The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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i'm sorry to hear that, lori. you try to hang tight, okay?
you're f**king strong as usual. grab it by the horns! :mad2:

everything is cool now, jiro. i'm no longer rapid cycling. right now i'm trying desperately to help nika in the hugs thread, but he's not responding to any of my posts...

yes, i did. i'm home now and can't wait to sleep in my own bed.

by the way, i'm calmer now. everything is cool. sometimes this d*mn bipolar gets the better of me.

well welcome home. im sure tigger was glad to see you! if you ever need a baby sitter for her let me know. her and zoe can play and have fun! and knowing zoe theyd sound like a couple of horses running through the house! :laugh2:
everything is cool now, jiro. i'm no longer rapid cycling. right now i'm trying desperately to help nika in the hugs thread, but he's not responding to any of my posts...

well welcome home. im sure tigger was glad to see you! if you ever need a baby sitter for her let me know. her and zoe can play and have fun! and knowing zoe theyd sound like a couple of horses running through the house! :laugh2:

LOL! i'm sure tigger would love that! she's 12 years old and still acts like a pup in so many ways. :giggle:

it looks like i may be in for a long night tonight. i'm going to wait until i hear from nika in the hugs thread. i'm not giving up on him.

i'm really, really exhausted, but that can wait. right now it's time for me to be a friend. :)
LOL! i'm sure tigger would love that! she's 12 years old and still acts like a pup in so many ways. :giggle:

it looks like i may be in for a long night tonight. i'm going to wait until i hear from nika in the hugs thread. i'm not giving up on him.

i'm really, really exhausted, but that can wait. right now it's time for me to be a friend. :)

zoe will be three this year. and is still a brat. i gave her a dog treat earlier and had another one laying on my desk. she jumped up and laid across my lap trying to get and and almost tried to climb over me to get it. and she weighs 68 pounds!
zoe will be three this year. and is still a brat. i gave her a dog treat earlier and had another one laying on my desk. she jumped up and laid across my lap trying to get and and almost tried to climb over me to get it. and she weighs 68 pounds!

wow! what breed is zoe?

my last guide dog (a golden retreiver named sugar) weighed 65 pounds and was a real handful!

tigger is much, much calmer and only weighs 45 pounds.
wow! what breed is zoe?

my last guide dog (a golden retreiver named sugar) weighed 65 pounds and was a real handful!

tigger is much, much calmer and only weighs 45 pounds.

She's a collie. I took her to the vet a couple weeks ago to get her shots updated and they weighed her. 68 pounds of pure brat! when i came home tonight after my meeting i picked up a pizza for supper. she stood there barking at me untill i gave her a bite!
Good Morning y'all, lol ^_^ yes i am awake, and I am back. Sorry i been away again, i just moved.
She's a collie. I took her to the vet a couple weeks ago to get her shots updated and they weighed her. 68 pounds of pure brat! when i came home tonight after my meeting i picked up a pizza for supper. she stood there barking at me untill i gave her a bite!

LOL! it sounds like zoe and sugar would make a good pair! i've always wanted a collie for a guide dog, but they are rare and not many blind people receive them.
hi everyone,

my sleep med is kicking my butt right now, so i have go to bed. if anyone hears from nika, please send me a pm and/or ask him to contact me.

if i wake up before 6:00am, i'll check ad again and talk to you all at that time.

goodnight. :zzz:
i'd just like all of you to know that if i'm banned, thank you to those of you who treated me kindly and were a friend. for those of you who didn't....nevermind.

I hope you don't get banned, Hear Again. I love your posts, they are always useful. And you have my email addresses in case you do get banned. Feel free to email me anytime! :)
hi everyone,

my sleep med is kicking my butt right now, so i have go to bed. if anyone hears from nika, please send me a pm and/or ask him to contact me.

if i wake up before 6:00am, i'll check ad again and talk to you all at that time.

goodnight. :zzz:

well nice to see you Hear Again and good night
I hope you don't get banned, Hear Again. I love your posts, they are always useful. And you have my email addresses in case you do get banned. Feel free to email me anytime! :)

:ty: lucia. if i'm banned from ad, i will definitely keep in touch with you via
e-mail. :)
hi everyone,

my sleep med is kicking my butt right now, so i have go to bed. if anyone hears from nika, please send me a pm and/or ask him to contact me.

if i wake up before 6:00am, i'll check ad again and talk to you all at that time.

goodnight. :zzz:

Okay, good night. I hope you sleep well. :hug:
hi everyone,

my sleep med is kicking my butt right now, so i have go to bed. if anyone hears from nika, please send me a pm and/or ask him to contact me.

if i wake up before 6:00am, i'll check ad again and talk to you all at that time.

goodnight. :zzz:

good night hear again. sleep well maam.
nitey-nite ya'all!
ahhh ^_^ seems like i been gone for 3 weeks actually... oh well. I was moving :wave:
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