Ssi . .

Reba said:
Don't forget, Puerto Ricans are citizens of the United States; they are not foreign immigrants.

I am intriguing because I do not see PR in our 51th states of USA ?
PR is US territory, PR do not want to become states, so Uncle Sam honor their wish. It is really up to them to join and become 51th state. There are few other US territories out there and none of them want to join as in states.

Same concept, Canada is really United Kingdom's territory and that Canada really want to divorce from UK, that means going to war, so Canada didn't opt for that so therefore they remain UK's territory.

You don't need passport to go down to PR,or any US territories. That is because USA owns these countries, therefore these countries are bound to follow the Uncle Sam's law.

Sabrina said:
I am intriguing because I do not see PR in our 51th states of USA ?
A lot of Purio Rican and Brazilian immigrant mothers have more than 3 children. I was flabbergasted to seeing the mothers who are single with different fathers
THAT is RACIST and xenophobic! There are plenty of WHITE mothers who have more then three kids, all by different fathers. Just go and observe my mom at her work! She's got LOADS of white trashsy mothers!
Sabrina said:
I was shocked what my friend of mine told me. State of California ssdi provider each of child $640 dollars (5 kids). Plus a mother earn 990 father earn 1,110.

640 x 5 = 3,200 dollars plus 990 + 1,110 = $5,300 a month

What is the fucking, they are not working because they are Deaf with such a good healthy. They build a beautiful big house and install jazz in the back yard and swimming pool. They travel every month going down to the camping.

Why I am working 80 hrs a week I only have a vacation in the summer.

Tell me, it is okay for the such GOOD healthy Deaf people earn the soc sec while we are working. I DISAGREED with that....

Impossible, never heard of 640 dollars per child, it has to be divided into alike 126 dollars per child. I agree with u on many things, I think too many deafies take advantage of it. I knew a man who collects ssa and work under table while my husband is disabled with bad back and shoulder, he could not get it at all. That is why I have to go out and get a job, still am thinking about get a second job to survive. It pisses me off when I see too many heatly deafies sit home and collect ( complain they cant find job, not true, I went out and look for a job , not easy but I did on my own without any help with vr or state.). They just dont want to work and enjoy sit home with over 1300 dollars per month. Someone told me his wife is applying SSDI, I said why? She has college degree and had a good job, she is younger then me. She retired from her job and try to get SSDI, she talks too well better than me? I don't get it, really. I had to hold my husband back on them many time. He is so angry that he lost his job and is in great pain everyday.

Healthy deafies should not get ssi or ssdi at all.
^Angel^ said:
How do you really know that?....It seem that some people keep saying that those who are on SSI don't want to work or sitting on their lazy butt, you and most of the people don't know what is going on in their lives, and it's none of anyone's business to know why they're on SSI, SSA, SSDI , It's their life...

I'm a working mom and I don't go out and complain about those who are on SSI, etc...I worry about my own life and if I want to work, that's up to me no one else...

U have not met them. I knew too many of them do not want to work for less than 1300 dollars per month so they stay on ssdi. Yes it is our business if they collect our tax payers while real people who need it most not get any dime from it.
The chances are, your probably right! I know how the SSDI works, and what you just described is pretty much correct, with one exception, I do NOT know if State of California do make subsides on SSDI/SSI. I know New Yawk do subsides SSI only, not SSDI. For example, basic SSI from federal is 580 dollars, PLUS 80 dollars from State of New Yawk, that makes 660 a month up here. The figures is just an estimate, and I think its over-estimated anyway.

