The history of Mary Kay Letourneau

What do you consider Mary as

  • Child Rapist

    Votes: 11 22.9%
  • Sex Offender

    Votes: 23 47.9%
  • Sex Abusive

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 11 22.9%

  • Total voters
Reba said:
Label her as a sex offender, and keep her away from school kids. That's all.
I agree. ;)

Why wouldn't they mind a teacher like Mary Kay? She is just a loving teacher. If they really think the boy was not taken advantage of, then the same situation would be OK for their kids, too.

Don't put words in anyone's head or mouth here. Not one person in here in this thread have said they would want a teacher like Mary Kay. Some thinks that this kid is old enough to make his choice, It was not about her action what she have done in the past and how she should keep teaching<<(Not one person in here had said that she was a wonderful, loving teacher) We are talking about two adults that are in love-and are married. <<Which is out of our control. That's all to it nothing more nothing less.

Society has the right and responsibility to protect the weaker members, such as children, handicapped adults, and elderly people. If society accepts sexual offenders taking advantage of those weaker members, then there is no protection or hope for them.

Should take this matter up to the Congress, Only them can make the differences not us. :thumb:

My daughter has been making all her decisions since she was 18. While she was a minor, and living at home, Hubby and I were responsible for her well-being. If any teacher had made moves on her while she was a minor, we would have called the police.

I am postive sure every parent would felt the same way about their children if a teacher makes a move on the children. Because I know I would. :)
Cheri said:
Should take this matter up to the Congress, Only them can make the differences not us. :thumb:
Please don't think that. Each person here at AD can make a difference! You do have the power! We can't let government do everything for us. The more we let government do for us, the more the government will also be able to do to us.
Reba said:
Please don't think that. Each person here at AD can make a difference! You do have the power! We can't let government do everything for us. The more we let government do for us, the more the government will also be able to do to us.

I understand your point Reba I really do. But there are sex offenders out on the streets everyday even repeated ones and If they would just put them in prison and throw the keys away there weren't be many sex offenders out in the world today. The scariest thought is they only get couple years in prison, that's pieces of cake. But that would never remove the scars and the nightmares that the children went through. ;)
Tamara said:
Having sex with minor under 16 (depend on your country law) is called statutory rape. Not matter if underage want to have intercourse, and the parents can press charge for it. They are in deep trouble because of the law.

Over 16 is okay.

No, sex is a legal from 18 years old accord Europe law system. The law do something if the parents sue an adult for have sex with their underage children if they want to/listen their underage children's side about unwant sex, not government. The law listen plaintiff and victim's side.

Did Vilie's parent sue Mary for that? Nope
Did Vilie sue Mary for that? Nope
Then who sue Mary for that? Government.

Well, let me tell you the example.

Yes, it's illegal for Mary as teacher to have sex with her underage student. The school has the right to ban her out of school system to protect the underage students's safety and also good reputation, too. It's law. I'm agree that they put teacher in prison because of this.

But it's other side:
It's parents's job, not government if there're no teacher/student. I beleive it's parents's job to file the charge against sex offender/child rapist who have sex with their underage children.

1. My mother had me when she was 17 years old. Would you call my 24 years old father as child rapist or sex offender because he make my mother pregnant? For me, nope. They LOVE each other. Their parents did not made charge against my father for rape/sex offender because it's parent's decision/approval.

2. I did not get my parents to sue 20 years older man because it's ME who attract/like him.

3. My deaf friend's 15 years old deaf daughter had a baby girl with 27 years old guy in 1992. (I know that year because I was pregnant with my first son on that time). The parents did not sue 21 years old for sex offender or child rapist BECAUSE their daughter told their parents how much she love him and want to be with him. NOW they are still happily married and have 3 wonderful children.

4. My friend's sister's "just" 16 years old daughter had baby boy with 21 years old guy last year. The parents did not file the charge against 21 years old for make their daughter pregnant because their daughter LOVE him.

I say once again:
I beleive it's parents's job to have their decision/approval what they do with their children because they born their children, not government.
Oceanbreeze said:
Mary Kay is no different than your average sex offender, and she shouldn't be treated any differently. Doesn't matter if she has children or not. Wrong is wrong.

Ha, my husband is 9 years older than me. Would you call my husband as child rapist/sex offender? Is it wrong of my husband to marry me because of age difference?
Reba said:
He was 36 and you were 16? Yes, I would say there was something wrong with that man. I don't know what you mean by "date", and I really don't need to know (not my business). But if any man 36 has sexual relations with a girl 16, then he is a predator, and at the very least at risk for a charge of statutory rape.

