The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

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heheh congrats on your 1000th post.

Is this forum getting cool yet? :giggle:

hahaha... well..hmm.. in some parts!.. maybe we should have a party so we can all cool down!

Thank you by the way!
Last Wednesday hy son claim that he heard that the window was cracked but it turned out that he and his friend was playing with BB gun and shot the window. This happened over the weekend cuz I was working during the weekend so now I wont let him stay home while I work.
Hi everyone!

Still no baby yet! *tapping my fingers* We are waiting hee! I am now 38 weeks and he can come between now and Nov 6th. Dr will NOT go let me go pass due hopefully soon!!! I cannot wait to hold our little guy! Ohhh yea daddy and big brother to be cannot wait either! :)
Hi everyone!

Still no baby yet! *tapping my fingers* We are waiting hee! I am now 38 weeks and he can come between now and Nov 6th. Dr will NOT go let me go pass due hopefully soon!!! I cannot wait to hold our little guy! Ohhh yea daddy and big brother to be cannot wait either! :)

Awww howww excitiinggg!!! let us know as soon as your little guy is born! yay!:D
Hi everyone!

Still no baby yet! *tapping my fingers* We are waiting hee! I am now 38 weeks and he can come between now and Nov 6th. Dr will NOT go let me go pass due hopefully soon!!! I cannot wait to hold our little guy! Ohhh yea daddy and big brother to be cannot wait either! :)

Hope you will send pictures from the hospital so we can see him right away. :)
I'm not exactly sure what number of post I'm on. I actually don't post as much in this forum as I have in others. After one year at this one forum I had 8,000 posts. I had 7,000 in another that is now closed. This is the only other forum that I attend that has over 1,000. There is only one other forum I attend (I rarely post - well, for my standards), but it's pretty pathetic (it's a forum for my favourite show).
I'm not exactly sure what number of post I'm on. I actually don't post as much in this forum as I have in others. After one year at this one forum I had 8,000 posts. I had 7,000 in another that is now closed. This is the only other forum that I attend that has over 1,000. There is only one other forum I attend (I rarely post - well, for my standards), but it's pretty pathetic (it's a forum for my favourite show).

Posts: 1,763

its right under your avatar.. :)
Posts: 1,763

its right under your avatar.. :)

Yes, I know, but I hadn't looked at it. And I had no posts of mine on this page of the thread so I couldn't check.

So I guess I'm 200 from 2,000.
Yes, I know, but I hadn't looked at it. And I had no posts of mine on this page of the thread so I couldn't check.

So I guess I'm 200 from 2,000.
It's the weekend! You can do it!!
I am not sure about pictures because it is public forum. So hubby and I will discuss about it. On Facebook you can put it private easily, depend how you want to set it up. :)

Hope you will send pictures from the hospital so we can see him right away. :)
Can't wait to see a pic of your baby boy, Lake Tahoe! :aw:

I'm giving a pizza party for cub scouts at my home tonight. Wish me luck! :D
It's Friday night here and I'm shattered, I spent the day with my ex after not having seen him (but still spoken to him) in person for 2 months- it was very emotional but we both had a good time.

I'm so glad I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow!
Woohoo, I entered a Purple Communications contest and won a little infrared Purple mouse for my netbook. Whoo! Wish I could remember what I wrote.... heh
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