Also, your partial right about abudunce of jobs out there. My company hires like crazy! Seen average of 3 interview passed by where I work. My employer is having trouble filling positions at my work. HOWEVER, for deafies like me is NOT easy to find job. Its been struggling for me trying to find job and the emotion impact on me has been significant. I could have given up like I used to be in the past. The hard truth is, the longer you on SSI/SSDI/Welfare, the HARDER it is to find job. Not because of lazy or slouthness. Its because how employer looks at you. You got disability, and you have long gap between jobs, is something wrong in this picture? Will the company insurance go up because of this person's disability? etc, etc, It might sounds like discrimination, but problem is insurance looks at the risk and calculates the premium. And there are plenty of other factors involved. I do not believe majority of deafies don't want to work. Its just too much for them to break the barrier with their emotional capacity. I would understand clearly if a deaf person was repeatly discriminated over and over then when time comes for breaking point, this person would :madfawk: and don't give damn about anymore.

jazzy said:
Impossible, never heard of 640 dollars per child, it has to be divided into alike 126 dollars per child. I agree with u on many things, I think too many deafies take advantage of it. I knew a man who collects ssa and work under table while my husband is disabled with bad back and shoulder, he could not get it at all. That is why I have to go out and get a job, still am thinking about get a second job to survive. It pisses me off when I see too many heatly deafies sit home and collect ( complain they cant find job, not true, I went out and look for a job , not easy but I did on my own without any help with vr or state.). They just dont want to work and enjoy sit home with over 1300 dollars per month. Someone told me his wife is applying SSDI, I said why? She has college degree and had a good job, she is younger then me. She retired from her job and try to get SSDI, she talks too well better than me? I don't get it, really. I had to hold my husband back on them many time. He is so angry that he lost his job and is in great pain everyday.

Healthy deafies should not get ssi or ssdi at all.
jazzy said:
Impossible, never heard of 640 dollars per child, it has to be divided into alike 126 dollars per child. I agree with u on many things, I think too many deafies take advantage of it. I knew a man who collects ssa and work under table while my husband is disabled with bad back and shoulder, he could not get it at all. That is why I have to go out and get a job, still am thinking about get a second job to survive. It pisses me off when I see too many heatly deafies sit home and collect ( complain they cant find job, not true, I went out and look for a job , not easy but I did on my own without any help with vr or state.). They just dont want to work and enjoy sit home with over 1300 dollars per month. Someone told me his wife is applying SSDI, I said why? She has college degree and had a good job, she is younger then me. She retired from her job and try to get SSDI, she talks too well better than me? I don't get it, really. I had to hold my husband back on them many time. He is so angry that he lost his job and is in great pain everyday.

Healthy deafies should not get ssi or ssdi at all.

Remember the keyword of "depend" because individual's income varies in different states. SSI/SSDI in 50 states are not the same. Plus, what's more is CA's SSI/SSDI income is higher than usual. It can happens. Depend on where they live in, so therefore, they get high incomes.

I know a guy owed $33K to SSI due to his wife's working status..what did he do to pay off his debt? He sold his house in order to pay off his SSI debt..I am not joking around. :dunno:
If I were in his shoe, I would NEVER sell my house! What I would do is file bankruptcy, this will get rid of debts with SSA! But I'd keep the house! because ONCE you lose your house with bad debts, the chance of starting all over is slim, and much harder. You'd end up pay more on interest. Worth it? Nope! Also, I would NEVER get married if I'm on SSI! I think what SSI is doing is NOT right. Because if you work at one of company, and you decided to get married with your spouse, do your company cuts your pay because of this? I don't think so! I have seen damages like this, recently a cool guy married to woman who was on SSI for years. After 2 years, SSI reps contacted her about her hubby's income and all of suddendly cut her off. What she did next? DIVORCED! But still living with him. So, that one reason why I disagree with SSI idea of cut off based on other's income. I think its doing more damages than good.

Oddball said:
I know a guy owed $33K to SSI due to his wife's working status..what did he do to pay off his debt? He sold his house in order to pay off his SSI debt..I am not joking around. :dunno:
diehardbiker65 said:
The chances are, your probably right! I know how the SSDI works, and what you just described is pretty much correct, with one exception, I do NOT know if State of California do make subsides on SSDI/SSI. I know New Yawk do subsides SSI only, not SSDI. For example, basic SSI from federal is 580 dollars, PLUS 80 dollars from State of New Yawk, that makes 660 a month up here. The figures is just an estimate, and I think its over-estimated anyway.

