Teacher in Colorado arrested for asking for topless photos

It is only error to you, by your definition.

Ephebophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are many AD members became ill of your comment.

One thing you have to understand is just because something is "commonly used" doesn't mean it's used correctly. Pedophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia (USA spelling) or paedophilia (British spelling) is a psychiatric disorder in persons 16 years of age or older typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest toward prepubescent children (generally age 11 years or younger, though specific diagnostic criteria for the disorder extends the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13)

In popular usage, the word pedophilia is often incorrectly used to mean any sexual interest in children or the act of child sexual abuse.[3][6][7][8] For example, The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary states, "Pedophilia is the act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children."[9] This common use sometimes conflates the sexual interest in and sexual contact with pubescent or post-pubescent minors.[10][11] Researchers recommend that these imprecise uses be avoided because although people who commit child sexual abuse against prepubescent children sometimes exhibit the disorder,[6][12][13] many child sexual abuse offenders do not meet the clinical diagnosis standards for pedophilia and these standards pertain to prepubescents

and from the section misuse of medical terminolgy......

The words pedophile and pedophilia are sometimes used informally to describe an adult's sexual interest or attraction to pubescent or post-pubescent teenagers and to other situations that do not fit within the clinical definitions. The terms hebephilia or ephebophilia may be more accurate in these cases.[3][13][32] This was especially seen in the case of Mark Foley during the congressional page incident. Most of the media labeled Foley a pedophile, which led David Tuller of Slate magazine to state that Foley was not a pedophile but rather an ephebophile.[119]
Another common usage of pedophilia is to refer to the actus reus itself (that is, interchangeably with "sexual abuse")[3][7][8][9] rather than the medical meaning, which is a preference for that age group on the part of the older individual.[10][11] There are also situations where the terms are misused to refer to relationships where the younger person is an adult of legal age, but is either perceived socially as being too young in comparison to their older partner, or the older partner occupies a position of authority over them.[120][121] Researchers recommend that the above imprecise uses be avoided.[10][32] The Mayo Clinic states that pedophilia "is not a criminal or legal term".[13]

Yes i posted that term early in this thread. no one should be ill at any of my comments. again for what its worth my stance is he does not deserve life in prison.

Heres the thing, by having life in prison for asking to see pictures of teenage breast, you are by the law of unintended consequences making teenage girls less safe.

Due to this

Once guys realize they will get less time for rape (who gets life for rape?) but will get life for asking to see pictures, as what some here have done, Then the one wishing to see the pictures will easily decide to rape instead. after all its far less time. thats that.

The above has a name in criminology but you'll have do a little studying, if you want to know the ramifications of demanding life in prison for people. without having a grasp of consequences.

It doesn't just effect them nor the victims, it has a watering down effect on all other offenses. and by extension actually waters down the notion of a deterrent.

Indeed. the logic is sound though cold. If your going to get life, but maybe just get a dime (10 years) for murder (many do) then mine as well murder her, save yourself allot of time. you will be out sooner for murder then for asking to see pictures.
That is how cons think. That is how the system is designed. When you make a game of peoples lives by attaching numbers to offenses, many people then will learn to play the game. and many by extension will get very good at doing it.

its just a thought to chew on.

i also want to extend my apology to everyone in this thread. i fi offended and i know i have, i am sorry. sometimes my fingers get carried away. for those who have become sick of of my replies. i am sorry. and ask here for your forgiveness in this.


I don't think you should apologize hoichi. They're just being overzealous. You didn't say that what he did was okay, just that asking for life imprisonment is excessive. He is in fact not a pedophile. Phillia means an attraction to something, the prefixes define what age group that attraction is. Pedophilia is not the sexual abuse of children, it's the attraction to them. Any acts by an adult on those attractions is abuse. AND his attraction is to post pubescent girls. This knee jerk out for blood lock him up and never let him out attitude is lynch mobbish and short sighted. The punishment does not fit the crime. It is very important the punishment fit the crime. They may not think there's a difference between sexual abusing, touching raping a 6 yer old and asking a post pubescent girl for a picture of her boobs....but there is.

There are even different levels and crime for when you kill someone. 1st 2nd 3rd degree murder, manslaughter etc etc etc. Those differences are important.

This has to be one of the most stupid arguments I've ever seen. For one thing him going to prison is a nonissue. it wouldn't happen. But the people asking for it, wanting it, is rather mind boggling and it's a mockery of our justice system. Mark even thinks he should be imprisoned so he doesn't do anything worse. So we should imprison someone before they actually do something, because we think they might? Isn't this America? That's a damn slippery slope.
One thing you have to understand is just because something is "commonly used" doesn't mean it's used correctly. Pedophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and from the section misuse of medical terminolgy......

