The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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:laugh2::laugh2:, that s funny and wierd thing for Jiro, JClarke, and Nathan's images.
Hi Meg. Are you going to go to school in Maine?

Or get a job? What plans?
Another stay at home is on top of the snow making the snow so condensed. Simply said..everything is covered with ice and VERY slippery out.
Are they smartmouthing at you or at each other? We have a token system so if they smartmouth me, they dont earn points and the system is used school-wide so the kids who have been at the school for a long time wouldnt dare to bad mouth the teachers. Whenever we get new kids from the public schools, they talk back and all that but after 2 weeks, they wouldnt dare cuz the rewards after earning a certain number of points are just too powerful.

As for smartmouthing each other, it usually happens during transition.

I just tell them that they have a choice to continue with the behavior or stop and focus on the lesson. Most of my days are pretty good...rarely have an "off" day with them.

points isnt helpful since theyre smart enought to know that points is just a numbers to them. I was like, "Aw man, have to try another method". So, im gonna to try something else that will impact them in different way. I hope it is help that they will learn their lesson.


they'll scare because parents are powerful than points. Is only way what i able to have them to pow 'em up and gulps. Lets see what happens.

I'd need your good lucks.

Tonight I'm going to my nephew's 12-year old birthday party. I cannot believe he's 12 !!! Makes me feel a bit old.
You never happened to work for Hasbro, did you? Or Natural Wonders? hehe, probably not. Your avatar just looks familiar, like I've seen you in person :hmm: But then, I did work for Hasbro, so I saw a lot of people with pink hair, so maybe it's just that. No, I don't think it's the hair. Oh well, you can see why I need a shrink :giggle:

No, I never worked at those places.
how old are ya?!?! :naughty:

LOL .. 38 ... Why?

And oh, I have had a ringing in my ears since I woke up yesterday morning. This only happens 3-4 times a year, guess this is one of those few times. Playing some music right now to drown it out!
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