nor know what it means either especially when it is not in the dictionary. The word keeps shifting in meaning therefore potent for the abuser of it and therefore not enlightening others.

As for being labeled, there is a saying "If two agreed on everything, somebody is not necessary". Life would be boring without differences of opinions.
Oh, I meant the deaf using the word against other deaf. Sorry for the confusion. ;)
I just wanted to say this...very briefly, but it's important.

Please remember that those who are hearing cannot help the way they were born, any more than anybody else can. Why discriminate against people for things they were born with and cannot change?
Y said:
Do you mean Hearing people and CI people are "Deaf impaired" ?

Interesting...that's very new and creative ....

And we still see the debates on which word to use and what it means... Can we STOP using words to define who has this decible loss or gain, or who has a CI or hearing aid or not ? ? As was said here before, the blind or those with sight issues, don't argue the merits/or otherwise, of how much they can/can't see... let alone attack someone for putting on a pair of glasses, or having a cataract operation. This IS what the deaf/Deaf community has resorted to.
Eve said:
Don't kid yourself, this word is used as a weapon against the deaf world as well. If you don't agree 100% with the individual weilding the weapon, you WILL be labeled.

Good point!!!
Passivist said:
And we still see the debates on which word to use and what it means... Can we STOP using words to define who has this decible loss or gain, or who has a CI or hearing aid or not ? ? As was said here before, the blind or those with sight issues, don't argue the merits/or otherwise, of how much they can/can't see... let alone attack someone for putting on a pair of glasses, or having a cataract operation. This IS what the deaf/Deaf community has resorted to.

Sure thing, but may I ask Sweetmind that question just to clarify
because I never heard of this new word "Deaf Impaired" myself before ?
I'm just asking and waiting for her response. I haven't expressed
my opinion yet. Thanks...
Passivist said:
And we still see the debates on which word to use and what it means... Can we STOP using words to define who has this decible loss or gain, or who has a CI or hearing aid or not ? ? As was said here before, the blind or those with sight issues, don't argue the merits/or otherwise, of how much they can/can't see... let alone attack someone for putting on a pair of glasses, or having a cataract operation. This IS what the deaf/Deaf community has resorted to.

I've definitely known people who were blind, and neither of the ones I knew closely EVER used it as a weapon against me or ever made disparaging statements about others with varying degrees of sight issues. I never felt like I was going to be discriminated against because I am sighted, and that's a KEY factor you have to have in order to really bond with a person.
sr171soars said:
I just roll my eyes to the extent of denial of some in the deaf community.

A Rose is a Rose by any other name. Whether you (or others) like to admit it or not, a person who cannot hear normally is hearing impaired...period. We can wish it away, deny it or whatever but it is still there. We are missing the full use of a sense. I equate this concept (of denial) to looking at the world through a broken prism.

Somebody blind would not even lower themselves to such inane remarks about being insulted that they are being called blind. They know it and they deal with it.

This acknowledgement of "hearing impairement" doesn't imply in any shape or form any less intrinsic worth compared to one who can hear. This is where the real battle for the deaf community and why this gets all tangled up with heated emotions and egos and whatnot.

As for wishing that the hearing world will bother learning sign on a regular basis, is really absurd. It isn't going to happen. Sign is another language and it is hard enough for most adults to learn another language like spanish let alone sign.

Audism is simply a label by some to use as a "weapon" against the hearing world. It is divisive and doesn't bring the deaf closer to the hearing world but rather drives it away.
agreed, "hearing impaired" applies to hearing people with some hearing loss too. it is not just deaf people anymore.
Passivist said:
This has been discussed in the UK. 'Audism' overwhelmingy is rejected. It's yet another term/label created to drive further divisions in the already tentative deaf unity. We have already seen Audism applied to describe oral/hearing aid/CI users, as well as other deaf people and hearing. The deaf activists are killing any empathy people might have with the deaf, it's a turn off, an insult to many in mainstream too, who do work and help deaf people, now they all get this 'label' because they hear, Deaf patronising and discriminating against the hearing ? that's a new one. Trouble with new 'buzz' words, is they do not account for the vindictive and divisive deaf elements we have, who will use these words/terms to hammer home a 'Deaf' message, it is isolating and alienating other deaf people.