I don't think you should apologize hoichi. They're just being overzealous. You didn't say that what he did was okay, just that asking for life imprisonment is excessive. He is in fact not a pedophile. Phillia means an attraction to something, the prefixes define what age group that attraction is. Pedophilia is not the sexual abuse of children, it's the attraction to them. Any acts by an adult on those attractions is abuse. AND his attraction is to post pubescent girls. This knee jerk out for blood lock him up and never let him out attitude is lynch mobbish and short sighted. The punishment does not fit the crime. It is very important the punishment fit the crime. They may not think there's a difference between sexual abusing, touching raping a 6 yer old and asking a post pubescent girl for a picture of her boobs....but there is.

There are even different levels and crime for when you kill someone. 1st 2nd 3rd degree murder, manslaughter etc etc etc. Those differences are important.

This has to be one of the most stupid arguments I've ever seen. For one thing him going to prison is a nonissue. it wouldn't happen. But the people asking for it, wanting it, is rather mind boggling and it's a mockery of our justice system. Mark even thinks he should be imprisoned so he doesn't do anything worse. So we should imprison someone before they actually do something, because we think they might? Isn't this America? That's a damn slippery slope.

so what is a fitting punishment for him then? and you know very well that he'll be a registered sex offender and he'll never have a decent life ever again. his life is pretty much done for. that's not my fault or society's fault. it's his fault. so what do you think what will happen to him with his life all ruined and cut off from families and friends?

simple - just like all other pedophiles.... most of them will relapse and escalate to child rape... and get caught again. and some of them will actually succeed slipping thru crack and disappear into somewhere and start all over again with a fresh start.

so what now then?

FYI - hundreds of sex offenders have disappeared from New Orleans (Hurricane Katrina) and started over somewhere. the government had lost track of them. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are working with children.
so what is a fitting punishment for him then? and you know very well that he'll be a registered sex offender and he'll never have a decent life ever again. his life is pretty much done for. that's not my fault or society's fault. it's his fault. so what do you think what will happen to him with his life all ruined and cut off from families and friends?

simple - just like all other pedophiles.... most of them will relapse and escalate to child rape... and get caught again. and some of them will actually succeed slipping thru crack and disappear into somewhere and start all over again with a fresh start.

so what now then?

FYI - hundreds of sex offenders have disappeared from New Orleans (Hurricane Katrina) and started over somewhere. the government had lost track of them. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are working with children.

serve some jail time. What would his charges be? Sexual harrassment of a minor?? I have no idea, but certainly not life that's stupid. Counseling, obviously no more teaching. we've already been over this in this thread.

So you think we should keep people in jail for things they haven't done yet? He's not a pedophile, we have no idea IF he'd rape anyone. Do you feel people in America should go to jail for things they haven't actually done? Just things you think they might do?
Whether this man gets a slap on the hand and called "a dirty ol' bastard"...jail time...even "counseling" (and that's a laugh)...He'll repeat and repeat. Any female won't be safe around him, even his own children and grandchildren. Obviously, he sick.

And bet that some Father will beat him down, even shoot him...sooner or later! I know I would...Maybe calling him a "Predator" would be my best bet...and put a sign in front of his house, as they have done in some cities in Florida, warning people about him and to keep their children away.
Whether this man gets a slap on the hand and called "a dirty ol' bastard"...jail time...even "counseling" (and that's a laugh)...He'll repeat and repeat.

Repeat and repeat what? what exactly will he repeat? ? Asking to see pics of teenage girls breasts? Or maybe he will go to the local peeler who has 18 year olds to satisfy himself? or the local nude beach which has kids, children, running around naked? but he didn't ask to see children naked he asked to see teenage girls breast. that too a nude beach would due just fine i suppose
why wouldn't he?

Any female won't be safe around him, even his own children and grandchildren. Obviously,.

He asked to see pictures of mid teenagers girls breasts. Why would that make him a threat to all woman and even to his children? You need to articulate it. not just use an emotional knee jerk reaction. use critical reasoning. further and truly if he is such decisive and primal threat then why not execute him?

he is sick

Culturally you are correct in that his behavior is unacceptable, and thus he must be punished. No one has here ever disagreed. It is the kind of punishment which has been an issue. Medically he is not sick. he can be classified in medical literature but that itself does not mean he is sick. its just a classification to aid diagnosis. If he is sick, and i grant he may well be sick, if he truly is sick, then i need you to explain how medical sickness as defined by you, changes through history, across borders, and with cultures? as certainly this "sickness" obviously does

And bet that some Father will beat him down, even shoot him...sooner or later! I know I would...Maybe calling him a "Predator" would be my best bet...and put a sign in front of his house, as they have done in some cities in Florida, warning people about him and to keep their children away.

yeah mob justice has served society very well......in the past. hasn't it? do away with courts, the justice system, what ever. a rope and some drunk locals, the closest tree is all we need.......
As per the link:

Randy Majors, 58, was arrested this week on eight felony counts related to sexual exploitation of children in western Colorado, according to court records. He was released Thursday on $20,000 bond.

