Tasteless or Not?

Wait a minute. I just noticed that Glenn Beck's transcript was taken in 2005...
Wait a minute. I just noticed that Glenn Beck's transcript was taken in 2005...

Yes I also noticed it, too but it´s such tasteless!!! How could he say that to poor 9/11 victims’ families... What a disgusitly...
It is offensive at any time, regardless of writing date. Mean spirited and insensitive.
Iam watching "the 108 Minutues that Changed America", a documentary about Sept. 11, 2001 in whcih several ametaur videos taken in NYC from 9:45 am to 11 AM. Throughout the whole document, my stomach was in knots and emotions are definitely stirring up. How can anyone expect anyone who were there get over it? I don't think anyone can.
Iam watching "the 108 Minutues that Changed America", a documentary about Sept. 11, 2001 in whcih several ametaur videos taken in NYC from 9:45 am to 11 AM. Throughout the whole document, my stomach was in knots and emotions are definitely stirring up. How can anyone expect anyone who were there get over it? I don't think anyone can.

Agreed. The victims and their families will live with the trauma their entire lives.
Even if I didn't think it were tasteless, all I can think is what a stupid move on Beck's part. A sure way to lose fans.
Some of the video showed people falling/jumping from the Twin Towers. Some of the video captured the horror on the New Yorkers' faces whenever they heard the bodies slam into the ground. I have heard that people experienced post_traunmatic stress from the sounds alone.
Some of the video showed people falling/jumping from the Twin Towers. Some of the video captured the horror on the New Yorkers' faces whenever they heard the bodies slam into the ground. I have heard that people experienced post_traunmatic stress from the sounds alone.

Yes, they did. Even the witnesses are still coping with PTSD.
Agreed. The victims and their families will live with the trauma their entire lives.

Not to mention anyone whose family and friends were injured or killed in 9/11 have to live with that too.
Agreed. The victims and their families will live with the trauma their entire lives.

Some of the video showed people falling/jumping from the Twin Towers. Some of the video captured the horror on the New Yorkers' faces whenever they heard the bodies slam into the ground. I have heard that people experienced post_traunmatic stress from the sounds alone.

Not to mention anyone whose family and friends were injured or killed in 9/11 have to live with that too.

let's pretend that Glen's relative/family member died in WTC. I wonder what Glen would say if somebody made that same insensitive comment.
let's pretend that Glen's relative/family member died in WTC. I wonder what Glen would say if somebody made that same insensitive comment.

That's what I'm thinking. Or if Glen witnessed it or had permanent medical problems from the ashes.

It was a bad move on top of that to say that on a radio show. Maybe say that to a friend in private that he knows won't be offended. But on a radio show? That's just stupid.
Yes, they did. Even the witnesses are still coping with PTSD.

U know, about what happened that day, I still feel like it was a dream seeing all that smoke from the Pentagon from my office window at my job at Gallaudet. Even after 8 years, it still feels unreal or maybe it is fading?
U know, about what happened that day, I still feel like it was a dream seeing all that smoke from the Pentagon from my office window at my job at Gallaudet. Even after 8 years, it still feels unreal or maybe it is fading?

No, I know what you mean. Still seems unreal to me, too.
define 'tasteless' or is it just unique to the americans? now what about the video "the falling man'??
i suppose its banned in USA is it not?
Nationally syndicated Clear Channel radio host Glenn Beck referred to survivors of Hurricane Katrina who remained in New Orleans as "scumbags." Also, after acknowledging that nobody "in their right mind is going to say this out loud," Beck attacked victims of the disaster in general and the families of victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, saying: "I didn't think I could hate victims faster than the 9-11 victims."

From the September 9 broadcast of The Glenn Beck Program:
BECK: Let me be real honest with you. I don't think anybody on talk radio -- I don't think anybody in their right mind is going to say this out loud -- but I wonder if I'm the only one that feels this way. Yesterday, when I saw the ATM cards being handed out, the $2,000 ATM cards, and they were being handed out at the Astrodome. And they actually had to close the Astrodome and seal it off for a while because there was a near-riot trying to get to these ATM cards. My first thought was, it's not like they're going to run out of the $2,000 ATM cards. You can wait! You know, stand in line. Maybe it's because I'm the kind of guy, when I go to a buffet, I either have to be first in line, or I'm the very last. Because I know there's going to be extra food, and I just won't stand in the line. I'll wait until all the suckers go get their food, and then I'll go get mine. Or if I'm really hungry, I hate to admit this -- and really, I don't even have to be really hungry. If I'm really being a pig, I will kind of, like, hang out around the buffet table before the line is -- you know, chat with people right around the table: "Oh, they just opened the line! Let's go!" And then you're first in line.

