A man just got ready to go for his work, before he left, he heard a cat was crying. He never thought of that strange sound but he had to go. Later, the man came back from his job and found his wife who was upset about his daughter's kitty was missing...
The man realized what he remembered the sound earlier... He decided to check it out his niegerbhoors (sp) and walked all the way until he noticed a house at dead end way only a several houses away from his home. The house was completely hidden by covered windows and some traps on bunch... He puzzled for moment, and then went to around the house but he found the fence had some wires who attached to some windows... He took a peek and saw some clean furs of cats and dogs.
He began to get angry but decided to look over fence to see what was there... He saw some pets were killed, inculding... his daughter's kitty....
He was completely upset and rage out! He ran in the bunch to grab a trap and threw it away toward one of windows before he could return to his house. He called 911 and explained to them what happened...
The rest of story, I don't remember if the problem have a sovle yet. I'd not heard from the man since. Or I may miss something...
Believe it or not, it did happen in USA.
I probably already post with that story in here, AllDeaf... I think?