Majors continued to ask for topless photos days after police took his computer and questioned him about the allegations, the warrant said.

So, yes, he has already been "repeating & repeating"....
Seems that being an ex-convict, you do have the mentality...thinking there's really nothing wrong with what this "Teacher of Children" did and is still doing....

I never said anything about "mob justice"....(even tho' I'm from the South)...and sure you're familiar with Starke, Fla., where the State Prison is and that is where they have been posting signs to warn parents....

What more can a Parent do to protect their child?....Since they can't lock him up for anything but "asking & pleading and begging the girls to show photos of their breasts".....EXACTLY what is this Teacher 'teaching the children'?...

I'm a mother of 2...and an adoptive mother of 3 boys (single parent)...and moved several times when a sexual predator or offender moved into my neighborhood....I detest them!...Don't want them around me or my children/family....
As per the link:

Randy Majors, 58, was arrested this week on eight felony counts related to sexual exploitation of children in western Colorado, according to court records. He was released Thursday on $20,000 bond.

Majors continued to ask for topless photos days after police took his computer and questioned him about the allegations, the warrant said.

So, yes, he has already been "repeating & repeating"....
Seems that being an ex-convict, you do have the mentality...thinking there's really nothing wrong with what this "Teacher of Children" did and is still doing....

I never said anything about "mob justice"....(even tho' I'm from the South)...and sure you're familiar with Starke, Fla., where the State Prison is and that is where they have been posting signs to warn parents....

What more can a Parent do to protect their child?....Since they can't lock him up for anything but "asking & pleading and begging the girls to show photos of their breasts".....EXACTLY what is this Teacher 'teaching the children'?...

I'm a mother of 2...and an adoptive mother of 3 boys (single parent)...and moved several times when a sexual predator or offender moved into my neighborhood....I detest them!...Don't want them around me or my children/family....

I want go to Florida to smash all sex offenders out so badly.
As per the link:

Randy Majors, 58, was arrested this week on eight felony counts related to sexual exploitation of children in western Colorado, according to court records. He was released Thursday on $20,000 bond.

Majors continued to ask for topless photos days after police took his computer and questioned him about the allegations, the warrant said.

So, yes, he has already been "repeating & repeating"....
Seems that being an ex-convict, you do have the mentality...thinking there's really nothing wrong with what this "Teacher of Children" did and is still doing....

I never said anything about "mob justice"....(even tho' I'm from the South)...and sure you're familiar with Starke, Fla., where the State Prison is and that is where they have been posting signs to warn parents....

What more can a Parent do to protect their child?....Since they can't lock him up for anything but "asking & pleading and begging the girls to show photos of their breasts".....EXACTLY what is this Teacher 'teaching the children'?...

I'm a mother of 2...and an adoptive mother of 3 boys (single parent)...and moved several times when a sexual predator or offender moved into my neighborhood....I detest them!...Don't want them around me or my children/family....

not mob justice i would be inclined use natural justice If some dirty bastard did that to my daughter my oldman kiick shit out of him and i not stop him
All the other girls got parents and if they felt same as me this dirty oldman would have some bruises
There is a saying... once a criminal will always be criminals.... same goes for pedos. Once a pedo will always be pedos period. The sad thing is that the justice system is too lenient sometimes.
serve some jail time. What would his charges be? Sexual harrassment of a minor?? I have no idea, but certainly not life that's stupid. Counseling, obviously no more teaching. we've already been over this in this thread.
in case you're having trouble reading an article...

Randy Majors, 58, was arrested this week on eight felony counts related to sexual exploitation of children in western Colorado, according to court records. He was released Thursday on $20,000 bond.

So you think we should keep people in jail for things they haven't done yet? He's not a pedophile, we have no idea IF he'd rape anyone. Do you feel people in America should go to jail for things they haven't actually done? Just things you think they might do?

but.... he DID something bad and illegal.... not once but 8 times....
teacher ask students/kids is a big no. If teachers ask students/kids then teachers are sick.
Repeat and repeat what? what exactly will he repeat? ? Asking to see pics of teenage girls breasts? Or maybe he will go to the local peeler who has 18 year olds to satisfy himself? or the local nude beach which has kids, children, running around naked? but he didn't ask to see children naked he asked to see teenage girls breast. that too a nude beach would due just fine i suppose
why wouldn't he?

