The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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how are you feeling tonight?

thanks for asking, lori. i was rapid cycling earlier because of several heated posts on ad, but i'm calm now. all is good -- and no voices either. smile.

how are you and your son feeling in regards to your colds? any better? i hope so!
yes we are feeling much better now. I still have that feeling when I wake up but I think that's from the dry air. And he's finally stopped throwing up. Thanks for asking
I have to reschedule my therapy session. I wanted two months for this appointment and now the roads are ice..grrrrr I need meds....
yes we are feeling much better now. I still have that feeling when I wake up but I think that's from the dry air. And he's finally stopped throwing up. Thanks for asking

i'm glad to hear it. you try to stay safe in the ice storm and if you need any further help, do not hesitate to ask. i've lived in the midwest for 38 years, so i'm pretty familiar with how to prepare for and function in them.
I have to reschedule my therapy session. I wanted two months for this appointment and now the roads are ice..grrrrr I need meds....

can't you get your meds online through they can deliver to your door. have you tried that?
as of right now we have power..and it's stopped freezing rain for the time being. They did say the freezing rain will last threw wednesday morning. I was going out often to check the condition till I went 20 mintues later stepped out found my self on my back, now my back and neck hurts..So when I take the dogs out on their leshes I step from the dry step to the grass and don't walk to much
It's not that..I don't have the $80 for my meds. This appointment I had was for low cost mental health which means I pay on a sliding scale and get meds a lot cheaper

you might want to ask your counselor if he or she can provide you free med samples. i know several people with bipolar who do this.
I haven't meet with the couselor yet..that's what this appointment was for tomorrow morning. You know that whole run through your health problems, the drugs you take and your opinion type of things
I orginally set up the appointment to help me deal with me leaving my ex and the stress it caused on my depression and bipolar. and then see what can be done about meds..this has worked a number on my mental state and just need to talk to someone..I feel like I'm going crazy on the instead..I'm a rubber ball that keeps bouncing off one wall onto and off another
I orginally set up the appointment to help me deal with me leaving my ex and the stress it caused on my depression and bipolar. and then see what can be done about meds..this has worked a number on my mental state and just need to talk to someone..I feel like I'm going crazy on the instead..I'm a rubber ball that keeps bouncing off one wall onto and off another


as you know, i'm bipolar too. i'd be happy to talk anytime you need to. feel free to send me a message here or via pm.
Chris is doing much better now (sick wise). I think it was a 24 hour bug. Thank's bad enough when the kids are sick but when mommy and child is that's rough. But we are much better now. He's actually enjoying his campout..:D
Doh! That sucks but it is also good at the same time you guys are recovering. Here's to him and you getting better in a jiffy.
thank you. Just really glad we're feeling better and the other 2 boys didn't get what we got..
I orginally set up the appointment to help me deal with me leaving my ex and the stress it caused on my depression and bipolar. and then see what can be done about meds..this has worked a number on my mental state and just need to talk to someone..I feel like I'm going crazy on the instead..I'm a rubber ball that keeps bouncing off one wall onto and off another

Couldn't help it .. sorry to eavesdrop, but that's how I've been feeling lately. Not sure what the instead thing means, but the rubber ball, I get that.

since you're bipolar, i would definitely talk to your counselor about getting free med samples. the last thing you want is for your bipolar to get out of control with mania and/or depression. i hope this doesn't sound like i'm lecturing you. i'm just concerned. i know how it is to be off of meds and my moods rapid cycling every 6 seconds as a result. smile.
my sleep med is starting to kick in so i'm going to call it a night. if all goes well tomorrow (i.e. no voices), the attending psychiatrist said i can be discharged from the hospital. keep your fingers crossed for me, please!
good night maam. sleep well. hope it goes well tommorow!
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