The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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Well maybe not frickin'. :lol: I just checked and it's there !!!

I lost 21 points on the presentation. Not bad out of 350.

Overall, a 98.1 grade.


I'll take it !!!

I very nice spring day here gave me a chance to clear up the back yard and clean out the shed moved the camping stuff to the front and the christmas stuff to the back :D

Oh I wish that the snow is gone here so that I could start to clean my backyard that I didn't finish last year because of snow unexpectedly. I need to find my dog toys, woods, aluminum cutters to be recycled, and more. I can't wait for someone to cut down some big trees b/c they are too close to my house. I might have to cut small few trees on my neighbor's property before they get here from Florida in the spring. I don't like my neighbor because she had a female pitbull dog outside with a doghouse in the freezing/hottest weather seven years ago. Her dog fall in love with me because she never had cookies that I gave her once a while, but I still cannot trust her. One time, her chain broke and came into my house that she never saw inside a house in her life. She was probably very happy to go in my house and to see me. Oh boy. I'm glad that she had a chance to escape for a while. She suffered arthritis and probably died from uncomfortable weather that she went thru many seasons. I called the SPCA, and they cannot do anything about it because of no law. (They were jerk, but that was a long time ago.)
Thanks, BB & JClarke! :D

You are very welcome AlleyCat.

I understand the anticipation of not knowing. Even when you felt you have done good on the test. :D

Been there and done that many times!!

I demand your attention......... does ANYBODY like Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate Cookie ice cream? Many of my friends hate mint ice cream. I'm basically the only one who likes it. WHAT THE FUDGE!?!? :mad2:

I LOOOOOOOVVVVEEEEE Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate Cookie ice cream! I go crazy about Ben & Jerry's ice creams... those are delicious! You are not alone... you have me and others anyway!! :mad2:
Well maybe not frickin'. :lol: I just checked and it's there !!!

I lost 21 points on the presentation. Not bad out of 350.

Overall, a 98.1 grade.


I'll take it !!!


WHAT A BEAUTIFUL GRADE YOU GOT!! AN A! That's sooo awesome! Congratulations Alleycat! So proud of you! :) :hug: :dj::cheers::rockon::h5::hyper::party::monkey:
I hate Ben & Jerry Mint Chocolate Cookie ice cream... :mad2:
Well maybe not frickin'. :lol: I just checked and it's there !!!

I lost 21 points on the presentation. Not bad out of 350.

Overall, a 98.1 grade.


I'll take it !!!


Congratulations, AlleyCat!
A's better than B or C.
Again, congratulations!
HOT DIGGITY DAMN! I'm very glad to know I'm not alone! PM me your address so I can mail you Jiro's Special Edition Mint Sunglasses (yes for free) :cool2: btw - don't worry about Ben & Jerry. It's just one of several ice cream brands. I actually prefer Cold Stone. It has stronger mint flavor.

I haven't learned to understand these or respond to them yet :Oops:

The sun isn't up yet, but I'm gonna go to bed anyway because I've got a busy night tomorrow. But my hair is wet. That's bad. I took my shower too late. Now I have to go to bed with a wet head. That's bad. I'm being random. I've been up for 16 hours, so I'm tired anyway.

Anybody who doesn't like the taste of mint probably has a chronic infection in the jaw, tongue, or somewhere near the mouth that's influencing their perception of taste.

:gag: I NEVER like chocolate chip mint ice cream! I do like mint but not in ice cream! Sorry!
I LOOOOOOOVVVVEEEEE Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate Cookie ice cream! I go crazy about Ben & Jerry's ice creams... those are delicious! You are not alone... you have me and others anyway!! :mad2:

I demand your attention......... does ANYBODY like Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate Cookie ice cream? Many of my friends hate mint ice cream. I'm basically the only one who likes it. WHAT THE FUDGE!?!? :mad2:

When I get Ben & Jerry's, that's my go-to flavor. I don't know if you have any stewart's shops in your neck of the woods, but their mint marcy ice cream is awesome. :shock:
Wow, this thread is starting to show its age. :laugh2:
Well, no one posted since like 7 am....silence...:P now I brought it up. ha
I just cleaned out messy things in my office den today. :lol:
I just cleaned out messy things in my office den today. :lol:

So am I, deleting many of the useless accounts on the internet so I can try and use one email for everything or at least 3.
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