He asked to see pictures of mid teenagers girls breasts. Why would that make him a threat to all woman and even to his children? You need to articulate it. not just use an emotional knee jerk reaction. use critical reasoning. further and truly if he is such decisive and primal threat then why not execute him?

Culturally you are correct in that his behavior is unacceptable, and thus he must be punished. No one has here ever disagreed. It is the kind of punishment which has been an issue. Medically he is not sick. he can be classified in medical literature but that itself does not mean he is sick. its just a classification to aid diagnosis. If he is sick, and i grant he may well be sick, if he truly is sick, then i need you to explain how medical sickness as defined by you, changes through history, across borders, and with cultures? as certainly this "sickness" obviously does

yeah mob justice has served society very well......in the past. hasn't it? do away with courts, the justice system, what ever. a rope and some drunk locals, the closest tree is all we need.......

seriously?????? you don't think he's a threat at all?

OK. nothing we say or articulate will matter to you anyway. we all know where you stand in this issue and we're disgusted by you defending a pedophile.

execution. we don't take life over this. that's the difference between us and that animal. like all other wild animals.... we cage them.
There is a saying... once a criminal will always be criminals.... same goes for pedos. Once a pedo will always be pesos period. The sad thing is that the justice system is too lenient sometimes.

As to the criminal part i strongly disagree. A man can change, A man can seek sincerely forgiveness and be thus forgiven, Its not where the man was, but where he, as a man ends that matters more.

ive seen it with my own eyes.
i did

my opinion of course. for what its worth. i know its worth very little.
is that why becoming a teacher in order to take an advanage of students? no if teachers ask students K to high school then they are pedos!
seriously?????? you don't think he's a threat at all?

OK. nothing we say or articulate will matter to you anyway. we all know where you stand in this issue and we're disgusted by you defending a pedophile.

No, what you say and articulate does matter to me. and NO i am not defending a pedophile, that said even the most heinous monster is given the chance of defense within the law. i am not defending a pedophile what i am doing very oddly enough considering i'm an anarchist is defending his rights to have his punishment meet the crime. a monster he may be. but he is still a human being. and thus he has a natural born right as one to not be brutalized or worse over a whim, or a mob mentality. its called due process. i am defending the ideal of punishment meeting the crime. you can call that defending pedos all you want.

execution. we don't take life over this. that's the difference between us and that animal. like all other wild animals.... we cage them.

if hes a pedophile that can never stop nor change, if he is such a primal threat and will by default always re-offend and be a danger to society why not execute?

i'm not following you here.
No, what you say and articulate does matter to me. and NO i am not defending a pedophile

if hes a pedophile that can never stop nor change, if he is such a primal threat and will by default always re-offend and be a danger to society why not execute?

i'm not following you here.
why not a life in prison? I'm not following you here.
we execute murderers. we do not execute pedophiles because they do not usually kill children but if they're anybody like Ariel Castro.... a life sentence at Gulag prison is much more appropriate.
why not a life in prison? I'm not following you here.

Because if i believed he was the monster you do with no hope of change and such a primal evil to society over asking to see pictures of mid teenager breasts then, i believe society would be better served with him dead. but i don't believe what you do here so another reason following is society cant afford it, id rather see the amount it takes to incarcerate him for one day times life go to schools, libraries, battered womens shelters, victims groups, homeless shelters. ect ect thats why.
. thus i do not want this man executed nor languishing in prison until death.

he asked to see photos of mid teenager breasts. having him in prison for life would be an injustice.
we execute murderers. we do not execute pedophiles because they do not usually kill children but if they're anybody like Ariel Castro.... a life sentence at Gulag prison is much more appropriate.

We do not legally execute murderers for revenge. thats not how the law works. it actually is not about revenge. but to serve society. because they are deemed a perpetual threat. as you keep arguing pedos are. so i'm trying to figure out. if we execute murders why not pedos?
The guy is a pedophile and an embarrassment to the teaching profession. Oh by the way here's the definition of a pedophile from a reliable source:
ped·o·phile [ped-uh-fahyl or, esp. British, pee-duh-] Show IPA
noun Psychiatry.
an adult who is sexually attracted to young children.
Also, especially British, pae·do·phile [pee-duh-fahyl] Show IPA .
Also, pedophiliac.

1950–55; pedo-1 + -phile, or directly < Greek paidóphilos ‘loving children’

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013.
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source link: Pedophile | Define Pedophile at Dictionary.com

Note: Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information due to the user-edited content.

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