Yes, Grendel has made some very good choices for her child. She is very blessed to be in that school. That is what I am saying. She was able to make those choices. My parents were never given any options, were not informed of the Deaf community and sign language, so I was not exposed to anything but mainstream/oral only environments. No fault of my parents. My parents were and are very understanding and supportive under the circumstances. I know that if they were given the choices Grendel had, they would have embraced sign language, had they known that it was the 'natural' language for me. My mother recently expressed, after coming the realisation of all the difficulties I faced in communication, that even at her age now, she would learn sign language for me at least as much as she could. All my life, all we were told was I was HOH, but only 2 years ago or less I discovered I was in fact severely-deaf. That came as no surprise to me as it explained a lot of things to me. As for my hearing family, it came as quite a shock to them and they are still adjusting to this 'new' revelation.
Yes, LiLi is extremely fortunate to have caring and loving parents like GrendelQ and her hubby.