^Angel^ said:Okay, then my question to you is why would you call me one 15 years ago?...
The easy answer is that there was no ADA era at that time...

^Angel^ said:Okay, then my question to you is why would you call me one 15 years ago?...
The definition by the creator says that deaf people can be Audist's too. Do you think folks in the deaf community would agree?
Do you support AGB (Alexander Graham Bell)'s oral methods including no marriage between Deafies and forbiden sign language methods?
(A hearie who responses "Yes" then he/she is a AUDIST! If the deafie answers, too then he/she is DUT.)
You remind me so much of "those deaf who stick in their little world" who have their own language, values, rules of behavior, its pride and it's own perspective, who don't want any socialization with other people out in the society. As I know there are some Deaf people who passed out those ASL Sign language cards as a job to collect money off of people, refused to even work, think that they cannot do anything because they're special, they're deaf, has a name for everyone they dislike, example Oralism, Mainstream, Total communication, and even hearing people.
I don't think it is nice to label people, Let's be nice. All hearies aren't that bad like the ones we experience in our path of life, But, give the rest of the hearies who aren't like the other hearies a break.
You remind me so much of "those deaf who stick in their little world" who have their own language, values, rules of behavior, its pride and it's own perspective, who don't want any socialization with other people out in the society. As I know there are some Deaf people who passed out those ASL Sign language cards as a job to collect money off of people, refused to even work, think that they cannot do anything because they're special, they're deaf, has a name for everyone they dislike, example Oralism, Mainstream, Total communication, and even hearing people.
Sweetmind said:Oh yea , cheri! Look at this real world how people treat deaf people bad for many many years. We are not allowed to use our hands all those years. THey have no right to do this to us deafies if you mind.
Hearing people have no respect for us for a long long time. Also they are still using too many degrade labels toward us deafies. Where have you been? JEEZ!
We have the right to use that term that tells the truth for what happens to us by hearing people in this society. sighs!
Hearing people need to change their attitude and leave us alone that we are doing fine without their requirement to make us to hear and speak only.. Scoffs!
CheriYou remind me so much of "those deaf who stick in their little world" who have their own language, values, rules of behavior, its pride and it's own
You are angry at the fact that what had happened to you before can happen to you again in the present and the future, Come on, forget the past, live the present and the future.
LMM said:Cheri
You mention people in the Deaf Community! Stick in their littel world who have their own Language [which bymeans is ASL!] values,rules. This is the Deaf Community for your information!
If someone have to sell card's art or anything esle to make a living that's their choice Not YOURS!
I don't want those Deaf people who comes in my community, in my town selling those ABC ASL cards, It's embarrassment, It tells the hearing people how lazy Deaf people are, We are not lazy, Just because we cannot hear, that doesn't mean we can't find jobs, be independence.
I don't want those Deaf people who comes in my community, in my town selling those ABC ASL cards, It's embarrassment, It tells the hearing people how lazy Deaf people are, We are not lazy, Just because we cannot hear, that doesn't mean we can't find jobs, be independence.
Who are the hearing people that force you to speak and hear?
Sweetmind said:YES very much that goes with deaf oralism with a very negative attitude about our true language of ASL and our hands to communicate on both sides.
Oral speaking is not the answer for all of us deafies because it s always leading into a big misunderstanding as usual. Miss out so much even we wear those devices or have our speech impairment that doesnt speak perfectly as usual. We do have a deaf voice that will make hearing people recongized us being deaf as is..
Those people with a very negative attitude thinks they know it all that turns me off since some of latened deaf, deaf oralism and hearing people are being so self centered as usual.
Thank you!
Sweetmind said:dumb question u asked me that.. sighs! you know the answer. NO more denial
Sweetmind said:Why pinpointing at deaf people only?? There are hearing people did this too. MIND YOU!.
Cheri said:My goodness You cannot read my entire post, I made it perfect clear, And If I'm speaking of the whole Deaf community that would included me too wouldn't it? Because I'm deaf also and know ASL. Thank-you
I don't want those Deaf people who comes in my community, in my town selling those ABC ASL cards, It's embarrassment, It tells the hearing people how lazy Deaf people are, We are not lazy, Just because we cannot hear, that doesn't mean we can't find jobs, be independence.
Sweetmind said:You are not making any sense.. I didnt say it s you personally.. but some of people in all deaf do have a huge audist attitude.. They always attacked Deaf people like me because we know the truth and know whats the best interest for those d/Deaf children's needs.
Thats audist attitude and immature like a pitbull from them.