Also, your partial right about abudunce of jobs out there. My company hires like crazy! Seen average of 3 interview passed by where I work. My employer is having trouble filling positions at my work. HOWEVER, for deafies like me is NOT easy to find job. Its been struggling for me trying to find job and the emotion impact on me has been significant. I could have given up like I used to be in the past. The hard truth is, the longer you on SSI/SSDI/Welfare, the HARDER it is to find job. Not because of lazy or slouthness. Its because how employer looks at you. You got disability, and you have long gap between jobs, is something wrong in this picture? Will the company insurance go up because of this person's disability? etc, etc, It might sounds like discrimination, but problem is insurance looks at the risk and calculates the premium. And there are plenty of other factors involved. I do not believe majority of deafies don't want to work. Its just too much for them to break the barrier with their emotional capacity. I would understand clearly if a deaf person was repeatly discriminated over and over then when time comes for breaking point, this person would :madfawk: and don't give damn about anymore.

I have prove to u and anyone that I did this on myself. I was on ssa for 18 years, and tell truth I did not want to work for last 18 years till now.I enjoyed living on it and with medicare plans.I love every bit of it but now I am off both medicare and SSA. I know the truth here so don't lecture me about it alike I do not know anything about it. Now I say about them for one I know many of them not want to work. They told me repeatly. Many of them are earning more than what I am earning now with my presence job. They want to find job that pay more what they get from SSDI. That is where they are wrong, they have to start at the bottom just alike everyone else do. I have double discrimantion against me, they don't mind hire me as a deaf but with diabetic they were more afraid of hire me with this condition. I have dangerous job here than if I was working in the office of any company. It is risk they willing to take me on. So I do know about discrimanation here.

Don't make any more excuse for them. I made a choice to work than be one of those lazy bunches of deafies who have no health problem as I do and I am willing to pay back what I owe government. I also give up health benefit to work. I am taking big risk here, with no health benefits.

Not only deafies who have hard time finding jobs, many hearies have hard time find the jobs too.
Oddball said:
Remember the keyword of "depend" because individual's income varies in different states. SSI/SSDI in 50 states are not the same. Plus, what's more is CA's SSI/SSDI income is higher than usual. It can happens. Depend on where they live in, so therefore, they get high incomes.

I know a guy owed $33K to SSI due to his wife's working status..what did he do to pay off his debt? He sold his house in order to pay off his SSI debt..I am not joking around. :dunno:

No one can get ssi if you have more than two cars, own house or spouse who work. I don't know how he got in without check by those SS workers. Truly sad to hear that. I am really puzzled by it. SSI and SSDI are not same thing. People with SSDI still can own house, cars, and saving but ssi own nothing except old beat up car. I am aware of SSI/SSDI are higher in CA than any other state because of high cost of living here.
Im not saying for EVERYBODY. I am saying for some people who don't have enough of will power to overcome the mentality of hearing discrimination. Some are capable of overcome easily while others struggling like hell.

Yes it is true that one needs to start the bottom. I started from working in Pizza Hut, and been struggling because the job after Pizza Hut kept cutting down the wages, and increased the deduction for benefits. I ended up got fired because I can't deal with the way they have done to me, Me work work work work and get what smaller paycheck? No raises for 2 years, never got dime from profit sharing. WTF? Thank god I got fired and landed on other job which offers less pay, DAMN! Now this January I hope I get decent pay raise.

jazzy said:
I have prove to u and anyone that I did this on myself. I was on ssa for 18 years, and tell truth I did not want to work for last 18 years till now.I enjoyed living on it and with medicare plans.I love every bit of it but now I am off both medicare and SSA. I know the truth here so don't lecture me about it alike I do not know anything about it. Now I say about them for one I know many of them not want to work. They told me repeatly. Many of them are earning more than what I am earning now with my presence job. They want to find job that pay more what they get from SSDI. That is where they are wrong, they have to start at the bottom just alike everyone else do. I have double discrimantion against me, they don't mind hire me as a deaf but with diabetic they were more afraid of hire me with this condition. I have dangerous job here than if I was working in the office of any company. It is risk they willing to take me on. So I do know about discrimanation here.

Don't make any more excuse for them. I made a choice to work than be one of those lazy bunches of deafies who have no health problem as I do and I am willing to pay back what I owe government. I also give up health benefit to work. I am taking big risk here, with no health benefits.

