The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

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We, boys, are kidding! :laugh2:

Nathan -- iphone wallpapers, FTW!
the potential for crass remarks are just monumental here.

Must. resist. little devil. on. left. shoulder. ahhhhhh!!!!

(head explodes)
Rarely, I will say this... but:

I swear there is a Higher Being that is intent on screwing my life over. Gaaaaaaawk.

* head explodes *
Time for me to start blogging.

The Saw VI movie was a great tonight, something to blog about.

Installed Tokbox on my Mac and testing it...I liked it. It came with IM clients. Good replace for my iChat which will not work in some places. Will be reviewing them tomorrow.

And I now end my day. G'nite eveyone.
Wee... Down from 50 clothes... down to 16!

- 1 leather jacket
- 1 rainjacket
- 1 peacoat
- 1 black button down shirt
- 1 dark blue button down shirt
- 1 striped blue/dark blue button down shirt
- 3 black slacks
- 1 khaki slack
- 1 black BDU pants
- 1 khaki BDU pants
- 1 dress pants
- 1 black t-shirt
- 1 grey t-shirt
- 1 straight leg jeans

Thinking of chucking out the rainjacket... and replace it with a nice suit. Not sure what else.
Time for me to start blogging.

The Saw VI movie was a great tonight, something to blog about.

Installed Tokbox on my Mac and testing it...I liked it. It came with IM clients. Good replace for my iChat which will not work in some places. Will be reviewing them tomorrow.

And I now end my day. G'nite eveyone.

ToxBox multi-party video conference is good? Video is over 25 fps?
So, how is it? Everything you'd hoped for? The Holy Grail of phones?
So, how is it? Everything you'd hoped for? The Holy Grail of phones?

Oh, I'm loving it no doubt. It's an mP3 player though, not a phone. I've successfully transferred all of my music and podcasts on to it. Now I've gotta find some cool applications for it. :)
Opps! I am soooo uncool. :Oops: My teen has the same thing. He wants the phone but the monthly service is too expensive.

Enjoy your music and podcasts! :cool2:
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