The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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welcome back you rebel you! except for Jiro and JClarke battling egos it was really deafly quiet (pun intended) around here while you were away!

well, get ready because things are about to change around here! :laugh2:
calling in sick for today simply because i want to use my computer and dual monitors for work. :mad2:
Then why not just say "not coming in today"? :hmm:

rules, you know. I need to take personal day or sick day or vacation day to not come into work so I picked sick day. gotta love the perk of working for university. it's very flexible.
So, you need a break from your tiny work monitors then? :lol:

you could say that. I just need to fix 2 persistent problems by this week but it's not easy fixing it with 2 tiny-ass monitors because there are hundred lines of codes. plus - to add insult to injury.... the work computer is outdated and slow. :mad2:

It's best if I fix the problem with my computers at home :mad2:
you could say that. I just need to fix 2 persistent problems by this week but it's not easy fixing it with 2 tiny-ass monitors because there are hundred lines of codes. plus - to add insult to injury.... the work computer is outdated and slow. :mad2:

It's best if I fix the problem with my computers at home :mad2:

This says you need to start working on your own, stealing clients from the company, giving them cheaper price.
honey... you work for federal government. there are always some street hotdog stands nearby

Ewww. Jiro, do you know what's in those hot dogs?? Anyway, my co-worker just came back so now i can go find some grub.
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