Not only deafies who have hard time finding jobs, many hearies have hard time find the jobs too.
Sorry for rambling about my recent comment on my job. Im now tempted to go back to RIT. Not sure yet! I got enough work experience and better understanding of several things. So, may well help me complete what I have left.
Reba said:
They are not living there for "free". The military service members earn their benefits. Housing is part of their compensation package, in exchange for their service.

That's what I meant. They do not owe any rent expense.....

Lucky, the military families are living under the roof on the military base while their father/mother services for the military service.

Most of deafies with SSI do pay rent expense.

Reba said:
Again, not free. In exchange for their education at a military academy, the student is obligated to military service as "payment" for that education. Also, if the student does not fulfill his/her obligation, then the student is required to pay back the costs.

Again, that's what I meant. The hearing students also do not owe any college expense. Moreover, they have not paid any penny in college tuition fee....

Most of deafies with SSI attend to college with/without VR support.
Cental, I suspect that you might be waiting for someone like Reba attacking or correcting me so that you do not want to be a big fool as a first person. Are you a real man or what??? Why? You are not familiar with SSI issue? If you become deaf or other disability, you would accept SSI.

BTW, I used to work for UPS. Why would I count packages when the stupid supersivor or your pervious position asked me for.....

apathrev said:
This has nothing to do with the military. I don't agree with that either, seeing that I am a pacifist.

How do you know? Most of hearing people decided to join at any military school for free education. What about deaf people who wish to get a free education, free housing, free food for four years at school? They do have to pay all or some of college expenses. Only if they are lucky to get a full scholorships or some. They are also provided some assistances by VR.

apathrev said:
No, I don't get money back. I get paid a paycheck to perform a service, just like the rest of the American work force. You can look at that as recycled, if you wish, but that is irrelevant to the fact that I am paying for something that I shoudn't.

You got that right "Recycled." Why are you whining for? You got your money back when you work for relay service while paying your phone bill. Smart boy, you got big chuck of paycheck and you only pay little bit of phone bill.

If you do not believe the SSI for lazy deafie, please write a formal letter to your Congresspeople. Do it...

apathrev said:
I have the right to respectfully disagree. I haven't been beligerent or insulted the deaf individuals who abuse SSI.

Well, why don't you tell any deafie that you are againist SSI:
1. college student
2. employement seeker
3. unwedded mother/father
4. job interviewee
5. AllDeafies
6. multi-disabilities
7. part-time/seasonal employee
8. poverty in rural/small town
9. race/color

Remember the people with SSI that you will be earning your paycheck from interpreting service....

Are you still respectfully disagree that you will be interpreting for deafie with SSI?
Sabrina said:
I was shocked what my friend of mine told me. State of California ssdi provider each of child $640 dollars (5 kids). Plus a mother earn 990 father earn 1,110.

640 x 5 = 3,200 dollars plus 990 + 1,110 = $5,300 a month

What is the fucking, they are not working because they are Deaf with such a good healthy. They build a beautiful big house and install jazz in the back yard and <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='swimming pool'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">swimming pool</a>. They travel every month going down to the camping.

Why I am working 80 hrs a week I only have a vacation in the summer.

Tell me, it is okay for the such GOOD healthy Deaf people earn the soc sec while we are working. I DISAGREED with that....

My God, U DISAGREE!?! u just keep upsetting to everyone getting on SSI my point is SSI/SSA/SSDI/benefits workers as this thread is about SSI not says why healthy deaf people is getting on SSI :)
u probably only look at them they re fine sometimes they show up that day but they didnt tell anything exact they dont feel to tell anybody, think about it

