Warfare was never in the question here. It was the "execution" as if it were a court ordered execution story. Warfare came into question later and the story was clarified just recently. This is not about taking action. You're confusing finding such a thing unacceptable as to mean we must do something. No. It's about having an opinion on whether it's acceptable or not to execute a 7 year old kid for spying. Yet, people don't want to answer that directly saying, well, it's a "cultural thing." Or "not our problem." Or "it's their law."...etc...instead of saying, "That's certainly not acceptable." Instead people would rather carry on about cultural upbringings, laws, and such just to avoid answering the question. To have a court ordered execution for a 5, 6, 7, or 8 year old kid for spying, is, to me, unacceptable. They're kids!