The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Was nice to go back to work today after being cooped in for 2 days. However, there is a thread about a major dangerous storm brewing for next week...oh boyeeeee..
Was nice to go back to work today after being cooped in for 2 days. However, there is a thread about a major dangerous storm brewing for next week...oh boyeeeee..

i saw that. thats the last thing we need.
good evening is everyone today?

Good...was glad to return to work today after being shut in for 2 days. It was a beautiful sunny day and the ice was glittering everywhere. Beautiful!
with the exception of my psychiatrist appointment, i've had a rather upsetting day. i'm hoping tomorrow will be better.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you. I need to call the psychiatrist place tomorrow to see about rescheduling my appointment
my depression is kicking ass have been out all week and suffering from cabin fever..hopefully they can play outside tomorrow..
my depression is kicking ass have been out all week and suffering from cabin fever..hopefully they can play outside tomorrow..

with the kids in all week youve probably got cabin fever too. hey itll be spring before you know it and you can take them to the park and let them play!
OMG I really need a hug..I just had an electrical fire..the damn dog chewed there my electric heater cord and sparked and flamed..OMG..damn now I have to by a new heater
OMG I really need a hug..I just had an electrical fire..the damn dog chewed there my electric heater cord and sparked and flamed..OMG..damn now I have to by a new heater

wow.... the dog's still alive? :-o
OMG I really need a hug..I just had an electrical fire..the damn dog chewed there my electric heater cord and sparked and flamed..OMG..damn now I have to by a new heater



I need a hug cuz my life doesnt have any drama nor excitement. :lol:
i have a good day!

In class, students COOPERATED and LISTEN with me. I gave them PIZZAS and SODAS from my treat for their lunch, after that, they ACTUALLY cooperated and do whatever they did from my agenda. WOW!! Im so PROUD of them :] hey yo, pat on my back for my hard work as teacher!

I have a good n short reunion with old buddy- Wayne Bettis [he's one who made Moseduex and we used to be NTID/RIT]. Good to see him and good chat to catch up with him. AND, one of my old fella classmate, actually BECAME sub-teacher... WOW.

What a sweet day!
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