...i met my neighbor they look fine he is walking on street near her house his exercise every morning, been living here to get known them more, what I suspect of her husband (he doesnt remember what he just did or said or was told he would need to be told over over again in next day or 2, he has just doorbell ask for a ride in next am for store so i said sure, in half of hr he again doorbell and ask same qq :( his good ASL skills and walk fine not means he can work), SSI workers might be miscounting ssi amount limit in family, do u argee she has to pay 1,200 to SSI that she has earned same 1,200 their rent 480 where rest of money for groceries to feed 2 kids and herself n husband, clothes kids are growing, other bills like phone, utility, ride a bus pass and e.t.c.? that is full of crap! :squint: what different she works to owe SSI 1,200 or no work no owe, i m glad I ant getting on SSI so far

i also was told other hard of hearing lady, student, she got letter from SSI said she has to owe to SSI 10,000, she fight in court and got waived/dismissed no owe to SSI as they were apologizing for miscounting :aw:

u would understand not only deaf is getting on SSI as excuses also others is oweing SSI that was miscounted or mistaken
jazzy said:
Impossible, never heard of 640 dollars per child, it has to be divided into alike 126 dollars per child. I agree with u on many things, I think too many deafies take advantage of it. I knew a man who collects ssa and work under table while my husband is disabled with bad back and shoulder, he could not get it at all. That is why I have to go out and get a job, still am thinking about get a second job to survive. It pisses me off when I see too many heatly deafies sit home and collect ( complain they cant find job, not true, I went out and look for a job , not easy but I did on my own without any help with vr or state.). They just dont want to work and enjoy sit home with over 1300 dollars per month. Someone told me his wife is applying SSDI, I said why? She has college degree and had a good job, she is younger then me. She retired from her job and try to get SSDI, she talks too well better than me? I don't get it, really. I had to hold my husband back on them many time. He is so angry that he lost his job and is in great pain everyday.

Healthy deafies should not get ssi or ssdi at all.

maybe possible, state probably look at income limit in family of 7, for 5,300 i think low income in family

i know of 4 in family as I have, normally, between 32,000 and 33,000 but i earned 24,000 a year still is LOW INCOME IN FAMILY, i have seen some application level, OH WELL. I wish I would work 2 jobs but i work part time to watch my girls switched with my husband evening working mine morning to avoid paying daycare/babysitters

some single mothers got daycare/babysitters paid by DSHS/welfare so single mothers could work either part n full time, correct me if i wrong
Miss*Pinocchio said:
my dad would be homeless, if he hadn't lie to the Social Security Administration... that he had back problem and can't work.

So he got himself $500 a month SSI checks.

I wondered if homeless people would do this.... and especially
the poor-class people would do this

:confused: As you said that your Dad would become homeless if he didn't apply SSA but look at homeless people around here... ????? They would not end homeless if they apply SSA then? Right? If yes, why they rather to live homeless than apply SSA? Your post got me :confused:
Lantana said:
SSI was meant to help disabled persons to get on their feet while (or until) they found a job to support themselves. It was not meant to be a freebie for lazy-assed deaf folks who do not want to work.

Eventually the government will get wise and all the SSI peeps will be out in the cold unless they learn how to work.

Got that?


Sabrina also made many good points here.
Sabrina said:
I saw a lot of children crying and screaming. The mothers couldn’t handle with them due to fatherless. It is sad to see those children are on the welfare and food stamps. Why can’t the foreign women take birth control method?

:werd: I don't understand why people start family when they know they can't afford anything to achieve family life but depend on welfare issues. I would not do that when I have no money because the children doesn't deserve to suffer like this to watch how their parents "abuse" government system for spent nonsense things like drugs, etc. I feel bad for the kids... :( It's not fair for children.

That's why we wait for 7 years to start family...
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Interesting thread here to read how pros and cons… I saw some members made good points especially Sabrina and Lantana. I see nothing wrong to have you to share with agree to disagree here. I was like *sigh* after read member’s post. “don’t lecture me…….” It has nothing do with “lecture” but share his/her information with us what he/she knows. I see nothing wrong to share any information. We need to open our mind to see the sense and also share our information, too instead of complaint “Don’t lecture me or Don’t tell me how to do etc”.…

I disagree that working people collect SSI, SSA etc because they have job… Why collect both for?

I can’t see the sense why the healthy people abuse the government system to spent nonsense thing like drugs, drink, etc. I have no understand for that.

Yes, it’s understandable when incurable illness or severe handicapped people who have good reasons to unfit to go work rest of their life to collect SSI but good and healthy people? *sigh*

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