BTW, not all "force" is just physical; it can also be emotional or mental.

I just responsed Occeanbeaze's post.

Would you call my husband as predator because he's 9 years older than me?

For your information.
Yes, we dated for 4 months. The "dated" make no difference either there're sex or not. I do not have sex relations with him but kiss/cuddle/petting.
Is he a predator if I receive only kiss/cuddle/petting from him? For me, not because it's ME who like him and want him.

Check my response post to Tamara.
Mmm, good points, y'all!

Today, I don't think too much of M.K.T's integrity .. even married to the guy with two kids. I'm sure Mary K.T. also doesn't think too much of HER own honor, either.. if she chose the latter over that. Having sex with children is sick to me, period, and shouldn't be excused in any way.

However, I do agree with some folks here about how it's all out of our hands, and she served her sentence... and now she is pursuing a marriage on a twisted foundation. Tasteless, but that's choices for ya. I'm pro-choice, actually.. and this is where I also need say that these two twisted people are allowed their choice of being together now that he's legal. Otherwise, I would be a hypocrite. At least, let it be known I think it's very tacky and what she did to that kid from the beginning was very despicable.

Whew! Now that's off my chest...

Now moving on.. next topic. :)
Reba said:
Many ADers seem quite willing to forgive and forget Mary Kay's transgressions. They see nothing wrong with her behavior because it is justified by "love". They say that Mary Kay did not "force" Billy to do anything. So I guess if a teacher did the same thing with one of their kids, it would be OK. If their young son or daughter comes home from school and says, "Mom, my teacher and I love each other," they can't complain, right? Nothing wrong with that, right? Or is it OK for teachers to molest other people's kids, but not ADer kids?

I just find it amazing that people want to defend predatory teachers but very few want to defend children.

Please don't twist our word.

Like what I say before and also responsed Tamara's post, too. I am agree that it's illegal for teachers to have sex with their underaged students. The school system has the right to ban her out of school and also sue her/him, too. What the teacher did to their underaged student is a sick.

Yes, I can't see the sense why we bitching/judging Mary's past because she made a mistake. All what we do is FORGIVE her. God also forgive her, too.

They are adult now and STILL love each other and married legal now.
Reba said:
It is very interesting that in other threads, some of the same people who get all upset about the sexual attacks and murders of kids in Florida, find nothing wrong with people like Mary Kay. People rant on and on about how DSS didn't do anything, how neighbors ignored problems, how predators aren't registered, etc. Well, duh! People do try to stop predators and sexual offenders, but then other people say, "Oh, please, he did his time, forgive and forget." You can't have it both ways. Either put the safety and innocence of the children first, or else put the "rights" and feelings of the perverts first. Which is more important?

Don't twist our words again.

Mary is not prevert, sex offender, murders, predators nor child rapist like others. Please check the link on my response post to Brian's post.

Mary and Vile are adult now and want to get married is none of our business, but their. Why should anyone still bitching about their past?
Cheri said:
This is a whole different situation here, You are not looking at the whole picture, the whole situation between Mary and Vili, You only attacking on Mary alone. It takes two to tango "get married" correct? And Vili is above the age of 18 he has his every right to marry who ever he please. If Vili doesn't think Mary is some sex offender to him then why is it our right to judge? If you don't agree with the marriage why attack us? Go complain to Vili how you feel, Because I am not here to judge because he already married her, he loves her there is nothing for anyone on this earth can do about it. If you want to keep going on ranting about the same thing over and over go ahead but it not going to change the fact that he already married her. :)

Magatsu said:
Uhhh, she served her time in the jail. What do you want from her? Label her as a terrorist and send her away to other countries where CIA can torture or rape her? Or what? And... how do you know that she did not repent? Who are you to determine like that anyway? Any chance, are you a God?

Sarcasm noted but you stuffed your words down in our mouths. I repeat: I reread others' posts and I don't see anywhere in this topic that AD'ers were implying that they don't mind to let their children near the teachers like Kay. I honestly would think that conservative christians would practice what God preach; forgive and forget... But seem not. Oops, did I say it aloud? Aw, darn it... the gate is open and dog is out running.

Seriously, I seem have to say few more so that's the way anyone cannot put their words in my mouth from now:

I don't approve what Kay did. I will not allow any teachers like Kay to go anywhere near my future child(ren). Period. The End. Game over. Just that she served her time in the jail and she is married to a guy who is over 18 years (in other words, offically adult). We are not his parents so it is completely out of our hands. If the boy like Fualaau is able to forgive and forget what she did, who are you to tell him to do or say otherwise? In my own words: I did not consider her behavior harmless because it is justified by "love". I was implying that Fualaau is 22 years old and he have the rights to make a decision for himself and his life as much as you allowed your daughter to make the decisions for herself and her life or are you still making the decisions for her?

