The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

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I still be at work but I will be half day soon. :cheers:
I won't have my son until Saturday... wow... feels bizarre, I've always spent every single holiday with the little fella :|

Whelp, I'll be keeping my mind occupied for the next couple of days. Imagine three crazy girls in desperate need of partying, boozing, pampering, and eating CHOCOLATES! Okay that chocolate tidbit was added in by me but I need it :P so I won't be here for Christmas.

Have a Merry Christmas, I hope it's kind to you.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry TOUR: BlackBerry9630/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/104)

Ummmm. Not sure about this mobile thingy
Merry Christmas everyone - its christmas day down here :)
Merry Christmas, everyone! The festivities begin tonight. I get to play Santa. Best wishes for a meaningful celebration. :wave:
Evening everyone! We just witnessed a "first" at the Dixie casa, my DD has just lost her first tooth! I gave her $5 for it and we've kept the tooth in a small blood vial with a lid. It's going in her "baby" box later this evening. :)
Evening everyone! We just witnessed a "first" at the Dixie casa, my DD has just lost her first tooth! I gave her $5 for it and we've kept the tooth in a small blood vial with a lid. It's going in her "baby" box later this evening. :)

Merry Christmas, everyone! The festivities begin tonight. I get to play Santa. Best wishes for a meaningful celebration. :wave:

Ho! Ho! Have fun!!!!! Merry Christmas! :wave:
I also find it ironic it happened on Christmas Eve of all times!

That means both Santa and the Tooth Fairy will have to pay a visit. That will be a great memory for your daughter to have!
Evening everyone! We just witnessed a "first" at the Dixie casa, my DD has just lost her first tooth! I gave her $5 for it and we've kept the tooth in a small blood vial with a lid. It's going in her "baby" box later this evening. :)

Yay!!!!! I bet she feels all grown up.
Evening everyone! We just witnessed a "first" at the Dixie casa, my DD has just lost her first tooth! I gave her $5 for it and we've kept the tooth in a small blood vial with a lid. It's going in her "baby" box later this evening. :)

how cute is that!
Evening everyone! We just witnessed a "first" at the Dixie casa, my DD has just lost her first tooth! I gave her $5 for it and we've kept the tooth in a small blood vial with a lid. It's going in her "baby" box later this evening. :)

That's a precious moment:)
Evening everyone! We just witnessed a "first" at the Dixie casa, my DD has just lost her first tooth! I gave her $5 for it and we've kept the tooth in a small blood vial with a lid. It's going in her "baby" box later this evening. :)

My older daughter's first lost tooth, I helped her with. It ended up going down the sink drain.

She cried a lot and all the relatives kept giving her money, so she got a lot more that if she could put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy.

I think she kept crying about losing the tooth that was because she noticed she was making money!:lol:
It is really hot outside today. 34 C degree (93 F degrees). Soon I'll be going to work tonight. :)
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