The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Virtual Reality is king of the new world.
Hey, wanna try on my Power Glove?

If you speak to me, I am the aging queen of the PS3.

Jake is young and should be having real adventures.:lol:
My shoulders are sore today since I played Wii bowling all day down the coast yesterday >.<

Dammit! I want Wii now!!!! I cant wait until March when we get it for my daughter's and my birthday...huurrrrrrryyyy!
If you speak to me, I am the aging queen of the PS3.

Jake is young and should be having real adventures.:lol:

Do not deny the power of the Power Glove. Your bbq chips and diet soda are floating through the living room as we speak.
Do not deny the power of the Power Glove. Your bbq chips and diet soda are floating through the living room as we speak.

:lol: I am very predictable! I just returned from my kitchen with bbq chips.
damn it forgot I was cooking. I hate it when I do that

That's an early sign of addiction to!
Best course of action and treatment suggested: Get yourself a laptop!

Just kidding, of course.
That's an early sign of addiction to!
Best course of action and treatment suggested: Get yourself a laptop!

Just kidding, of course.

the bad things is I do have a laptop, that's what I'm using
Hello my name is Lori and I'm addicted to AD :wave:

Hello my name is Victor and you can call me Vic, and I have a tendency to subjectively objectify at issues. And yes, that's me pointing at your words.
hi I'm Scott and im addicted to AD. But I can quit anytime I want! I can I really can!

*sobs uncontrolably* :hyper:
"welcome, everyone. our first meeting is now in session. please feel free to discuss any issues you feel are relevant to your ad addiction.

i'll go first. last week a boardtracking website claimed that i sent 677 posts to ad in one week. i'm hopeless and don't know what to do. i mean, how does one manage to drag themselves away from the computer long enough to eat, do laundry, clean and run errands? my apartment is a mess, i haven't eaten in days and i have laundry stacked up to the ceiling. can any of you relate?"

<steps aside and waits for next ad addict to take the mic>
hi I'm Scott and im addicted to AD. But I can quit anytime I want! I can I really can!

*sobs uncontrolably* :hyper:

< can be heard in the background talking to Scott
We are men. Men is what we are. OK, you can cry now.
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