Well, I didn't say anything in these topics, that's a reason why I have been keeping my opinions to myself in these topics. It is a win-win situation for me.

You said this word better! :thumb:
CyberRed said:
I wonder if, MK and Billy will allow their children to follow their steps when their kids become teen agers ? I know that Billy was the first person that changed the world when he was 12 years old, not MK.

Children learn from the adults/parents and, the adults/parents are the children's teachers.

Yes, Vili came from chaotic family. Vili's mother raised him and his siblings alone. His mother worked long hours in a bakery. His father is criminal and fathered 18 children with different women.

He never being taught by his family into good path, etc. No Wonder, Vilie trust and need Mary's attention and feel attract to her........................

I beleive that Mary and Vili would be good parents and never want their children to end like them. Without parent's education, the children would go to wrong path.
Reba said:
Label her as a sex offender, and keep her away from school kids. That's all.

Yes, that right because teacher is not suppose to do that to her/his underage student.

Did she say she repented? Has she changed her ways? To repent means to admit doing wrong, feel sorry for doing wrong, and then turning away from that wrong (quite doing wrong). Has she done that?

Yes she admitted her mistake. She want to get the help. She DID asked the court for the help. They sent her to counselling and tried to forget Vili but it's not working. They sent her to prison and thought she would forget him but it's still not working. Vili still didn't forget her. They married legal now. What they did is belong past! Mary and Vili are first couple in the world because I often heard unwant sex between teachers and children, etc. etc. etc. I never thought that it's love because I never see in my life that adult and kid love each other and wait for years until married legal.

Only God and the parties directly hurt can forgive. None of us has the right to forgive someone who didn't hurt us.

Really only God? Nope. We (people) CAN forgive someone.

Society has the right and responsibility to protect the weaker members, such as children, handicapped adults, and elderly people. If society accepts sexual offenders taking advantage of those weaker members, then there is no protection or hope for them.

Yes, only if the victim complaint about unwant sex/illegal sex etc.

God told Christians to take care of the widows and orphans, not the killers and rapists.
No, God never say this.

My daughter has been making all her decisions since she was 18. While she was a minor, and living at home, Hubby and I were responsible for her well-being. If any teacher had made moves on her while she was a minor, we would have called the police.

Yes, but I also support my children's choice/decision. I would never make the decision for them but support them and help them into right path. I explain them why I'm disagree to this etc.

Yes, my 18 years old children are still respect my house rule if they are living with me.

Yes, I would do the same if any teachers touch my children.
Tamara said:

Thank you for add interesting links here.

It's very interesting to read the law system of different countries. I realized that I forget about Holland because I know for long time that there're many legals except murder and robbery in Holland.

I'm surprised to know that there're different law systems in Europe because I thought they have same law systems. As long as I remember when I raised in England knowing that 18 years to have sex is a legal.

I click and check German law in your link and read it. It's most true but one thing, I didn't know that 14/16 is legal in my country but I only know that the parents SUED adult for have unwant sex with their children because I heard this often like what I responsed your 1st post.

I was surprised and find sad that there're tooooo exaggerated and illegals in different countries. It look like that government rule the people and take their freedom away. They have little freedom.
Liebling:-))) said:
No, sex is a legal from 18 years old accord Europe law system. The law do something if the parents sue an adult for have sex with their underage children if they want to/listen their underage children's side about unwant sex, not government. The law listen plaintiff and victim's side.

Legal age 12 to 16 years old for Europeans, can you search more about it if you can?

Did Vilie's parent sue Mary for that? Nope
Did Vilie sue Mary for that? Nope
Then who sue Mary for that? Government.

Well, let me tell you the example.

Yes, it's illegal for Mary as teacher to have sex with her underage student. The school has the right to ban her out of school system to protect the underage students's safety and also good reputation, too. It's law. I'm agree that they put teacher in prison because of this.
Of course!
But it's other side:
It's parents's job, not government if there're no teacher/student. I beleive it's parents's job to file the charge against sex offender/child rapist who have sex with their underage children.
It work on two way street, if teacher knew what's going on at home, they have the right to concern about child's welfare too.