Other words/terms not wanted:

Big D Deaf

There are also too many other emerging, the trend, is to isolate deaf people, into 'Us' versus 'them', and 'them' can now mean ANYONE deaf or hearing, or 'different' deaf or Hard of Hearing, who doesn't adhere to some deaf credo. What is it with these deaf activists ? they want us all stuck in a never-ending cycle of contention with mainstream ? AND each other ? Advances have been made in access, effort has been put in, to listen to some deaf, I fear the Deaf will never leave their isolation, because these warped activists prefer they don't. Every opportunity is to make out mainstream has it in for us, and indeed other deaf who want choices too get it...

If we want to make progress, dump the deaf activist on some desert island and let them do what they want there. I remember deaf activism when it was comprised of hard working deaf campaigners working for us all using common-sense, they must be spinning in their retirement to see what is happening now. It was all about getting support, now it''s all about politics, and 'deaf power', and inciting apathy towards deaf culture, and antagonism towards anyone with hearing. It's creating resentment.
good post... :thumb:

also we are sick of crab theory too.
Boult said:
agreed, "hearing impaired" applies to hearing people with some hearing loss too. it is not just deaf people anymore. are correct. I wasn't making such distinctions whether the person was deaf or hearing. Sorry for not making that clearer.
The major 'impairments', are ignorance, jealousy, misunderstanding, and intolerance, while many will not agree, that doesn't mean they are wrong, or against you, how determined we all are, to have a 'label' despite objecting to it ! We'll spend years debating a letter or a term won't we ? :) I gather there are currently HUNDREDS of terms used to describe people with hearing loss. More than enough to fuel this divisive fire for years to come..... :cry:
rockdrummer said:
First the definition for clearity
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural dogmas also dog·ma·ta /-m&-t&/
Etymology: Latin dogmat-, dogma, from Greek, from dokein to seem -- more at DECENT
1 a : something held as an established opinion; especially : a definite authoritative tenet b : a code of such tenets <pedagogical dogma> c : a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds
2 : a doctrine or body of doctrines concerning faith or morals formally stated and authoritatively proclaimed by a church

I think that neecy described the dogma. It was in the part of neecy's quote that you highlighted which was. "poor little deaf people who can't do anything so everybody has to do it for them" That opinion (if it exists) is what would be the dogma. I hope this helps clearify.

Who has a dogma like that? If anyone does have that belief the label "audist" would seem to fit. The only people I've ever seen who believed that were "Hearing" people. Is that who you were referring to?
Yep It happens.....

Sweetmind said:
deaf person as deaf peddlers dont you get it?? it s not only deaf people who does that if you mind.. I have seen hearing person did it after i signed to that person.. Guess what!! Hearing peddlers ran away from me as usual..

Yes, I have caught a few when I traveled to different cities... I would see one at the airport...when one young lady was going around selling ABC cards...I told her I am Deaf too and tried to sign. She freaked out and ran off...she didn't appear to be deaf... that is a fraud for misrepresentation of Deaf.

peddlers has been around since the dawn of mankind... so be it..

US Government started it...

Sweetmind said:
Oh yea.. Hearing impaired is not appropriate term for many deafies. If you mind.. We are having our broken ears that is very insulting remarks.

Who created this?? of course MEDICAL professional did. There is a reason for us to say it to make the point about Signed Impaired for hearing people doesnt know anything about deaf languages as is. thank you!

I am d/Deaf that shows who I am..

It was the United States Government who termed the coin as far back as I can remember. It was their way of lumping everyone in one group. I hated that term. It is better to be Deaf.... =^)

Stamp Out Audism!

sr171soars said:
Audism is simply a label by some to use as a "weapon" against the hearing world. It is divisive and doesn't bring the deaf closer to the hearing world but rather drives it away.

I do not think that video "Audism Unveiled" I went to Chicago the past weekend to watch that video. I am impressed about it and it is worthwhile watching. For more info, go to www.audism-unveiled. com.

I am working on a video project to complement with that video as well as other matters related to audism.

Please respect our rights to express this matter about audism. There is nothing you can do about it as we have the right to express our opinion about how hearing people abuse deaf. Most of you are living in ivory towers and not doing anything to help... you keep self-denial and it is your problem.

It is time to "STAMP OUT AUDISM!"


"Audism spreads while good Deaf people do nothing!"
quoted by Paul J. Kiel

***** :cheers:
Signing Impaired

Sweetmind said:
Okay then you are asking for it.. Deaf impaired thank you!

We call those hearing people or anyone not knowing ASL as signing impaired.

That is the right way to describe them.