When you are rioting for these tickets, or these ATM cards, the second thing that came to mind was -- and this is horrible to say, and I wonder if I'm alone in this -- you know it took me about a year to start hating the 9-11 victims' families? Took me about a year. And I had such compassion for them, and I really wanted to help them, and I was behind, you know, "Let's give them money, let's get this started." All of this stuff. And I really didn't -- of the 3,000 victims' families, I don't hate all of them. Probably about 10 of them. And when I see a 9-11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, "Oh shut up!" I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining. And we did our best for them. And, again, it's only about 10.

But the second thought I had when I saw these people and they had to shut down the Astrodome and lock it down, I thought: I didn't think I could hate victims faster than the 9-11 victims. These guys -- you know it's really sad. We're not hearing anything about Mississippi. We're not hearing anything about Alabama. We're hearing about the victims in New Orleans. This is a 90,000-square-mile disaster site, New Orleans is 181 square miles. A hundred and -- 0.2 percent of the disaster area is New Orleans! And that's all we're hearing about, are the people in New Orleans. Those are the only ones we're seeing on television are the scumbags -- and again, it's not all the people in New Orleans. Most of the people in New Orleans got out! It's just a small percentage of those who were left in New Orleans, or who decided to stay in New Orleans, and they're getting all the attention. It's exactly like the 9-11 victims' families. There's about 10 of them that are spoiling it for everybody.

Biggest douchebag I have ever seen. I see nothing wrong with the $2,000 atm cards - it would have allowed for the Katrina victims and families to get an apartment and pay the first and last month's rent and the security deposit. It's not like they'e gonna go out and get the biggest HDTV TV that $2,000 can buy. I feel bad for both the 9/11 and the Katrina victims. No one deserved to be called a scumbag for choosing to stay in New Orleans. It's their home and for some people it's the only home they've ever known. And other loves the city passionately that they don't want to leave and they want to rebuild instead.
Biggest douchebag I have ever seen. I see nothing wrong with the $2,000 atm cards - it would have allowed for the Katrina victims and families to get an apartment and pay the first and last month's rent and the security deposit. It's not like they'e gonna go out and get the biggest HDTV TV that $2,000 can buy. I feel bad for both the 9/11 and the Katrina victims. No one deserved to be called a scumbag for choosing to stay in New Orleans. It's their home and for some people it's the only home they've ever known. And other loves the city passionately that they don't want to leave and they want to rebuild instead.

I read you clearly, its just interesting lilke this scapecoating isnt about whos to blame. Those who stayed back risked their own lives, or some of those stayed back had no money for gas or car to get out, theres' lots of reasons goes unsaid. So indeed they shouldnt be called scumbags. What is a valid point is that, the those attention-mongers enjoyed it, but then again it isnt those 'few 10' to blame, its the media, how they got selected is a difficult thing to do. Try select 10 out of the 3,000, put together a small collection of stories that almost the all of the 3,000 has shared the same trauma. Another point , some of the 3,000 cant speak the event was an unspeakable occurance, beyond words - so kudos to those brave enough to speak, be interveiwed (in the falling man is a good example, whether is legal or not blah dont blame me if you get arrested for downloading this you tube, as this is one of the strongest truth, people need to know this. also how the catholic aspect really shows that the west are just as fanatical about religion and faith.)
you're right lucy the 2,000 isnt much at all, and there no way it could be abused, thoses people in new orleans lost EVERYTHING...give them a break!

yeah just my 3 cents (not 2 cents as it was a bit more right?)
define 'tasteless' or is it just unique to the americans? now what about the video "the falling man'??
i suppose its banned in USA is it not?

why would the video of "the falling man" be tasteless? Tasteless is when you disrespect a tragic event such as.... Glen Beck's comment. about 3,000 people died and probably about 6,000+ people were directly affected by the death of 3,000 people (friends, families, colleagues). Saying "OH SHUT UP!" is pretty damn disrespectful, classless, and plain damn foolish thing to say.