1. My mother had me when she was 17 years old. Would you call my 24 years old father as child rapist or sex offender because he make my mother pregnant? For me, nope. They LOVE each other. Their parents did not made charge against my father for rape/sex offender because it's parent's decision/approval.
She is over 16, as it is legal age in Scotland/England

2. I did not get my parents to sue 20 years older man because it's ME who attract/like him.
Because you was 16, it is legal age in England.

3. My deaf friend's 15 years old deaf daughter had a baby girl with 27 years old guy in 1992. (I know that year because I was pregnant with my first son on that time). The parents did not sue 21 years old for sex offender or child rapist BECAUSE their daughter told their parents how much she love him and want to be with him. NOW they are still happily married and have 3 wonderful children.
14-16 is legal age in Germany, she is old enough, see the chart link

4. My friend's sister's "just" 16 years old daughter had baby boy with 21 years old guy last year. The parents did not file the charge against 21 years old for make their daughter pregnant because their daughter LOVE him

she is old enough, see the chart link

I say once again:
I beleive it's parents's job to have their decision/approval what they do with their children because they born their children, not government

Yes, Parents are responsible to make sure their kids are well care for and brought up in right path.
Dear countries in the world.

I would like to question you after read Tamara's link. I hope you don't mind.

1. What you react if your 16 or 17 years old daughter (accord different law systems at Tamara's link) is pregnant by thier 19 or more years old lover?

2. Check above. Would you call the police because 19 or more years old lover make your daughter pregnant because the lover broke the law?

3. Will the law system rule your children/lover with their decision, not your or lover's parents when they found out that your children/their lover broke the law?

4. Check my all of questions. Would law system consider 19 or more years old as child rapist/sex offender?

5. What do you think of law system in your country?

I think 5 questions is enough because I already received an answer from some of you in my thread that it's no matter either it's wanted or unwanted sex but still label them as child rapist/sex offender.

Thank you for your time. :thumb:
Tamara said:
Legal age 12 to 16 years old for Europeans, can you search more about it if you can?

Check my response post on your last post.

It work on two way street, if teacher knew what's going on at home, they have the right to concern about child's welfare too.

As what you mean is sex abuse by the children's own family. YES. The teacher's job to notice the children's odd behaviour.... YES.

She is over 16, as it is legal age in Scotland/England

I know for long time that law system in England was 18 years old but I didn't know that there're legal at 16 years old until I saw your link for a first time.

Because you was 16, it is legal age in England.

Yes, I will consider him as rape/sex offend and sue him if I was being force to have unwant sex with him.

14-16 is legal age in Germany, she is old enough, see the chart link

Yes, I see that. The teenagers/adult still sue adult for being force to have unwant sex. It call Rape.

she is old enough, see the chart link
See above.

Yes, Parents are responsible to make sure their kids are well care for and brought up in right path.

Yes, it's parents's responsible, not government. It's parents's decision/approval what they do with their children, not government.
Here is my answer accord German law system where I live.

1. What you react if your 16 or 17 years old daughter (accord different law systems at Tamara's link) is pregnant by thier 19 or more years old lover?

Accord German law 14/16.
I would feel hurt and wondering myself what I done anything wrong because I tried my best to educate my children into good path after learn that my 13 years old daughter is expect a baby by 14 or more than years old lover. I will support my daughter no matter what.

2. Check above. Would you call the police because 19 or more years old lover make your daughter pregnant because the lover broke the law?

Depend on 2 different ways:

1. I would of go to talk with the parents of my daughter's lover first if I know my daughter and her lover love each other instead of go to police.

2. If she's pregnant by unwant sex (rape) then inform police straight way. I can file a lawsuit against rapist no matter either legal age or not but consider it as rape.

3. Will the law system rule your children/lover with their decision, not your or lover's parents when they found out that your children/their lover broke the law?

Here in Germany, no and yes because of parents's approval/decision on their daughter's lover.
They do something only if I file a charge against adult. It's parent's decision what they do with their children, not government.

4. Check my all of questions. Would law system consider 19 or more years old as child rapist/sex offender?

See my answer # 3. The parents can file a charge against rapist/sex offender only if they want to if there're illegal. If there're legal on 14/16 or more then consider it as rape if there're unwant sex.

5. What do you think of law system in your country?
I think it should be from 16 years old, not 14 years old.
Liebling:-))) said:
Ha, my husband is 9 years older than me. Would you call my husband as child rapist/sex offender? Is it wrong of my husband to marry me because of age difference?

That depends on a lot of factors. It depends on whether Germany has a statutory rape law. It depends on how old YOU were when your relationship began, too. If Germany has a statutory rape law, and you were underage, then yes, he could have been charged with a crime, and would therefore, be a sex offender.